Chapter Sixty-Eight: A Brother's Keeper

N. Ino and N. Naruto went to the basement, closing and locking the door behind them.

"Did something happen," N. Ino asked as she walked down the stairs behind N. Naruto.

"A lot more than I'd like," N. Naruto replied as they headed over to where Soujiro and Ryota were being kept in custody. Both Iwa Jounins had blindfolds over their eyes with boa constrictors constricting them down onto the chairs N. Naruto placed them on. N. Naruto placed chakra suppressant seals on their bodies, making them incapable of molding chakra and performing any jutsu. Both ninjas were also unconscious.

"Ryota," N. Ino asked, "So in this dimension she still works for Iwagakure I see. But who's the other guy you have here?"

"His name is Soujiro," N. Naruto answered.

"So this is the guy you were talking about who tried to rape Ryota back then," N. Ino figured.

"Yes," N. Naruto replied, "But not in this case."

"What do you mean," N. Ino asked.

"Ryo-chan hates him and several others for deserting her when the Akatsuki attacked and captured Iwa's Jinchuuriki of Gobi," N. Naruto explained, "She took the fall for his capture and death while Soujiro and the deserters weren't punished for desertion and cowardice."

"How did you know they were here in the forest," N. Ino asked.

"Do you remember when I stepped out of the house earlier saying I had something to take care of," N. Naruto explained, "They passed by one of the seal detectors I placed around the outer sector of this forest. I teleported to their location and ambushed them when they separated after I listened in to the argument they were having based on their bad past and the mission the Tsuchikage wanted her to carry out."

"What mission was that?"

"Ryo-chan here has been spying on my kid brother for quite some time," N. Naruto explained, "For a number of months in fact. She's been hiding under everyone's noses without being detected once by any one of Konoha's ninjas. She's as skilled in stealth and hiding her presence as our Ryo-chan."

"Why is she spying on your other self," N. Ino asked.

"Iwa has some kind of interest in my little bro. and I know it's not anything good, especially after I looked through that mission scroll she was given by Soujiro from her Kage."

"What was the mission she was given," N. Ino inquired. N. Naruto walked over to small table and retrieved the mission scroll and handed it over to N. Ino. She took and opened the scroll to read into it. Her eyes widened in disbelief after examining the contents in it.

"That's right Ino-chan," N. Naruto said, "Her mission is to get herself pregnant with my kid brother's baby by any means necessary."

"Her Kage want her to do that?!," N. Ino remarked as though it was a hard pill to swallow.

"The mission scroll is authentic and bears the Tsuchikage's signature and seal," N. Naruto said, "He wants Ryo-chan to return to Iwa carrying my kid brother's baby in her womb."

The scroll in her hand soon turned brittle and began breaking apart into smaller and smaller fragments.

"The mission scroll," N. Ino said as she and N. Naruto watch the scroll dissolve until nothing but dust was left of it.

"So the Tsuchikage had a self-destruct seal planted into the scroll," N. Naruto realized, "What better way to destroy the evidence."

"But why does he want her to carry out such a dishonorable mission," N. Ino asked.

"That's what you're here to help me find out," N. Naruto replied, "I'll need your mind reading expertise to help me out in this. So what do you say?"

"You know you can always count on me love," N. Ino smiled. N. Naruto nodded to her as they went over to Ryota's body first. After performing the required hand signs, both ninjas placed their hands over Ryota's head and dived into her mind and memories.

They spent quite a while walking through Ryota's memories as the Iwa Jounin sat there motionlessly. When they were done, N. Naruto and N. Ino retreated from Ryota's mind, taking a couple of moments to process everything they saw from her memories. If anything, what they learned from her memories was a lot more than what they were counting on finding out from Ryota. They saw scenes of:

Iwagakure applauding and celebrating Namikaze Minato's untimely demise after learning about Kyuubi's attack on Konoha

The failed mission to rescue the Jinchuuriki of Gobi and Ryota taking the blame for the failure despite the team's desertion of her during the mission

Ryota's mistreatment and her silent hatred for Iwa

Ryota in the Tsuchikage's office for instructions to travel to Konoha for the being given the secret spy mission and her reluctance to carry it out

Ryota spying and watching U. Naruto during his final months in the academy

U. Naruto's battle and victory over Mizuki

His interactions and D-rank missions with Team 7

His mission to Nami No Kuni with Team 7

The Chuunin Exams and U. Naruto's time training with Jiraiya

The Suna-Oto invasion of Konoha

The battle between U. Naruto and Gaara

The funeral of Sandaime and several other ninjas who died stopping the invasion

The incidents involving the Akatsuki during the time Jiraiya and U. Naruto went in search of Tsunade and Shizune

The battle U. Naruto, Jiraiya, Tsunade and Shizune had with Orochimaru and Kabuto

Tsunade's return and inauguration as Godaime Hokage

U. Naruto and his two teammates trying to find out how Kakashi looks like under his ninja mask, only to find another mask underneath it

U. Naruto's battle with Sasuke on top of the hospital roof

U. Naruto and the other male Genins with Shikamaru leading going after Sasuke after he deserted Konoha with the Sound Four

U. Naruto's battle with Sasuke at the Valley Of The End and his defeat to Sasuke on fact that he held back against the Uchiha

The mission U. Naruto went on with Team 8 to find the scent bug

Ryota's watching U. Naruto sleeping in his room from rooftops, which she did on a number of occasions

Her encounters with Soujiro in Konoha and in sector No Return

All in all, not once did she return any of her findings to Iwa and the Tsuchikage.

"I don't know what to think," N. Ino admitted, "It looked as though from aside spying on him, Ryota was in fact…protecting him from Iwa. There's no mistake that she really cares for him."

"It's surprising how my little bro. changed her so greatly without even coming in contact with her once. I'll have to do something about her circumstance; once I think of something."

"To say the life your other self lives in this world is completely different from yours would be a huge understatement," N. Ino remarked, "Both of your lives don't even compare to each other and seeing my other self stupidly fawning over Sasuke while competing with Forehead Girl over him was disgusting. Ugh, the very thought makes me taste the vomit in my throat."

"Thankfully Ryo-chan didn't see scenes of Daisuke and myself, along with you girls," N. Naruto said, "I can say that I better understand my kid brother's life and hardships. My little bro. has been denied many things in his life and he has no idea about his heritage and familial roots. It's ironic that I had to learn about his life from the eyes of a kunoichi who's from a village that despises my family.

"His time with Sasuke was far different than my own on so many levels; though it doesn't change the outcome that he turned traitor in both our worlds."

"So your views of Sasuke don't change at all," N. Ino figured.

"No they do not," N. Naruto confirmed, "And seeing my bro. making such a senseless promise to a teary-eyed Sakura to get a traitor back for her sake only served to irritate me further. And regardless of what I or anyone else say, my kid brother will be too hardheaded to listen to anyone about dropping the idea of going after the traitorous Sasuke."

"So he's as hardheaded as you," N. Ino remarked, "Like your father was from what you told me."

N. Naruto turned and frowned at N. Ino. She gulped nervously believing that she stepped out of line and upset him.

"To be honest," N. Naruto said, "There are some traits of my father I could really do without."

N. Naruto felt Minato grumbling retorts inside him.

I love you too father, N. Naruto remarked. Minato didn't miss the sarcasm in Naruto's reply to him.

"Ready to dive into Soujiro's mind," N. Ino asked.

"Let's go," N. Naruto said before both he and N. Ino repeated the process and entered Soujiro's mind.

(Back Upstairs In The Living Room)

N. Hinata and N. Temari were comparing and contrasting stories with the group concerning the events of Sasuke's desertion. Needless to say they found that their missions had major differences and outcomes despite some of their similarities.

"So Naruto wasn't part of the mission to retrieve Sasuke-kun," Sakura said, "I'm sure if he was he'd have had no problems getting Sasuke-kun back. But as you two said, he was in Nami No Kuni because of the incident that took place there. Therefore he couldn't help in the retrieval mission."

"Either way," N. Temari replied dryly, "Sasuke betrayed us and Konoha all together."

"He was manipulated by Orochimaru and his ninjas," U. Naruto retorted trying to defend the person he looked as a brother, "I'm sure that by working together we can get Sasuke back both here and in your world! We can help Sasuke to see that he had everything he needed here in Konoha!"

"What was Sasuke to you exactly Naruto-kun," N. Hinata asked. Hearing this question from N. Hinata seemed to have caught everyone off guard. They expected it more from N. Temari if anything.

"Sasuke was like a brother to me," U. Naruto said, "We had a bond and he himself said that I was his closest friend. Sure we argued and competed against each other but I never wanted anything bad to happen to him. Sasuke was deceived and tricked by Orochimaru into believing that he'd get what he seeks from him and not in Konoha. Sakura-chan and I were hurt and sadden greatly when Sasuke left Konoha but I promised Sakura-chan that I'll get Sasuke back, no matter what."

There was a brief moment of silence in the room. The Konoha nins knew that the topic regarding Sasuke was a touchy subject to both U. Naruto and Sakura. N. Temari and N. Hinata saw clearly the sharp differences between U. Naruto and N. Naruto when the topic concerning Sasuke was presented.

"A month ago back home," N. Temari explained, "Sakura asked Naruto-kun if he would help her get Sasuke back for reasons similar to yours."

"I'm sure the other Sasuke-kun and Naruto were close friends like Naruto here and Sasuke-kun," Sakura said, "I'm positive that he promised to help get Sasuke-kun back in anyway he can."

"I hate be the one to break it to you," N. Hinata replied, "But our Naruto-kun has no interest in going after Sasuke for reasons likes yours."

"Then for what reason does he want to bring Sasuke back," Jiraiya asked.

"That's the thing," N. Hinata stated, "He doesn't want to pursue Sasuke at all."

This revelation shocked everyone, especially since they all know how adamant U. Naruto is about getting Sasuke back.

"WHAT?!," Sakura shouted in disbelief, "That can't be true!"

"It is," N. Temari stated, "His reasons for his decision were firm and unchanging."

"But Sasuke-kun's place is in Konoha with us," Sakura replied.

"So all of you aren't going to attempt to help Sasuke redeem himself so he could return to Konoha!?," U. Naruto asked with disappointment in his voice, "None of you are going to try to rescue him from his darkness!? You guys are just going to give up on him!? I thought he was your friend! Friends don't give up on friends."

N. Hinata sighed patiently though N. Temari was feeling a bit annoyed by the younger version of her lover.

"Naruto-kun once told us that those who abandon the mission are trash," N. Hinata replied, "But friends who betray their friends and everyone who trusted and believed in them are worse than trash. Naruto-kun made it very clear to all of us that Sasuke betrayed us willingly for corrupt motives and his selfish ambitions."

"How do you rescue someone who doesn't want to be rescued and brought back against his will," N. Temari replied, "No one deceived him into turning against us and Orochimaru was already dead during Sasuke's desertion. Sasuke's actions were solely out of his own free will."

"That can't be true," U. Naruto argued, "Sasuke would never betray Konoha like that! My other self and Sasuke must have been friends at one point!"

"Sasuke and Naruto-kun were never close to begin with," N. Hinata said, "Unlike how you guys here in this world were from what we're hearing. In fact, Sasuke envied and hated Naruto-kun."

"You mean me and Sasuke were never friends where you're from," U. Naruto asked in disbelief.

"No," N. Hinata answered, "And separating that factor apart from the others, in our opinion, that makes your Sasuke's betrayal worse, especially since you yourself said he was your closest friend and brother figure. And honestly, there can be no greater betrayal than by those who are your closet friends or family members."

U. Naruto and Sakura couldn't help but cringe at those harsh words. The rest of the group just sat there without interrupting. Konohamaru remembered hearing Daisuke making statements to him along those same lines and clearly N Hinata and N. Temari had the same line of thinking as N. Naruto, and undoubtedly so did N. Ino.

"Please understand that circumstances in our world are very much different from yours," N. Hinata reasoned, "Like we explained earlier, the situation involving Sasuke's betrayal back home involved not only Konoha and Oto, but also Nami No Kuni, Suna and Iwa. Naruto-kun was set up to be ambushed and killed by Iwa Jounins in Nami No Kuni who were unknowingly deceived and used by Oto to have Naruto-kun out of the way so they could retrieve Sasuke without too much trouble."

"These were capital offenses that we and Naruto-kun could not and would not take lightly especially since that incident nearly triggered the Fourth Great Shinobi War with Iwa," N. Temari spoke up, "And Suna would have jumped in to help Konoha destroy Iwa."

"Capital offenses," Sakura asked, not wanting to believe what she and the others were hearing, "It was that extreme?"

"That international incident forced Iwa to make reparations for their ninjas' actions against Konoha and Nami No Kuni," N. Temari continued, "Despite the fact that they were unknowingly used by Otogakure. All in all, you can't expect us and our Naruto-kun to be like you who seeks to get Sasuke back."

"So all of you believe that there are no grounds for forgiveness and starting over," U. Naruto asked. There was a short silence that was soon broken.

"I was hoping to avoid this," N. Hinata said, "But I'm afraid I'll have to explain our Naruto-kun's feelings in darker details."

All but N. Temari looked at N. Hinata questionably.

"What's that suppose to mean," U. Naruto asked.

"When Orochimaru resurrected those four ninjas," N. Hinata explained, "They weren't just any ninjas; they were Shodaime-sama, Nidaime-sama, Dan-san and Nawaki-san, members of Naruto-kun, Shizune-san and Tsunade-sama's family."

Tsunade dropped her cup of sake and Shizune had an expression of shock and disbelief. The younger ninjas hearing this were shocked by this. Jiraiya and the other Jounins knew of the details concerning Sandaime's death after reading the reports from the ANBU who witnessed his final battle with the Snake Sannin, but Dan and Nawaki were not part of the story.

"What?!," Shizune exclaimed, "He summoned my late uncle and Tsunade-sama's late family members for his deplorable purpose!?"

"That's right and Naruto-kun had to choose between his family and Konoha's safety…," N. Hinata paused momentarily and continued, "…I can't even begin to understand the pain Naruto-kun felt as he was forced to fight and seal them away to protect Konoha at the expense of his own life. He cried bitterly while doing so while begging for their forgiveness.

"Since that fight with that traitorous Sannin, part of Naruto-kun's character hardened and he developed a zero tolerance demeanor for traitors of Konoha as his hatred for people who used others as instruments for their own use before disposing of them heightened."

"I heard from Ino that Naruto-kun gave Sakura a severe verbal lashing at the Hokage Tower for asking him to help her get Sasuke back," N. Temari added, "Sasuke's betraying Konoha to an enemy village that damaged his family's image and hurt him, Tsunade-sama and Shizune-san so greatly was an offense Naruto-kun considers unforgivable."

Tsunade, Jiraiya and the rest of the ninjas present sat there quietly taking in everything they heard. It was unbelievable to them how events surrounding Sasuke's desertion and failed retrieval mission had so great of differences in both worlds. What was more surprising was N. Hinata's character. Though she was still kind however, there was no stuttering, shyness or doubt was present in her demeanor; only confidence and self assurance.

U. Naruto was at a loss for words. Hinata gave him consoling words concerning Sasuke's desertions and stuck by to help him get himself together after what Daisuke said to him. N. Hinata however didn't carry that same form of sympathy and she solidly stuck by N. Naruto's decision. When U. Naruto thought about it, both versions of Hinata helped him deal with the issues regarding Sasuke though the circumstances were different.

"We're not saying whether or not you guys should go after your Sasuke because it not our place to do so. It's clear that you're still going to try to bring Sasuke back and we'll respect that," N. Hinata said, "We're not here to try to get you change your mind and accept our way of thinking. We just want to understand each other's lives and backgrounds."

"It's still hard to believe that all of that happened in your world," U. Naruto added, "It's sad that things played out the way they did."

"It's not the end of either worlds," N. Temari remarked, "So don't get bent out of shape because of it."

"Who said I or anyone of us here was getting bent out of shape because of our differences in past events," U. Naruto replied, "We'll just have to grow stronger and learn from them and make sure those events never happen again! Dattebayo!"

"Indeed we will grow stronger," N. Hinata agreed before turning to look at her other self, "Don't you agree?"

Hinata nodded.

"Wait a minute," Kurenai said catching onto something, "You said that Naruto fought and sealed away Shodame-sama and Nidame-sama? He fought and killed two Hokages alongside the traitorous Sannin in the same fight?"

"So he's a Sannin and Kage killer!?," Kiba remarked as though what he was hearing was unreal.

"Like I said before," N. Temari replied, "Naruto-kun never lost a fight."

"…It does sound like a farfetched exaggeration," N. Hinata admitted, "But considering that I along with others eye witnessed that fight, it's safe to say that it's no exaggeration. However Naruto-kun takes no pride in having to "kill" his ancestral Hokages."

"You make him sound godlike," Ino remarked.

"I'm strong not invincible," a voice from behind said, "And I'm not godlike either."

Everyone turned to see N. Naruto approaching them with N. Ino following next to him.

"I wasn't born powerful," N. Naruto said, "I worked hard for years to achieve the level I'm at now. But I still have much more to learn and I in no way believe that I can just take on anyone without having problems with them. Such thinking would be my undoing. My great grandfather and great granduncle did an excellent job in kicking my ass before I was able to get a good enough idea in how they fight. Plus I knew healing and medic jutsus from kaa-chan and Shizune-neechan which was another advantage that saved my ass in the end."

"Such humility," Asuma remarked, "You don't let your accomplishments go to your head, do you?"

"Pride is before a crash Asuma-san," N. Naruto replied, "I'm sure you're well aware of that."

Asuma gave the young ninja no verbal reply as he simply agreement with him with a nod with his head. Looking over at Kakashi, Tsunade and Jiraiya, N. Naruto said seriously, "I need to speak with you three in private, right now."

"Can't it wait till later," Jiraiya retorted.

"I'm afraid it cannot," N. Naruto replied, "The matter is grave and it must be dealt with as soon as possible."

Deciding to take N. Naruto serious both, the two Sannins and copycat ninja rose off their seats and followed N. Naruto to the basement. N. Ino stayed behind and returned to the living room.

"What does he have to talk about with them that he can't discuss out hear with us," Ino inquired.

"You don't need to know," N. Ino replied, "Just leave it at that."

(In The Basement)

"What's this all about gaki," Jiraiya asked before N. Naruto showed them both Ryota and Soujiro.

"Iwa ninjas," Tsunade acknowledged with a more serious demeanor.

"And not just any Iwa ninjas," Kakashi acknowledged, "Ryota the Shining Stone and Soujiro the Diamond Fang of Iwagakure themselves."

Kakashi was familiar with the backgrounds of those two ninjas. Though he never actually crossed paths with either of them before however, the cyclops shinobi kept tabs on them like he had before with many other high A-class ninjas and he knew from their records that both Soujiro and Ryota weren't small fries to be taken out that easily. But seeing both Soujiro and Ryota in the position they were in and knocked out left Kakashi wondering just how strong is N. Naruto.

"What are they doing in Konoha," Jiraiya wondered aloud in suspicion.

"How much does my little brother know about his father, mother and the Namikaze clan," N. Naruto asked seriously. Jiraiya, Tsunade and Kakashi had nervous expressions on their faces, "Yes I know that Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina are my biological parents. And just like with your counterparts, I didn't find out the truth about my parents and birth clan from them but by means of another source; what source that was is not important. What's important is how soon are you three are planning on telling my little brother the truth about his heritage."

"Naruto," Jiraiya said in a calm yet serious tone, "I'm sure that likewise in your case, it was for your protection."

"And just like in my case," N. Naruto retorted, "The Tsuchikage and the rest of my father's enemies from Iwa still found out much later on who I was and came after me. And now they're after my little brother. They have a strong suspicion about who his parents are and what clan he's the last heir to."

The three ninjas saw that the matter was graver than they counted on.

"On top of that," N. Naruto said, "My little brother has no means to defend himself against these two. If he were to fight either of them, even separately, he'd lose effortlessly. And I'm not saying this in underestimation of my brother's abilities. I'm sure you three are familiar with the background histories of these two ninjas."

Kakashi and the two Sannin nodded. N. Naruto continued, "From what I saw in their memories, my little brother is no match for them in his current level. Plus, from what I saw from the girl's mind, it's sad that I learned more about my little brother's life and experiences from the eyes of a former enemy."

"What do you mean by former enemy," Jiraiya asked, catching on to what N. Naruto said.

"Ryota," N. Naruto said pointing to the still unconscious kunoichi, "Is a most formidable fighter and I've encountered her in the past before."

"So she was the one whom you and girls were referring to who attacked you those times in Nami No Kuni and in the Forest of Death," Jiraiya figured. N. Naruto nodded and continued, "She's been here in Konoha spying on my kid brother since his last months at the academy. She was here under all of your noses without ever being noticed since the time your Sandaime was still alive. Believe me, she knows and understands a lot about my kid brother, which is why she never reported her findings about him to the Tsuchikage, not once did she."

"Say what," Kakashi asked doubtfully. N. Naruto went on to explain in details what he and N. Ino saw in Ryota's memories. The three ninjas listened as N. Naruto laid everything down for them.

"That's quite a story," Tsunade said as she turned to the unconscious girl, "Who'd have thought a kunoichi from an enemy nation would develop affections for Naruto?"

"They share experiences," Jiraiya realized, "She could understand his feelings of being the village outcast, his sadness, pain and loneliness. And from everything we heard, it goes without say that she's completely attached to the kid…(under his breath) lucky brat."

"There's more to this story that I didn't tell you three yet," N. Naruto interjected as he now explained what he and N. Ino found in Soujiro's memories. The three older ninjas were left momentarily dumbfounded.

"Are you serious," Tsunade replied after she and the the others heard the explanation.

"So the Tsuchikage sent Ryota on a long duration spy mission and then ordered her to let the gaki tap that ass," Jiraiya remarked perversely.

Kakashi giggled and blushed after thinking about it. Even N. Naruto had to bite down on his tongue and fight back a blush on his cheeks after seeing the implication of Jiraiya's words. He wanted to maintain his collected demeanor.

"Will you be serious already you damn pervert," Tsunade retorted with an irritated expression.

"It is what it is," Jiraiya replied, "I'm saying it in how I heard it. But why does the Tsuchikage wants a child from Naruto instead of having the gaki killed?"

"The reason is simple," N. Naruto answered, "He seeks to revive the Namikaze clan in Iwa."

The three older ninjas looked at N. Naruto questionably.

"Say what," Kakashi remarked, "But Iwa despises my master, even in his grave. Why would they want the very clan they hate revived in Iwa insteading of wiping them out completely?"

"To hurt Konoha," N. Naruto explained, "Through my little brother's offspring, Iwa can begin recreating the Namikaze bloodline, except all members of that Namikaze clan would be loyal to Iwa. After some years, the revived clan in their small number would be sent to Konoha under the guise of being nomadic lost members of my father's dying clan. With irrefutable proof that they in fact have blood relations with my father, they would have the opportunity to gain complete access to everything that belonged to my father and birth mother, including their wealth, land and jutsus.

"If they were to get their hands on everything that belonged to my birth parents, including the Hiraishin and returned to Iwa with them, then what trouble could that spell for you all and the rest of Konoha, and other villages that would step up to oppose them?"

They didn't need to think hard of the dangers that would erupt.

"New generation Namikaze clan members through my brother's bloodline enforcing the rule of Iwa would shame Minato's legacy," N. Naruto said before his tone turned cold, "Not that this village hasn't already shamed his legacy after all the shit my little brother was forced to live through all his life and the people who were supposed to have been there for him weren't."

Kakashi and Jiraiya saw where this was going.

"Now wait a minute," Kakashi interjected, "You know there's an explanation for that secrecy. As you already know, Minato-sensei had many enemies not only in Iwa but elsewhere as well. Naruto's life would have been in more danger if the truth was revealed to him too early."

"Not letting him know that he had a father and mother who didn't just birth and abandoned him to fend for himself while forcing him to live through years of cruel mistreatment and abuse for the burden he carries is inexcusable," N. Naruto retorted, "I was exposed to a great amount of hypocrisy in this village and it sickened me; they praise my father who died a hero but curse and mistreat his son who's a hero everyday for the burden he was forced carry against his will. And the fact that my brother didn't become a self-fulfilling prophecy in becoming the Kyuubi itself as everyone feared and raze this village to the ground is nothing short of a miracle."

There was a brief moment of silence amongst the four of them. After a given amount of time, one of them decided to speak.

"We can stand here and argue all we like about the matter," Jiraiya said, "But it won't change the past or the shameful mistakes that we and villagers made. But we can do something about the future which is not yet set."

"…Right…," N. Naruto sighed as he calmed down, "We can't undo the past. But the future we can still shape for the better."

"So what will we do with Ryota and Soujiro now that they're in our custody," Kakashi asked.

"My brother doesn't need an international incident with Iwa like I have to go through," N. Naruto said, "He already has enough to worry about with the Akatsuki and others coming after him. There is something however that my brother does need from Iwa."

"What would that be," Tsunade asked.

"Closure," N. Naruto replied, "Soujiro made it very clear that only the Tsuchikage, Ryota and himself knew of the mission regarding my brother. Therefore, Soujiro will be released on the condition that he delivers a message of closure to the Tsuchikage in person."

"What?!," Tsunade retorted, "After what we found out, we can't possibly let him go!"

"Yes we can and we will," N. Naruto replied, "In order for my plan to work Soujiro must be allowed to leave Konoha and return to Iwa!"

"He and Ryota are in this village unauthorized," Tsunade shot back, "You have no authority to-"

"You have no power over me," N. Naruto cut in sharply, "Only the one who summoned me to this world can command me and I'm not revealing my summoner's identity or whereabouts! I'm doing this for my kid brother and his unborn descendant's protection! And I'm doing it my way!"

Jiraiya and Kakashi stepped back away from the pair as they felt bloodlust leaking out from Tsunade but N. Naruto looked unaffected by it.

"Naruto," Tsunade said sternly, "I'm sure you're already aware that we have rules and procedures in dealing with issues like this! We don't want a repeat of what happened when that diplomat from Kumo tried to kidnap Hinata."

"There won't be a repeat of that incident," N. Naruto said, "And when I'm thru, there won't be an issue between my brother and Iwa."

"Your taking matters into your own hands will serve to only make matters worse for Naruto," Tsunade replied.

"Don't underestimate me," N. Naruto shot back, "I gave this a lot of forethought and I know what I'm doing! As my brother's keeper I'll do what I must to protect my little brother. I don't need your consent for my actions. And if any of you want to stop me, then you'll just have to fight me."

Tsunade, Jiraiya and Kakashi looked at the young ninja and saw that he wasn't joking and that he meant every word he said.

This gaki is just like our Naruto, Tsunade thought, And like him, he's not afraid to challenge me.

As Kakashi remained silent, he started contemplating on several facts, If this Naruto is as powerful as Jiraiya-sama and those girls explained it to us, we'll be dead before we can execute any form of counterattack against him.

For one thing, this house is his territory and I'm sure it's booby trapped with seals all over.

He knows the layout of this sector of the Forest of Death and he booby trapped them with seals as well. That was why he able to intercept those two Iwa Jounins so fast and efficiently without any trouble.

And even if we did attack him all at once, it might not even be the real Naruto standing in front of us. For all we know, this Naruto in front of us could be a Kage Bushin and if we attacked and dispelled it, the real Naruto would immediately find out and retaliate.

Plus, there's more to this Naruto's abilities that neither he nor the girls revealed to us except on the facts that he's a seal master who also performed medic jutsus on levels that even Tsunade-sama could never achieve.

He knows about his birth parents, his clan and the Hiraishin, and I bet my life on it that he knows how to perform that jutsu or have some knowledge of how it works; which would explain how he single-handedly slaughtered Orochimaru's army and those Suna ninjas at the stadium during the invasion back in his world.

Fighting him is definitely not an option. Naruto clearly has the advantage over us.

"We don't want to fight you at all Naruto," Kakashi said calmly, "That would just cause too much trouble for all of us and besides, it would make us look bad as guests in your house if we attacked the host and homeowner, yes?"

"Glad to see that you didn't lose your sense of humor," Jiraiya remarked, "But you're right. We don't want to fight."

"I'm happy to hear that," N. Naruto replied, "Because I didn't want to fight any of you either."

"But we don't want you causing trouble for Naruto and Konoha either," Tsunade stated.

"I didn't train nor was I trained all my life to do things sloppily without thinking things through first," N. Naruto assured, "Trust me, there will be no trouble for either my brother or Konoha. I'll see to that personally."

"If Soujiro is part of your plan," Jiraiya asked, "Then what of Ryota?"

"That's being taken care of as we speak," N. Naruto said.

"How so," Tsunade wondered.

(In Iwagakure; A Hour Earlier)

The Tsuchikage was at his desk doing paperwork and reviewing documents when a small diamond kunai on his desk started flashing in and out multiple times in a particular pattern. Understanding the encrypted message, the Tsuchikage opened the drawer of his desk and retrieved a sealed envelope. Unsealing it, he took out the few documents that were inside it. He signed and stamped the documents, having the contents written in them effective immediately as he stood up from his desk to have the documents processed.

(Present Time)

"The Tsuchikage and Soujiro had a fallback plan to serve as a cover up in the event Ryota was captured or killed during the mission," N. Naruto explained, "Since the Tsuchikage purposely saw to it that Ryota's mission was never written or documented in Iwagakure's archives, it would be easy for him to dismiss Ryota as a kunoichi and citizen of Iwa and disavow all connections with her on the plea that she acted on her own without certified ties with Iwa and that her memories of being given the spy mission from him were fake and implanted by unknown enemy ninjas.

"The latest mission scroll that was given to Ryota by Soujiro self-destructed earlier today, destroying the physical evidence that she was sent by her Kage to impregnate herself with my brother's child. And as we speak, the Tsuchikage is putting into effect the planned documents dismissing Ryota as a kunoichi from Iwa and canceling her citizenship with that village."

"So she can't go and freely return back to Iwa with Soujiro," Kakashi said.

"Precisely," Naruto replied, "Even if she could, after she learns the truth about what I'm tell you guys in how Iwa sold her out, I doubt she would want to. And for the record, Ryota hates Iwagakure. Like Naruto, she's an orphan and she has nothing and no one there to go back to. And like Anko-chan, she was betrayed by her sensei Deidara who's also a member of the Akatsuki."

"That's useful information we can use," Jiraiya said since he's been tracking the activities of the Akatsuki for some time now.

"Ryota is better off starting a new life here in Konoha," N. Naruto suggested, "That is if you're willing to grant her amnesty and one month probation."

"If she's willing to agree to the conditions we set for her that is," Tsunade pointed out.

"If it means she can be close to my kid brother freely in public," N. Naruto said, "I'm sure she will."

Jiraiya took a good look at the young dark brown-haired fifteen-year-old beauty.

"Lucky gaki," Jiraiya muttered, "He gets a hot woman without even trying just by doing the things he does."

"Shut up Jiraiya," Tsunade retorted before turning her attention back to N. Naruto, "But why must we release Soujiro?"

Soujiro's body puffed into white smoke and disappeared from out of the house. The snakes that were used to bind Soujiro down to the chair slithered into N. Naruto's shirt sleeves.

"Because he has to meet with a particular man for the closure," N. Naruto said.

(Miles Away Outside Hi No Kuni)

N. Naruto's Kage Bushin, using a summoning scroll, teleported the unconscious Soujiro and set him up resting under a nearby tree. The clone made sure nothing of Soujiro was out of place. When that was done, the Kage Bushin placed his hands over Soujiro's chest and emitted a pool of chakra into his chest.

"Perfect," the clone said before he left and hid from sight. Ten minutes later, Soujiro stirred and gradually woke up. Looking around, he shook his head trying to remember what happened.

"Uuggghhhh," Soujiro said groggily, "Must have dosed off…That's right Ryota was captured and the signal to the Tsuchikage was sent."

Standing back up Soujiro got himself together and made haste hurriedly to his next destination. All the while, N. Naruto's Kage Bushin followed behind from a safe distance.

(Back In Konoha)

After the matter concerning Ryota and Soujiro was discussed, Tsunade had a question in mind to asked N. Naruto…

"Tell me Naruto," Tsunade asked, "Is your dream to become Hokage, like our gaki who always talks about fulfilling that dream someday?"

After a short silence, Naruto answered, "If you must know, back home, I am Rokudaime, personally chosen by jiisan and kaa-chan themselves. Kaa-chan however haven't stepped down and handed her position of Hokage to me as of yet, which in a number of ways is good for me."

"How so," Tsunade asked curiously, wanting to see more about how this Naruto thinks.

"I still have much training and learning to do, especially when it comes to dealing with clan leaders, members of both the civilian and shinobi council, the daimyo, and foreign powers," N. Naruto explained, "Like Shizune-neechan, I occasionally help kaa-chan in her office but those monstrous piles of paperwork seem to be an unrelenting enemy that no Hokage seemed to have beaten thus far."

"One of the reasons why I never became Hokage," Jiraiya remarked, only to be rewarded with a snort from Tsunade.

"As far as I know about my kid brother," N. Naruto said, "He's making progress and I'm certain he can make that dream a reality like how I'm trying to. But he still has a very long way to go to reach that level."

"Well we've been here too long as it is," Jiraiya spoke up, "Perhaps we should return back upstairs where the others are waiting for us."

They nodded before leaving the cellar and returning back upstairs to the living room where the rest of the group was waiting. N. Naruto noticed that U. Naruto was missing.

"Where's my kid brother," N. Naruto asked.

"Upstairs using the bathroom," N. Hinata answered, "He should be back shortly."

N. Naruto nodded and sat back down on his chair with his three girls sitting beside him like before.

"So is everything alright," N. Temari asked.

"Super," N. Naruto said, "We just had to talk business about certain matters. But everything is all cleared up now."

"That's good to hear," N. Hinata smiled, "We're happy it didn't lead to too much trouble."

"Hey Hinata," a masculine voice called out. Both girls and the rest of the group turned to see U. Naruto standing by the living room entrance while carrying something in his hands. Everyone's eyes widened as jaws dropped open in sheer unbelieving shock at what U. Naruto was holding in front of them.

No…he…did…not!, N. Naruto thought with a look of horror.

"Is this nii-chan's loincloth you, Ino and Temari were talking about," U. Naruto asked, "I saw it lying on a recliner upstairs in nii-chan's bedroom next to that bottle of perfumed body oil. I'm surprised he still keeps and wears this around the place."

Everyone in U. Naruto's group blinked when the terms "loincloths" and "bottle of perfumed body oil" were placed in the same sentence. Shikamaru closed his eyes and shook his head at U. Naruto's stupidity. Lee, Neji and Shino had raised eyebrows while Chouji and Kiba were snickering before bursting into a fit of laughter. The Genin girls were giggling and blushing hotly from what they saw and heard but not as intense as Hinata who looked ready to faint. Konohamaru was snickering while remembering seeing N. Naruto wearing those loincloths before while the three girls were less dressed in kimonos. Udon and Moegi looked back and forth between N. Naruto and the girls questionably.

Anko doubled over and was holding her sides futilely trying to control her laughter while Kurenai's suspicions of N. Naruto and his girls seems to have been confirmed. Gai, Asuma and Kakashi were dumbfounded at the sight of the loincloths while Shizune was blushing at the idea of what N. Naruto and his three girls could have been doing together alone. Tsunade turned to look at the three girls and saw the look on their faces. The mixed expressions of shock and embarrassment on their faces said it all.

"I knew it!," Jiraiya burst out laughing perversely, fully convinced of what N. Naruto and the three girls must have been doing together while alone in the house and why the three of them are always affectionate toward him besides speaking highly of him, "I had my suspicions, but you said and did gaki now makes all of my suspicions solid fact!"

"What are you talking about," U. Naruto asked cluelessly, "Why is everyone laughing?"

"Naruto," Shikamaru said sympathetically, "You really shouldn't have pulled that troublesome stunt just now."

"Huh? But all I did was…," U. Naruto stopped short while he and the others felt the temperature in the living room drop several notches as a massive spike of concentrated bloodlust was then felt. U. Naruto turned pale when he slowly and fearfully turned to see where the massive bloodlust was coming from.

"Little brother," N. Naruto said in a deceptively calm and collective tone as he gestured for U. Naruto to come closer to him, "Your big brother like to have a few choice words with you about going through his private belongings and showing them off to people without his permission."

Gulping for the sake of his well being, U. Naruto screamed and ran from the living room and out of the house with his sandals speedily placed on his feet. He barely evaded the viper that came flying at him with a Rasengan in its mouth as it plunged and exploded the ball of condensed chakra into the ground, blowing off a large chunk of the ground in the process.

"Come here bro.!," N. Naruto yelled as he came running out of the house to pursue his younger self with mutliple vipers coming out of his arms and Rasengans being generated in the mouths of the vipers, "I have something for you!"

"I don't want what you're offering!," U. Naruto cried fearfully as he continued running from his enraged counterpart who was projecting vipers carrying Rasengans at him, destroying trees and boulders from long ranges.

"Kage Bushin No Jutsu!," U. Naruto yelled as he created thirty solid clones and dispersed them in different directions all over, hoping to throw his counterpart off track.

"You're using Kage Bushins of this number against me!? I don't know whether be insulted or flattered!," N. Naruto remarked as he turned and rushed into the direction U. Naruto went, totally ignoring the clones as they started chasing after him in the effort to slow him down for U. Naruto's sake. Sad to say, that did little to nothing as N. Naruto plowed right through them like a hot knife through butter.

"Hey wait for me! I gotta see this!," Anko yelled excitedly, laughing her ass off in tears as she chased after them hoping to see a good show of big brother pounding the hell out of the idiot little brother. Plus, she wanted to see the results of the fused Sen'eijashu and Rasangan attacks. Jiraiya, Tsunade, Shizune and the other Jounins chased after the Hokage-level Elite Jounin in hopes that they could stop him from poisoning and severely crippling his counterpart for his stupidity. What amazed them and the younger ninjas though in spite of this was N. Naruto's fusion of Orochimaru and Minato's jutsus, creating a whole new hybrid jutsu.

I think that older gaki being raised by Tsunade-hime led him to pick up her violent temper, Jiraiya thought as he and the others chased after the twin blondes.

"Don't go back on your word about being a brother's keeper," Kakashi said to N. Naruto, whose words seemed to have fallen on deaf ears at the moment.

Ironic really, Tsunade thought as she chased after the two male blondes, He went through all that trouble to protect his little brother only to want to 'kill' him in the end the very same day.

(Back At The House)

N. Naruto's girls sweat-dropped with one common thought in mind: Does Naruto-kun really gets himself into this much trouble in this world?

Kiba looked at the three girls with a look of complete disbelief, "Y-Y-You mean to tell us that…you girls…actually-"

"Yes Kiba," N. Hinata admitted, "That's exactly what we did. We slept with Naruto-kun, though he was evidently trying to prevent that truth coming getting out into the opening, especially in the way it happened just a moment ago."

Hinata was turning shades to red each darker than the previous upon hearing her other self admitting to having sex with N. Naruto. What bongled her and everyone else was the fact that N. Naruto not only slept with N. Hinata but N. Ino and N. Temari also and the three girls didn't seem to mind. It was out of sheer willpower that prevented the shy Hyuuga heiress from passing out from nasal blood loss.

"Are you serious," Chouji asked, not sure whether or not to believe what he was hearing. Tenten asked, "Did he seduced you girls or-"

"It was our choice," N. Temari interjected, "We did it out of our own free will. In fact Naruto-kun was reluctant about it at first when we approached and offered ourselves to him simultaneously."

That bombshell shocked everyone completely. Neji had a hard time believing what his ears were taking in. He knew Hinata always liked U. Naruto but he couldn't picture Hinata with her shy nature doing something of that nature. Konohamaru was blushing and giggling like the pervert he was. Moegi and Udon were finding the idea of Naruto sleeping with three girls hard to swallow.

Lucky bastard, Kiba thought.

"What?!," Sakura shrieked, "You three seduced Naruto into sleeping with all of you and you girls are OK with that?!"

"If it was Sasuke would you have mind it if you were in that position with two other girls," N. Ino replied calmly. Sakura stuttered in her words before getting her thoughts together, "We're not discussing me! What we want to know is why did you three seduce and sleep with him!"

"We wanted to strengthen our bonds with him on a more intimate level," N. Hinata answered.

"What do you mean," Shikamaru asked cautiously.

"…," N. Hinata sighed and explained, "Naruto-kun developed issues with insecurities with the ties he made with many back home, ourselves included. This started after seeing the kind of life his other self was forced to live in this world for most of his life as an orphan no one wanted and shunned. Naruto-kun started questioning everything he believed in and fought for. He even questioned the integrity that we and everyone else back home had in him and it frightened us. We didn't want what was happening to him to get out of hand and turn him into something that would have inverted and blurred everything Naruto-kun spent his life believing in and fighting for. So Ino-chan, Temari-chan and myself came together and discussed how we could help put some of Naruto's fears to rest in the best way we could."

"By having a sex orgy with him," Sakura stated skeptically, "A four-way split with Naruto was your grand solution."

"Very colorful words Sakura," Neji remarked in sarcasm, cringing at the visuals of her words entailed seeing that it also involved N. Hinata. Kiba and Konohamaru were snickering at the thought while a tricle of blood drop from their noses. Hinata, with her face beet red, quickly pulled out her napkin and placed it over her nose as red fluid started seeping out.

I wouldn't have ever thought that Hinata of all people was a closet pervert, Tenten thought, though she being a bit of a hypocrite since part of her wanted to know the whole story. N. Hinata, N. Temari and N. Ino frowned at the pink-haired kunoichi and the wind mistress herself was tempted to grab and hurl her fan straight into Sakura's forehand.

"For a girl with a large head," N. Temari remarked, "You're truly empty-headed."

"Say what," Sakura retorted.

"It wasn't meaningless loose sex meant to be a one-night stand Sakura," N. Hinata replied, "We bonded our hearts and souls with his and gave him the best and most important parts of ourselves freely. We gave him our "gifts," something sacred to us, as a vow to always stay with him, no matter what. It was our way of swearing to him a promise of a lifetime to always be with him to the end. We did it out of our sincere affections for him."

Everyone heard it but was left speechless. Shikamaru saw where the girls were coming from and considering what he himself found out about U. Naruto, he acknowledged why the girls acted upon the course of action they chose to take.

"Look I see where you girls are coming from," Sakura remarked, "But honestly, couldn't you three have chosen more subtle way of making such a bond that didn't resort to giving Naruto your virginity?"

"Shut up Sakura," Shikamaru retorted with a voice that had no sense of laziness or boredom in it, "You of all people shouldn't be judging or questioning them about why they did what they did."

Sakura was about to give her retort to him, but Shikamaru didn't give her that chance as he continued, "From what I've seen in your way of treating Naruto before and after Sasuke's desertion, it's personally not something I would go bragging about. You may not agree with how they went about deeply bonding with Naruto, but at least have the decency of respecting it. I'm certain that if it were Sasuke in Naruto's place, you'd have been more than willing to do anything for him, whatever it was he'd have asked of you, wouldn't you?"

The Konoha nins in the room were left utterly dumbfounded at Shikamaru's outburst toward Sakura and how he silenced and put the girl in her place. The pink-haired girl lowered her head and gaze from view without saying another word. She couldn't think of anything valid to say to refute Shikamaru's words or not make her sound or look like a hypocrite. N. Naruto's girls were happy to see that there was someone standing up for them and both Narutos. Hinata wanted to say something alongside with what Shikamaru said. Swallowing her nervousness, Hinata said, "…Clearly the three of you care for Naruto-kun…a great deal and were willing to sacrifice and offer something most sacred to you to Naruto-kun…in order to strengthen your ties with him. Your Naruto-kun…is precious to the three of you…(very lowly) as my naruto-kun is to me."

"That's right sis.," N. Hinata smiled, "Naruto-kun is precious to us, to all his family and friends back home. That's what we wanted Naruto-kun to understand, that he'll always have us and people who care about him no matter what problems or dangers he must face, and that he isn't alone in life."

"Such youthfulness!," Lee shouted enthusiastically with tears pouring down his face as he shot up standing from the sofa with his right fist clenched tightly, "Truly your burning fires are as bright and refreshing as the morning sun! Naruto-kun is most fortunate to have such youthful passionate females in his life to be there for him when his flames grow dim!"

The group sweat-dropped at Lee's outburst but they found logic in his words. In the attempt to break the awkward silence, Shino turned to the three girls and said, "Thank you for helping us to understand matters involving you three and Naruto more logically. It helped clear and dismiss the misconceptions we had about you four. We can now better understand your manner of interactions with him."

"Ugh…," N. Temari said, "…You're welcome."

"Well," Udon said, "This has proven to be quite an interesting day."

"Yes is has," Moegi agreed, "Certainly it was more interesting and enlightening than Iruka-sensei's lectures at the academy."

"You're not kidding," Konohamaru added in, "I wish our time in the academy was more like this."

"Well with all this in mind," Ino said as she turned to the three girls with a large smile on her face, "How about having that girl talk you promised us? Hmm. I certainly would love to hear more about your hot relationship with your lover."

Now the three girls were blushing.

"But what about the two Naruto-kuns," Hinata asked worriedly, hoping that nothing serious would happen to her love interest.

"I completely forgot that they were still out there," Kiba admitted. That was when a loud yell filled with fear was heard from a distance, which was followed by a loud explosion seconds later.

"Our Naruto-kun won't actually kill him," N. Temari assured, "He'll just hurt and knock some common sense into his brother's skull. So relax."

Hinata reluctantly complied though part of her wanted to go and protect U. Naruto ironically from 'himself'; talk about being your own worse enemy. Tenten, like Ino, really wanted to hear what the girls were going to talk about. Though she's a tomboyish kunoichi, there were still things she as a girl Tenten enjoyed talking about amongst girls.

Acknowledging what kind of questions and subjects that were about to come out of the girls' mouths, Shino dismissed himself from the group and exited the house. Neji followed close by also, not wanting to hear or visualize anything more he'd regret later, especially since his cousins were in the equation of the issue. Shikamaru, using his rank as a Chuunin, ordered Kiba, Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi out of the house as he, Chouji and Lee headed toward the exit of the house.

"Aww," Konohamaru whined, "But I want to hear and listen to their story!"

Udon and Moegi sweat-dropped at Konohamaru's behavior. Kiba wanted to hear the story out also, only he didn't voice it out.

"Don't be troublesome," Shikamaru replied, "We have to make sure that big Naruto doesn't hurt little Naruto, much. Besides, the girls really don't want us around right now."

In truth, the group suspected strongly that there was something going on between N. Naruto and the three girls, but U. Naruto's senseless stunt served to confirmed their suspicions as fact. After the others were out of the house, Ino and the rest of the girls to the three who were the center of attention.

"Now don't you three spare us the juicy details," Ino said starting the conversation she's been dying to hear, "So tell us, how big is he and who got to ride him first?"

Hinata blushed a hot burning shade of red she never blushed before, while fighting the urge to faint. As for Sakura, she was shocked that she was sitting in to listen to the conversation when she knowingly could have left the house with the others on the excuse that she was going to help retrieve and rescue U. Naruto from his still angry other self. But another part of her, which won out the mental struggle to stay, really wanted to know and hear the erotic tale between N. Naruto and his three girls. And as a girl, Sakura knew that when girls talk, they talk.

While this was going on, no one ever noticed the small digital recorder that was placed on the floor underneath one of the sofas nearby some time ago.

(Later That Night)

U. Naruto, with bandages wrapped around several parts of his body, was back in his apartment. Fortunate for him, his injuries were temporary and it was said that he would make a full recovery the next day thanks to N. Naruto being willing to heal him after pounding the hell out of him. Kakashi had to explain to him why N. Naruto wasn't all that happy with him after he showed everyone his counterpart's loincloth. The Jounin compared it to someone showing man's wife's undergarments to his friends in front of man himself. Though U. Naruto saw the unintentional implications of his actions and apologized after the beating he got from his older self however, he couldn't believe that his other self slept with N. Hinata, N. Ino and N. Temari. But when he thought it and recalled how the girls have been acting around him at the house during their visit, it all made sense.

What was more shocking to U. Naruto was that the three girls didn't mind sharing N. Naruto amongst each other though to others understood why since they were there to hear the girl's story. Tsunade, Jiraiya and Kakashi knew of the Clan Restoration Act (CRA) enacted by Senju Tobirama, the late Nidaime Hokage. The only thing was that very few knew that U. Naruto was the last of the Namikaze clan and whether or not U. Naruto would be willing to practice the CRA in the future was yet to be known.

Ryota was secretly placed in a holding cell at ANBU headquarters. A sedative was injected into her body to keep her unconscious until the next day when Tsunade and Jiraiya would personally see if the girl would be willing to accept amnesty in exchange for her full cooperation. If she accepted under the conditions they and N. Naruto believe would work, then her joining the village as a Konoha kunoichi would go smoother though chances of her being accepted by the villagers in general might not go as smooth because of her origins.

The rest of the Jounins, Shikamaru, the Genins and the Konohamaru Corps had returned home. Like U. Naruto, they had much about the day's events to contemplate on after being sworn to SS-class secrecy to never discuss the day's events with anyone outside their group under penalty of death. Tsunade looked ready to drink herself to amnesia and a hangover while Shizune had to be there make sure she didn't go overboard in her consumption of alcohol. N. Naruto's choosing to deal with matters concerning Iwa while disregarding political protocols left the blond Hokage worried. She knew something was going to happen but she just wasn't sure exactly what that was.

From what the Genin girls were told in vivid details by N. Hinata, N. Ino and N. Temari in how N. Naruto pleasured and satisfied them the other night, it was clear that their wet dreams had ammunition that would be fueled for weeks. Ino had to take a cold shower to cool down her arousal since the descriptive story was still fresh in her mind, along with other things N. Ino told her that gave her mind something to ponder over. Tenten was cleaning and preparing her weapons but her mind was distracted by memories of her girl talk with the others, which proved to be rather frustrating as part of her was now starting to wish she had a boyfriend. Sakura was back home with everything that happened earlier occupying her train of thoughts. Alongside this, Shikamaru's words haunted her and her conscience. Inner-Sakura was sitting at a corner facing the wall unable to say anything. The pink-haired girl wondered if she'd be able to get any sleep with the way things were going.

(At The Hyuuga Compound)

Hinata was walking through the manor with a peculiar smile on her face. Hiashi wondered about it after seeing the new fire in his daughter's eyes besides the smile he saw. But in the end he chose not to bother asking about it as he went about his own business instead. As Hinata reached her bedroom…

"Why are you so happy," a young feminine voice asked. Hinata turned to see Hanabi standing behind her.

"I just returned from nice time spent with Naruto-kun and my friends," Hinata said.

"Naruto," Hanabi said, "You mean that loud goofball who beat Neji during the finals of the Chuunin Exams. Even now I find it hard to believe. I used to think that nobody besides the members of the Main House could beat Neji. The fact that someone who isn't a genius or prodigy beat Neji was shocking to me."

"Many people view Naruto-kun as a failure and talentless ninja with no sense of intelligence all the time and that's one of his strongest trump cards," Hinata said.

"How so," Hanabi asked curiously.

"It leaves him with the element of surprise against his enemies and others," Hinata explained, "They never see it coming, which is one of the reasons why Neji-niisan lost to Naruto-kun."

Hanabi found Hinata's words logical and easy to understand.

"I can never understand what you see in him and father doesn't think highly of him whatsoever," Hanabi asked, "Why do you like that goofball so much?"

After taking a moment to gather her thoughts together, the older sibling answered, "He inspires and saves me all the time."

"Huh," Hanabi muttered.

"In many ways I see myself in him," Hinata continued, "I can understand his feelings and why he does the things he does. He's proven wrong all does who thought little or nothing of him, and that's exactly what I want to do. He inspires me to never give up no matter how hard things get, to change myself and become stronger for everyone, including you. Plus, to Naruto-kun, I'm one of his most precious friends and that's a bond I want to protect dearly."

Hanabi looked at her older sister in awe. Before, Hinata was too shy and timid, considered weak in the eyes of their father and others in their clan and looked at as a failure as a Hyuuga heiress. Now, Hinata looked as though she started developing a backbone. Hinata turned and opened the door of her room. She stepped in and…

"Is this Naruto really everything you say he is," Hanabi asked, "Despite not being a prodigy like father says?"

Hinata thought for a moment then replied, "…He is a prodigy Hanabi…a prodigy in never knowing when to give up and always trying his hardest no matter what others say or think of him. He has a strong mind and will power to better himself in order to protect those precious to him and that's one of the greatest things that makes him strong and so amazing to me. He will accomplish great things in life and I want to be there with him when he does. Goodnight Hanabi."

With that Hinata closed the door to her room, leaving Hanabi alone in the hallway with her thoughts. The young female Hyuuga turned and retired to her own room with much to think about. While in her room, Hinata removed her clothes and wrapped her towel around her body. She then made her way to the bathroom and washed herself clean. Memories of N. Hinata and N. Ino's words to her and Ino were still fresh in her mind after the two girls took them to the side into a private room and spoke with them. Hinata remembered the two girls talking to them about factors of what makes a good and competent kunoichi. N. Ino though was firm in telling Ino to get her fangirl spirit out her system and to start focusing on becoming a true ninja. N. Ino made it clear that kunoichis who worry too much about their looks and fashion not only made bad ninjas but were often the ones who were raped or killed first by enemies.

Snapping out of her train of thoughts, Hinata got out of the shower and dried herself off. She returned back to her room and placed a clean pair of panties on and her sleeping kimono. Getting into her sleeping futon, Hinata gradually drifted off into sleep, with memories of the N. girls' descriptive talk of their night with N. Naruto still fresh in her mind.


Jiraiya was back in his apartment thinking about the day's events. He sat there quietly as he meditated on everything that took place. After all that he saw, heard and learned, the Toad Sage knew he had to make up a great deal for U. Naruto's handicaps and that he had to intensify the boy's training seeing that he was nowhere near N. Naruto's level. And after hearing of the Tsuchikage learning of U. Naruto's lineage, Jiraiya knew he had to do more to ensure U. Naruto's preservation with much planning, especially he if was to face off against ninjas of that high status like those in the Akatsuki.

Deciding to put those thoughts to the side for now, Jiraiya pulled out his pen and notepad before taking out his digital recorder. Playing it, he listened to everything that was recorded from the time he and the others ran from the house to pursue the two male blondes. Though he was moved by the girls' words in regards to their bond with N. Naruto however, Jiraiya couldn't help but giggle and blush at the explicit contents that later followed.

Being a spy master has many advantages, Jiraiya thought lecherously. Replaying the recorder, the Sannin started writing down everything he believed would be useful for his next best seller. Even in this world, Jiraiya found inspiration for his stories based on N. Naruto's life.

(Meanwhile Many Miles Away)

Soujiro had been traveling for hours, only stopping for brief intervals to give himself time to rest before resuming his trek to his destination. It was imperative that he meet the deadline to arrival at his destination on time and he wasted no time trying to get there as fast as he could. It wasn't until another two hours when he finally reached his destination. He was at a small town that was located at the border of Tsuchi No Kuni. He entered a motel and headed up to the second floor. Reaching to apartment door, he unlocked and opened the door before walking in and closing the door behind him and locking it again. Inside the dimly litted apartment, he walked in to see an aged man in civial clothes no older than forty-three sitting at a table sipping green tea.

"You're late," the older man said.

"A thousand apologies, Tsuchikage-sama," Soujiro said as he bowed before sitting by the table.

"What do you have to report," the Tsuchikage asked all Soujiro to relate to him event surrounding Ryota's failed mission. While in the hallway outside the apartment door, the N. Naruto clone performed a set of hand seals. After several minutes, the clone picked the lock to the door and opened it. Stepping into the apartment, the clone closed the door and locked it. There was much preparation he knew that had to be done…

The Kage Bushin entered the apartment without incident from the two mighty Iwa occupants. What was it that the clone did that made it possible and what preparations is the clone planning on carrying out? And with everything that's been taking place in Konoha and elsewhere, what events will happen next? Find out next time.