Chapter Sixty-Nine: Closure

U. Naruto was in his room thinking about the events that played out earlier that day. He found it difficult to sleep with the amount of information that was circulating through his head.

"Can't sleep huh," a voice said from behind U. Naruto. The young blonde yelped as he jumped to see N. Naruto standing behind him with a smirk on his face.

"How did you get in," U. Naruto asked in surprise.

"I'm a ninja," N. Naruto replied, "Infiltration and ambush tactics are among my specialties."

"You're not here to beat me up again about what happened earlier regarding that loincloth issue, are you," U. Naruto asked.

"No," N Naruto assured, "I forgave you for that so don't worry about that. I came here to talk to you as your brother."

"What did you want to talk about," U. Naruto asked.

"Get dressed first," N. Naruto said, "I'd rather we not talk here. Meet me on top of the Hokage Monument as soon as you're done dressing yourself. And don't keep me waiting."

N. Naruto puffed out in white smoke, revealing itself to be a Kage Bushin. Not wanting to keep N. Naruto waiting, U. Naruto hurriedly got himself dressed up and made his way out of his apartment through his balcony. Jumping from roof to roof, U. Naruto made haste to the Hokage Monument where his other self was waiting. When he arrived there, he found that there was no one there. He started wondering if he foolishly allowed himself to be deceived for a trap.

"You're here on time," N. Naruto said from above one of the trees before jumping down to the ground next to his younger self.

"I came as you asked me to," U. Naruto said, "So what's the deal?"

N. Naruto went over and sat on top of monument representing Minato.

"Take a seat with me please," N. Naruto invited. U. Naruto did as he was asked and went over to sit next to N. Naruto. As the two blondes sat there, they gazed upon the star-littered night skies with the full moon radiating in all its glory over the village.

"It's a beautiful night, isn't it," N. Naruto said, "It's moments like these that helps me to have some peace of mind from the hard life I live back home."

"A hard life," U. Naruto repeated, "…I have to admit that when you revealed that you were adopted and raised in a family, I was jealous and envious of you. At first, I thought you had everything, things I always wanted in life. But after hearing your life story and what you had and have to go through even now, I see that your life isn't any easier than my own."

"We all have our hardships little brother," N. Naruto said, "Some harder than others. Depending on the nature of that person, such hardships could either weaken or destroy them, or it can strengthen and make them stronger and more mature. And honestly, after I gave your life experiences a great deal of thinking after our little gathering, I think your experience through all of the hardships you went through made you very strong and mature; and in some ways, even stronger and more mature than me."

That statement shocked U. Naruto completely. He wasn't expecting that remark from N. Naruto at all.

"What are you talking about," U. Naruto asked in confusion, "You're a very powerful ninja! You'd done so many amazing things!"

"And you've endured hardships the like of which I never experienced," N. Naruto replied, "I've been shielded all my life from the reality that we Jinchuurikis truly live. VERY few people in Konoha back home know that I'm a Jinchuuriki. Kaa-chan and ero-jisan forbade me from revealing my secret to the villagers in fear of their possible hostile reaction toward me. Though they meant well however, I believe that their good intentions served to weakened me to some degree."

"How so," U. Naruto asked curiously.

"When I came to this reality," N. Naruto explained, "I was exposed to truths I wasn't used to; the true life of a Jinchuuriki. Though I know of the experiences Gaara went through while growing up in Suna however, I had no true understanding what growing up had to be like for him or you. Walking a few hours in your shoes through this village after I disguised myself as you showed me how naïve and foolish I was."

"How did it do that?"

"I was outraged at how many in the village dishonored and spat on Yondaime's sacrifice and legacy," N. Naruto explained, "Kyuubi only served to amplify my rage and disgust while mocking me about how the villagers would show their true face toward me had it not been for jiisan, kaa-chan and erojisan's intervention in being their for me like many others. For a short moment, I wanted to carry out my bloodlust and indignation by slaughtering the people of this village. I even went as far as to question the integrity of everyone else back home, including Hina-chan, Ino-chan and Tema-chan's. I know the girls were hurt by this but at that moment I was complete lost and distraught."

"I think you're being too hard on yourself niichan," U. Naruto said. N. Naruto turned to look at him.

"You're much stronger than you're giving yourself credit for," U. Naruto.

"How so," N. Naruto asked

"You said yourself that you wanted to carry out your bloodlust and indignation by attacking and killing the villagers but you didn't," U. Naruto pointed out, "You also mentioned how Kyuubi tried to manipulate you into carrying out your rage but you didn't give that stupid fox the satisfaction of mass genocide. You had a taste of life in my shoes and you endured and learned from it instead of passing self-righteous judgment on Konoha. If you ask me niichan, you're grown stronger from seeing life in my shoes though things aren't as bad as they were before."

There was a short moment of silence between the two blondes. N. Naruto soon decided to break the silence and speak sincerely, "Thanks. I really needed to hear that."

"My pleasure," U. Naruto said, "I always do my utmost to look out for my precious friends. It's one of the reasons why I seek to become Hokage."

"Quite an ambitious yet positive goal you have for yourself," N. Naruto remarked.

"Being around good people like my friends and senseis will do that to you," U. Naruto replied, "And though my life started out harsh and cruel, I made many friends both here and in other places outside of Konoha."

"Do you consider me as one of your precious friends," N. Naruto asked, "Despite the fact that I violently lost my temper at you early this afternoon?"

"I kind of deserved that," U. Naruto said, "What I did was stupid and thoughtless. Sakura-chan I'm sure would have done a lot worse to me than you."

"Really," N. Naruto asked, "And what makes you say that?"

"I doubt she'd have healed me after a brutal beating from her raging fury," U. Naruto said, "She'd most likely dragged me back to be healed by some medic nin."

"Does every girl beat you up for dumb things you do unintentionally," N. Naruto asked

"Well…," U. Naruto started before becoming quiet for a moment. As he thought about his counterpart's question, a particular girl came to mind, "Hinata doesn't. Though she's very shy and often quiet, she's has a very kind heart and caring spirit. I remember when I accidentally embarrassed her in front of the group yesterday about wanting to see her clitoris without knowing what it was at first and she didn't burst into a violent rage and beat the crap out of me for it."

"And if it was Sakura," N. Naruto shrugged. U. Naruto grimaced, "I'd probably be in the intensive care unit even now after Sakura-chan was done mangling my body."

"Hinata sounds like a very mild-tempered and understanding girl from what you're telling me little brother," N. Naruto said, "I see that you really think highly of her."

"She's one of the reasons why I beat Neji during the finals of the Chuunin Exams," U. Naruto said, "She always has the right words to say to make people feel good about themselves in spite of how bad their day was or might turn out to be. She did so yesterday too after my incident with Daisuke. I was so depressed and miserable that I didn't even feel like eating ramen."

"Now that speak volumes," N. Naruto remarked.

"But Hinata found out about the incident and right away sought me out to try to make me feel better," U. Naruto said, "She had the just the right words to say to me."

"And did her kind words work," N. Naruto asked.

"She got me to laugh and return back to my old self again," U. Naruto answered, "I don't know what I'd have done or how I'd have gone through the rest of my day if she didn't come when she did. She's one of my most precious friends, smart and pretty too."

"I'm very happy to hear that," N. Naruto said, "It sounds to me that Hinata is a very special young lady and you're fortune to have a girl like her in your life. And I sure you'll find more smart and pretty girls to become your precious fiends little brother. And in time, one of them or more will take a special liking to you for just being you with a desire to bond with you."

"You really believe that," U. Naruto asked.

"I don't just believe," N. Naruto remarked, "I know and I'm a hundred percent certain of it. (Grinned with a thumb's up) Dattebayo!"

U. Naruto laughed and gave him a thumb's up in return, "I'm sure those three girls with you are very special and fond of you. I will admit that I still find it hard to believe that you're sleeping with them with neither of them fighting over you. I know ero-sennin won't let you hear the end of it."

"It's complicated really," N. Naruto said, "And it would take too much time to explain the entire story; some of it rather touchy."

"It's alright," U. Naruto assured, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"It's not a matter of not wanting to little bro.; it's a matter of understanding how things turned out in my world in contrast with how things turned out here."

U. Naruto gave no reply as he turned to look back at Konoha again. Deciding to change the subject, N. Naruto thought about what he was about to do and the possible consequences for the course of action he was about to take. After giving it more thought he came to a decision.

"Little bro.," N. Naruto said as he reached into his pocket and retrieved a small picture from it, "Take a look at this."

U. Naruto and took the picture from his older counterpart. Looking at the picture curiously, he saw a smiling beautiful young woman with long red hair that went down her back to the back of her kneecaps. She was dressed in a dark blue gown with a white short-sleeve shirt underneath it.

"Why are you showing me this," U. Naruto asked, "And who's she supposed to be?"

"…Her name was Kushina," N. Naruto replied calmly, "Uzumaki Kushina. She was our birth mother."

U. Naruto's eyes widened like dish plates.

"What did you say?!," U. Naruto shouted with his attention being completely focused on N. Naruto, "She was our…birth mother…?"

"That's right," N. Naruto confirmed. Looking back at the picture, U. Naruto felt a sea of emotions coursing through his being. Fighting to keep his feelings under control, U. Naruto looked at his other self and asked, "Do you know anything about her?! Please, tell whatever it is you know about our kaa-chan! Even if it's very little! What was she like?! What happened to her-"

"Calm down," N. Naruto said, "I tell you what I can explain to you just keep yourself calm."

N. Naruto saw the look on U. Naruto's face. He saw that the young boy never knew anything about his parents or his clan or heritage. It was clear that the young Naruto wanted to learn whatever he could about his roots.

"Uzumaki Kushina was a foreigner and refugee from Uzu No Kuni. Her home village was destroyed by Iwa during the Third Shinobi World War and her family, the Uzumaki family, was killed by enemy ninjas from Iwa. She was very young, younger than your age when she became a war orphan and was brought to Konoha as a refugee. While in Konoha, she trained very hard to become a strong Jounin kunoichi. In terms of her character and personality, well…from what I've seen of you…you're a lot like her."

"What," U. Naruto replied in disbelief, "You mean to say that I act just like our kaa-chan?"

"Precisely," N. Naruto stated, "From what I found out she was a loud, brash and cocky tomboy. At the same time though, she was also a kind, caring and loving woman. Somehow I doubt many people know of Kushina or the man she married in this world. My guess is that she and father married in secret, but that's just my guess. Still though, she was happily looking forward to having a child after she became pregnant with us."

"Us," U. Naruto asked with a confused look, "You mean she had twins?"

"When I say "us" I'm referring to you and myself at same time because I'm sure that the situation was very much the same here in this world," N. Naruto explained, "But things took a turn for the worst when Kyuubi attacked Konoha. We were born that very night, in fact we were the only ones born that night. Our mother though died in child birth due to medical complications, heavy anxiety and stress from Kyuubi's attack. She died while cradling us protectively in her arms. Father was devastated when he learned of our mother's demise."

"Where was father in all this," U. Naruto asked while wiping away his tears.

"Fighting the Kyuubi on the front line after so many others died either trying to stop it or getting caught in the monster's path," N. Naruto said, "Our father wanted Kyuubi defeated and beaten for ruining everything he had. He wanted you safe and your survival assured. But Kyuubi was too strong to be stopped that easily. With no other choice all other options exhausted, Yondaime, with a pained and heavy heart and knowing he would die for what he was about to do, resorted to entrusting us with the heavy burden of jailing the Kyuubi as a Jinchuuriki. Yondaime's dying wish was for us to be seen as the hero he jails Kyuubi and prevents it harming anyone. Our father died that very night and that final wish was not honored."

U. Naruto sobbed a few times while he was wiping away his tears. He absorbed the information he was being told by his "big brother." Sadly however it didn't click in U. Naruto's mind that Yondaime was his father. He took it that Yondaime sealed Kyuubi into him after the death of both his father and mother. He assumed that since N. Naruto believed that their birth mother married in secret that he too didn't know the identity of their biological father.

"Our parents loved us and wanted nothing but our protection and happiness," N. Naruto said, "I'm sure they'd be proud of the man you're growing to be."

U. Naruto didn't know what to think or feel. All his life he never knew about his parents or familial roots. Knowing now that he had blood ancestors who were from another country although they were killed gave the young Uzumaki a strong sense of familial belonging. Knowing what happened to his parents removed ideas that he was abandoned as a infant and that Yondaime randomly selected him to become the Jinchuuriki while as a newborn.

"If what you say is true," U. Naruto asked, "Why wasn't I ever told about this? How could it be that no one knows our mother seeing that she came residing here as a refugee from Uzu No Kuni and later married a ninja from this village?"

"From what I was told," N. Naruto said, "Our father was a very strong ninja and he was also a man who made too many enemies, both outside and within Konoha walls. I guess they were trying to prevent his enemies from becoming our enemies but this village's mistreatment and abuse of you made me wonder just who were the real enemies."

"Well," U. Naruto replied, "Konoha isn't as harsh to me like it was before. Things started getting better for me after the Chuunin Exams."

"Thirteen to fourteen years wasted by these villagers for stupidly using you as a scapegoat in my opinion," N. Naruto remarked.

"You still harbor animosity towards this reality's Konoha, do you," U. Naruto said.

"Forgive me for not being too readily forgiving as you," N. Naruto said, "I like said before, I never lived your life and you never lived mine. But of course, that doesn't mean that we can't have some sort of understanding between each other."

"No, it doesn't," U. Naruto smiled before jumping and hugging N. Naruto with teary eyes, "Thank you nii-chan! It was hard living life not knowing anything about our kaa-chan and family's backgrounds and past!"

N. Naruto hugged his other self back in return, "My pleasure little brother. I'm sure you'd have done the same for me."

"And why wouldn't I," U. Naruto remarked, "I'm you after all…But…"

"But what," N. Naruto asked.

"…Can I keep the picture," U. Naruto asked nervously, "I really don't have anything of-"

"It's yours," N. Naruto smiled, "I'm sorry that I don't have any other picture of-"

"It's perfect," U. Naruto cut in, "It's one of the best gifts you or anyone else could have given to me. I'll always treasure this picture of kaa-chan."

N. Naruto ruffled U. Naruto's hair, "Our mother would have treasured us just as much, if not more."

N. Naruto rose up off the ground and turned in the opposite directions of the village.

"Where are you going nii-chan," U. Naruto asked, not wanting N. Naruto to leave.

"I have some business to attend to," N. Naruto answered, "It's something that requires my attention."

"You can't stay longer, huh," U. Naruto said, trying his hardest to hide the sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry I can't," N. Naruto said, "But I'll make it up to you."

"How," U. Naruto said.

"I'm sure I'll think of something," N. Naruto grinned, "See'ya!"

N. Naruto performed a smokeless shunshin and left the monument, leaving U. Naruto deep in thought. Turning his attention back to the picture, U. Naruto hugged it tightly to his chest.

"Kaa-chan," U. Naruto said in low undertone with a few tears streaming down his face.

(Three Hours Later; In The Border Of Tsuchi No Kuni)

The Tsuchikage and Soujiro stepped out of the motel room and locked the door behind them. In the Tsuchikage's pocket were two scrolls, both containing items sealed into them. The two ninjas headed downstairs and signed out the room they were using before making a swift departure from the motel to Iwagakure.

(Two Hours Later; In Iwagakure)

The Tsuchikage and Soujiro made it to Iwa without trouble. They were a half a mile away from the wall of the village. The landscape itself was rocky and surrounded by partly grassy hills with rocks and stones of various forms and sizes around whole region; some of those rocks were covered with moss. Pulling out another scroll, the Tsuchikage unraveled and placed it down on the ground, revealing a seal written on it. Performing a hand sign, he performed a jutsu causing a cloud of white smoke to burst forth from the seal on the scroll, when the smoke cleared it revealed N. Naruto, N. Hinata, N. Ino and N. Temari, no longer wearing their kimonos but their ninja clothes and gear.

"What a way to travel," Temari remarked while looking around her surroundings, "So this is Iwagakure."

"That's right from the look of things," Naruto said. The Tsuchikage and Soujiro released their henge and revealed themselves as Naruto's Kage Bushins. The first one rolled up the scroll and handed it to Naruto. The Kage Bushin also took out and handed him the two other scrolls that were in his vest pocket.

"Is everything in order," Naruto asked the clone.

"Down to every last specification," the clone said before him and his other doppelganger puffing out of existence, giving Naruto all of the information that was needed. After a few minutes of processing the memories given to him, Naruto took a breath and exhaled.

"Perfect," Naruto replied to him before turning to Hinata, "Hina-chan, would you be so kind as to scan our surroundings?"

Hinata nodded, "Byakugan!"

Activating her bloodline limit, the young Hyuuga scanned the surrounding region and found that they were in the clear.

"There's no sign of Iwa Jounins patrolling the area," Hinata said.

"Good," Naruto said, "We don't need unwanted company."

Hinata continued her surveillance and found six Iwa Jounins standing guard at the main entrance into the village.

"There's six Jounins guarding the main entrance," Hinata said, "Looks like we won't be going through the front door that easily."

"We won't be going through the front door," Naruto replied, "We'll enter the village by means of another entrance."

"Where," Temari asked.

"This way," Naruto said as he led the three girls to the west side of the village. Twenty-four minutes later, the group, finding what they were looking for, saw a large rock slab resting solidly on the ground.

"Ino-chan," Naruto requested, "If you please?"

Nodding, Ino performed the required hand signs and triggered the large slab to move and swing open, revealing the staircase into the tunnel.

"A secret passage way," Hinata said stating the obvious.

"Ryota created this secretly in the event of an emergency when she needed an escape from the village or entrance into it," Ino explained, "This secret route is an underground tunnel which starts from within this location and ends underneath the basement of an old demolished storage house inside the village. Naruto-kun and I learned about this after reading Ryota's mind."

Naruto made a Kage Bushin

"Alright," Naruto said, "We'll need you to stand guard here at the entrance and be our eyes and ears for us."

Naruto's clone nodded as he took his position hiding in the shadows. Naruto, pulling out and turning on his small flashlight, entered the tunnel with the girls behind him. The lights to the tunnel turned on seconds later, revealing the passage way through the tunnel more clearly.

"That's a time saver," Temari remarked while they continued on their way through the tunnel. It wasn't until another fifteen minutes of walking and turning into several corners when they arrived at the end of the tunnel.

"Hina-chan," Naruto asked. Understanding his request, Hinata did as she was asked.

"Byakugan!," Hinata said, using her bloodline limit to scan the surface and outside sector of the building they were underneath. A few moments later…

"It's clear," Hinata explained, "There's no one in or around the building. It's safe to enter."

Nodding, Naruto turned to Ino. Ino stepped forward and performed the next set of required hand signs. After she did, the floor to the basement opened, giving them an exit into the rundown building thus into the village. They climbed up the stairs and entered the basement of the building. The group saw that their infiltration into Iwa was successful so far. Now they had to make their way into the Tsuchikage Tower without being detected. Summoning two more Kage Bushins, Naruto stationed them by the entrance before giving each of the girls communication devices to place into their ears. The group then left the basement and made their way to the top floor and up to the roof.

While standing on the roof, Hinata surveyed their surroundings.

"There's a good number of Chuunins and Jounins patrolling around the region closer to the tower," Hinata explained.

"What else do you see," Naruto inquired.

"The tower is heavily guarded," Hinata continued, "There's a large wall also surrounding the tower and Jounin ninjas are stationed at each corner of the wall. The entrance of the wall has four BOULDER Black ops ninjas with two dogs posted with them. After working alongside Kiba and Akamaru for some time, I'm assuming that those two dogs were specially trained and should those dogs pick up the smell of our body odors if we were to try to enter through the entrance in henge forms, our cover is blown."

"Masking our body odor with an odor-less oil will trigger the same thing if we walk through the entrance in henge form also," Temari deduced, "So what now?"

"Let's move closer to the wall of the tower," Naruto suggested. The girls followed Naruto as they leapt from one roof top to another, keeping their pace and using their training in stealth so as to not get caught. Soon they came to a stop atop one of the buildings that happened to be eight stories high. Looking around, Ino found a raven standing on the ledge of the building. Seeing what caught Ino's attention, Naruto came up with an idea.

"Hina-chan," Naruto instructed, "Remain here as our watchful eyes with Tema-chan. Ino-chan and I will travel to the tower."

"How do you both plan on bypassing all of their security," Temari asked.

"By ascending over them," Naruto replied, causing Temari to look at him quizzically.

"Ino-chan," Naruto said as he turned to her, "Use that mind transfer jutsu of yours on that bird over there."

Nodding, Ino performed her familial hand signed and transferred her chakra essence into the raven. Her body went limp before Temari caught and sat her down on the ground up against the ledge. Naruto then henge'd into a wooden twig on the ground. Catching on to what Naruto had in mind, Ino, using the body of the raven, fly over to the twig Naruto henge'd into and grabbed hold of it with its beak. With Naruto held tightly, Ino flew with him from the roof and over to the Tsuchikage tower.

"That was a genius idea," Temari remarked.

"Naruto-kun has that habit of planning things as he goes," Hinata replied as she and Temari watched Ino flew passed the remaining buildings and over the wall of the tower. The ninja guards there ignored the raven as nothing more than a harmless animal.

So far so good, Ino thought while making her flight over to the balcony area of the tower where the Tsuchikage's office was. Landing down Ino carefully placed the "twig" down on the ground and moved away from it before Naruto changed back to normal.

"Excellent," Naruto said before moving toward the door carefully while leaning up against the wall. Peering thru the door, Naruto found a genjutsu of the Tsuchikage sitting at the desk.

"Here we go," Naruto said under his breath as he dispelled the genjutsu. When that was out of the way, Naruto picked the lock to the door of the balcony and opened it. Turning back to Ino, Naruto instructed, "Return back here in thirty minutes. This will require some time."

Ino nodded and flew off back to where the girls were. Entering the office, Naruto quietly closed the balcony door shut behind him. Pulling a particular scroll out, Naruto opened and released the cargo sealed into of it. Getting to work, he quickly set the cargo up and made sure the nothing was out of place. He also made sure that he left none of his fingerprints behind or anything else that would indicate that the office was tampered with by him specifically.

(In The Meantime)

Ino was back inside her own body regaining her strength while keeping the raven close by her. Hinata, using her Byakugan, was surveying the Tsuchikage Tower to make sure that no one was making their way to the Kage's office.

"Is everything alright in there," Temari asked.

"There's no activity of ninjas heading toward the office though there were a few close calls," Hinata answered.

"It's been twenty-three minutes," Temari went on, "Isn't he finished yet? Infiltrating the Tsuchikage Tower by himself is downright suicide."

"Someone's coming up here," Hinata alerted as she surveyed their surroundings.

"Shit," Ino cursed, "Was our cover blown?!"

"They don't seem to know we're here," Hinata clarified, "But we can't stay here!"

"Let's move," Temari advised as the two younger girls followed her and departed quickly from the roof they were previously waiting at. Ino was still holding onto the raven. A moment later, the girls found themselves on the surface in an alley.

"Iwa ninjas are patrolling the roofs," Hinata said while looking around, "We can't return back without being spotted."

"Brilliant," Temari remarked, "Now what?"

"Let's head over to Ryota's apartment," Ino suggested.

"Say what," Temari replied.

"I know where she lives and I can access her apartment," Ino continued, "Remember I scanned her memories."

Seeing Ino's point, Temari said, "Lead the way then."

Ino, now taking the lead, led Temari and Hinata to where Ryota's apartment was. She was carefully to keep both herself and the girls out of sight.

"Where's Ryota's apartment anyway," Hinata asked.

"Back where that tunnel is," Ino said.

"The hell," Temari remarked, "That's back on the other side of this village! It's that far?!"

"It's either that," Ino suggested, "Or we take our chances moving from alley to alley while trying to keep out of sight and not get caught."

Sighing in defeat, Temari and Hinata followed Ino to back to the other side of the village thus increasing the distance from where Naruto was. A while later, the trio found themselves standing by the apartment Ryota lived in. Climbing the wall, the girls made their way over to the window of Ryota's apartment, finding the apartment window both locked and the apartment itself vacant.

"I thought you said Ryota lives here," Temari retorted.

"She did," Ino shot back, "I guess the Tsuchikage didn't waste time evicting her out of her place and disposing of her things."

"Now what," Hinata asked, "We can't just enter into a vacant apartment. It would arouse suspicion."

"Well we can't stay here," Temari said, "We'll have to relocate elsewhere and fast."

"Since we're here, let's return back to that old building we came out of," Hinata suggested, "I'm seeing that only Naruto-kun's clones are the only occupants."

The girls turned tails and headed to the building. Reaching the door, Hinata spotted two Jounins approaching the building from around the corner.

"Hurry," Hinata urged, "There are ninjas coming our way!"

The girls hurried into the building and closed the door behind them just seconds before the Jounins passed by.

"Did you hear that," the first Jounin asked his female partner.

"Not really," the female Jounin admitted, "Why do you-"

There was the sound of something falling heard from inside the building.

"Something's inside the building," the female Jounin said.

"Did you just figure that out Tsuchiko," the Jounin remarked.

"Shut up," Tsuchiko retorted as she and her partner slowly and cautiously approached the building. As the reached the building, they peered threw the broken window to see if there was anything moving inside the building. They saw nothing suspicious but then they heard faint sounds of movement from inside. A black bird suddenly flew from out of the window pass Tsuchiko and her partner.

"Stupid bird," the male Jounin remarked, "I suppose that explains the noise from inside this old building."

"Perhaps," Tsuchiko said, "But maybe we should have a look around just to be sure."

"And what do you honestly expect to find beside old useless junk," the Jounin asked.

"Let's look around anyway," Tsuchiko stated firmly. Her partner sighed, "You're really a pain to work with."

"Quit being lazy and let's do our jobs right," Tsuchiko retorted as she opened the door and began the search with her partner. As they looked around they found nothing out of place, at least from what a building filled with wreckage can show.

"There's nothing here Tsuchiko," the Jounin said, "Can we go now and continue with our normal patrol route?"

"We should at least check the basement," Tsuchiko suggested.

"You're not going to find anything of value anymore than what's already up here," her partner replied, "This building has been of no use to anyone for years. The only purpose that it serves now is to hold old scrap and more of it you'll find in the basement. But if you want to waste both of our time, you're more than free to check for yourself."

Tsuchiko was thinking about going along with what she originally had in mind. She approached the door to the basement and grabbed hold of the door knob. As she was about to open the door, she then had a change of heart.

"…You're probably right," Tsuchiko said, "More than likely it'll be wreckage and old scrap like you said."

"So can we go now," the Jounin asked with a partial impatient attitude.

"We'll leave just keep your panties on," Tsuchiko remarked.

"How would you know if I wear panties unless you've been secretly stalking me," her partner shot back.

"Shut up," Tsuchiko replied as they exited the building and closed the door behind them. Unknown to them, from right behind the basement door, Naruto's clones stood there ready to take them out at a second's notice the moment they would have opened that door. Luckily that didn't have to happen. Hinata and Temari were in the basement sitting by the tunnel with Ino's limp body being held by Hinata.

"Are they gone," Temari asked.

"They are," Hinata confirmed with her Byakugan, "They're no longer in the vicinity of this building."

Temari sighed in relief, "…I hope Ino returns with Naruto-kun soon. I don't know how many more close calls we can take before we're discovered."

Several minutes later, the same raven flew back into the same broken window and over to the basement door carrying a "twig" in its break. The Kage Bushin stationed by the door opened the door as the raven gently placed the "twig" down on the ground. Naruto changed back to normal as Ino released the jutsu and returned back to her body. The raven, after being released, flew off and out from the building going about itself normal life.

Naruto went down into the basement before the clone closed the door behind them and puffed out of existence. Walking over to the girls and the remaining clone, Naruto stated, "The deed has been done."

"Your plan is in place," Temari asked.

"Down to every letter," Naruto confirmed, "Let's move."

Nodding in agreement, the girls followed Naruto down the stairs back into the tunnel. As the girls entered the tunnel and the clone puffed out of existence, Naruto performed several hand signs and clasped his hands together. What followed next was a loud explosion from a long distance.

"What was that," Hinata asked.

"The first half of the closure," Naruto remarked before heading down into the tunnel.

"Ino," Temari said, "Close the entrance behind us quickly."

"No," Naruto countered, "Leave the entrance open."

"What?! But why," Temari argued, "If we do then they'll definitely find out about this tunnel's existence and find us."

"I know," Naruto said, "That's exactly what I want to happen."

"What?!," Temari replied in confusion, "But what will that accomplish?! I thought we were trying to escape and not get caught!"

Naruto cut her off as he stopped talking and walking. Temari and the other two girls saw this.

"What's wrong," Hinata asked.

"We have company," Naruto said, "My clone puffed out and alerted me that several Iwa Chunnins and Jounins are making their way now into the tunnel from the other end. They'll be here soon."

Hinata activated her Byakugan and saw that Naruto was right. In fact, she looked back in the direction from which they were moving and scanned the surface of the village.

"There's lots of activity happening on the surface above us," Hinata said, "Iwa Chuunins, Jounins and BOULDER Black Ops are scrambling all around the village."

She turned back and used her bloodline limit to survey outside the village and the rocky plains and hills surrounding it.

"There are ninjas moving through and around the hills also," Hinata warned, "It's a dead end!"

The girls were told by Naruto that he needed their expertise for his business in Iwa. They were reluctant about going there seeing that it would cause possible trouble for their counterparts if they were discovered but they decided to have faith in Naruto nonetheless.

"Do you girls still trust me," Naruto asked. After a few seconds they wordlessly nodded.

"Good," Naruto replied as he pulled out the second of the two scrolls that was in his pocket, "Because the second-half of the closure is now underway."

N. Naruto is executing his plan for closure, but what exactly does this closure of his entail, especially with him wanting the girls and himself to get caught by Iwa ninjas coming their way with the others are surrounding the village both inside and out? Find out next time.