Chapter Seventy: "Necessary Evils"

Iwa ninjas were hurrying through the tunnel as fast as they could. Clearly unknown enemy ninjas infiltrated and attacked their village. Meanwhile, the populous were in a state of mass panic after seeing that the top section of the Tsuchikage Tower exploded. That dread hadn't been felt since Deidara's betrayal and attack on the tower, killing several and severely wounding their Sandaime Tsuchikage. No one knew was became of Deidara since but seeing a repeat of history happening again made them wonder if the attack could be his work.

"Uncle," Tsuchiko cried out in fear for the worst. She and the others ran as fast as they could toward the direction of the burning tower.

(Back In The Tunnel)

"Keep your eyes open for anything," one of the ninjas warned.

"Yes sir," the group said in unison as they continued going further into the tunnel. It was another while until they arrived a little passed the mid section of the tunnel. Getting there, the Iwa ninjas found three figures in their way. These three figures were geared in clothes and bamboo hats all too familiar to them. They were the same ones worn by the same ninjas responsible for the capture and death of the Jinchuuriki of the Gobi.

"Akatsuki," the lead ninja sneered, "So you bastards are behind this attack!"

"And what of it," the lead Akatsuki ninja spoke with his face hidden from under his hat and cloak, "We had a job to do and it's been carried out."

"You scum," the lead Iwa ninja snarled, "You'll all pay for this!"

"Worry more about your lives than what we already have done," the lead Akatsuki ninja said before thrusting his heads forwarding and firing diamond shards out at them. Several ninja were unfortunate in getting struck and wounded by the shards while the others managed to maneuver themselves from out of the attack's range.

With widened eyes, the lead Iwa ninja barked, "Soujiro?! You joined the Akatsuki?!"

Soujiro removed his hat to reveal his face. He dropped the hat to the floor and smiled at his former comrade, "Yes, I'm in the Akatsuki. I've been a covert agent of theirs for some time."

"Why," the Iwa ninja demanded to know with mixed emotions of anger, sadness and betrayal, "Why are you doing this!?"

"For power," Soujiro replied, "The Akatsuki has great plans and capturing the Jinchuurikis is just part of it. How else were they were able to capture the Gobi Jinchuuriki?"

"It was you all along," the lead Iwa ninja growled, "You betrayed us to the Akatsuki since then?!"

"I had to make it seem like I was still on your side of course," Soujiro said, "What better way to do that than by having Ryota take the blame for the Jinchuuriki's capture?"

"You mean you set her up," a female ninja asked, "Why her!?"

"Because she was the most plausible scapegoat," Soujiro elaborated, "Despite her being loyal to Iwagakure, she had an unfavorable history with Deidara and most of the villagers and ninjas hated her for it. With so much bad blood and tension against her already surrounding her, it was easy maneuvering events so that she would end up taking the fall for my actions while I was covering up my tracks in the process. I knew no one would bother to look into it seeing that all of you were simply looking for an easy fall guy to put the blame on."

"You played us!," the female ninja yelled angrily.

"You worthless fools only have yourselves to blame," Soujiro remarked.

"Bastard!," the kunoichi growled, "I'll have your head traitor!"

She was about to attack but the lead ninja stopped her. Turning back to Soujiro, he asked "Why did you attack the tower?"

"The Tsuchikage was a problem that had to be dealt with," Soujiro answered, "After learning that he was seeking out another Jinchuuriki to use for his own ambitions, the Akatsuki found that he had to be removed out of the way so that our plans could continue without additional obstacles hindering us."

"So you were sent to assassinate our leader," the lead ninja figured.

"I was the one he trusted most," Soujiro said, "Therefore I was the one who could get the closest to him."

"You're truly a disgrace to our village Soujiro!," the leading ninja spat, "I'll never forgive you!"

"Enough talk," Soujiro replied as he went through a set of hand seals before clasping his hands together. His body started glowing before being completely encased in a diamond body in his shape.

"Kill the traitor!," the lead Iwa ninja ordered before all hell broke out.

(Back In Konoha)

U. Naruto was returning back to the window of his apartment. Opening it, he entered through it and closed the window behind him. Reaching into his pocket, he retrieved the picture of Kushina that N. Naruto gave him and set it down on top on his drawer next to his bed. Taking off his clothes, Naruto changed into his sleeping clothes with his nightcap on his head.

Climbing into bed, Naruto laid there thinking about everything N. Naruto told him earlier that night. Knowing what little he could about his mother and the Uzumaki family made U. Naruto happy in so many ways. He only wished he knew more about his father and who he was. He had more questions about his family's history and answers to his rising questions he wanted all the more. But that was going to have to wait until he had some time to think things out with some well needed sleep. Closing his eyes, U. Naruto eventually fell asleep.

(Later That Night; Back In The Forest Of Death)

A kage bushin of N. Naruto was in the house in the living room looking at the digital clock. The clone pulled out a scroll and unraveled it revealing a seal written on it before setting it down on the ground. He waited until the time struck 2 a.m. after seeing that he had another minute to wait. After that minute passed, the clone performed a hand sign and the burst of white smoke came forth from the seal on the scroll. When the smoke cleared, it revealed N. Naruto and his three girls inside an air bubble Naruto made.

"Well that went as planned," N. Naruto said as he dispelled the air bubble and dusted himself off.

"As planned," Temari remarked, "It was too close for comfort."

"Yes it was a dangerous risk," Naruto agreed, "But it was one worth taking in order to prevent Iwa from using my brother's lineage for their own advantage."

"Many in Iwa will be too shocked in how Soujiro turned on them," Hinata added.

"We have Ino-chan's contribution to thank for that," Naruto remarked.

After N. Naruto and N. Ino studied Soujiro's memories, they came across his memories involving his Kesshougan (Diamond Eyes) and the jutsus associated with them. After studying how his jutsus work, it was then a matter of immobilizing his consciousness long enough to allow for Ino to control Soujiro's body and give the Iwa ninjas a convincing fight before jumping out of his body allowing the Iwa ninjas to finish him off. Dressing Soujiro in Akatsuki clothes was a ploy Naruto came up with to throw Iwa off our and Konoha's tracks and have them believe that the event involving Ryota's past disgrace and tonight's incident was the Akatsuki's fault.

N. Naruto made sure to leave no loose ends. When he released the seal in the second scroll in the tunnel, Soujiro unconscious body came out dressed and geared in Akatsuki clothes and gear. Acquiring the clothes wasn't the problem since N. Naruto had them secretly made in the event of a deep covert mission that had to be done. Ino used her Shintenshin No Jutsu to transfer her mind into Soujiro's and control him.

While she was controlling Soujiro, N. Naruto, while cradled Ino's body, backtracked into the basement with Temari and Hinata and hid among the old rumble and scrap heap that helped mask their scent. Ino's regaining consciousness was the signal that the task was complete, given that she had before 2 a.m. to return back to her body before N. Naruto's clone summoned them all back to the house.

Temari smiled, "We basically set up a crime organization to take the fall for our actions. But I'm more than certain the Akatsuki will look into this."

"Even if they do," Naruto pointed out, "There would be nothing for them to prove to anyone and it's not like they could do anything about it. After all, they're an organization of wanted felons and who'd really believe them anyway? And besides, in this reality, neither of us exists."

Naruto reached into his left compartment pocket on his Jounin vest and retrieved what look like documents.

"What are those," Hinata asked.

"Official copies of Ryota's discharge and cancellation as an Iwa citizen and ninja," Naruto said, "Before leaving the Tsuchikage Tower I managed to locate the originals possessing the Tsuchikage's signature and seal on them before making authentic copies of them. I'll have them delivered to Jiraiya first thing in the morning."

"That's good and all," Ino interjected, "But I'm really tired right now from repeated use of Shintenshin No Jutsu. I'd like to get myself cleaned up before going to bed now."

"Now that you mention it," Hinata said, "We all need a shower. I can still smell the foul odor of old debris all over us."

The girls went and got themselves washed and cleaned up before letting Naruto have the bathroom. While this was going on, Naruto went and retrieved the scroll for the Hoka Sekai Senshi Kuchiyose Fuujin. With the scroll in hand, he stepped out of the house and went for a walk alone around the forest. He was in deep thought wondering how he was going to get himself and the girls back home. As long as he was bound to the Hoka Sekai Senshi contract Konohamaru bounded him to, he and the girls couldn't leave. On top of that, for what Konohamaru summoned him for, it would take him months if not years to fulfill and that was time he and his girls did not have.

There has to be a way for me to fulfill this contract at a much faster rate, Naruto contemplated, People will get suspicious about my long absence. Speaking of which, I wonder how Anko-chan and Ryo-chan are taking our disappearance. No doubt they already reported it to Kaa-chan and there's no telling how she reacted to it.

Naruto sat down on a tree trunk and started looking over the scroll thoroughly. The seals written in the scroll were complex and required time to decipher. Despite all that N. Naruto had done that day, he gave himself little time to rest as he tried to accomplish as much as possible while covering his and the girls' tracks. He had to find a way to return back with the girls and investigate the mystery behind Orochimaru's mysterious return. It alluded him as to how the Snake Sannin somehow survived the death trap he was certain that claimed his life. Putting that thought to the side for now, Naruto returned back to studying the scroll.

Analyzing the written seals, Naruto saw that a seal of that level was going to require much time and examination.

"How the hell was Konohamaru able to perform such a dangerous summoning on his own," Naruto asked to no in particular. Looking away from the scroll, he cast his head up toward the crescent moon. He sighed as he tried to come up with a plan of action to get both himself and his female company back to their own world. After another thirteen minutes…

"Do you actually plan to sleep out here Naruto-kun," a feminine voice asked. Snapping out of his trance, Naruto turned to see Hinata standing at his right side in her sleeping kimono. Her Byakugan was activated so clearly she was out looking for him.

"Technically," Naruto remarked, "It wouldn't be the first time though circumstances were different back then."

"Why are you out here alone," Hinata asked.

"I just needed time think things out."

"Are you troubled by something," Hinata asked with concern.

"We've been in this world for over two days," Naruto explained, "A lot has happened and I still haven't come up with a plan to return us back home."

"We'll think of something soon I'm sure," Hinata responded, "You can't expect to devise a plan of such a sort on your own."

Naruto exhaled lowly.

"It's been a very long day for all of us Naruto-kun." Hinata said softly, "The four of us can hopefully come up with something in the morning after a good night's sleep."

"…I suppose," Naruto said before standing back up on his feet.

"Let's go back," Hinata smiled, "The others are waiting for the both of us."

The pair started back to the house. On their way there…

"Teaching Konoahamaru is our only ticket out of here," Naruto said, "There must be a way to get around it without actually trying to break the contract."

"Well," Hinata replied, "It's a pity you can't leave behind a kage bushin of yourself to do the job for you. Though he would remember and understand just as much as you however, your copy won't have a permanent body especially with limited chakra to sustain itself."

"A copy," Naruto said to himself as the gears in his head started moving and moving fast they was, "…Hina-chan."

Hinata turned to her blond lover and wasn't able to get a word out of her mouth when he pulled and kissed her deeply, catching her off guard. After a few seconds, Naruto pulled away allowing the blushing Hinata to catch her breath.

"You," Naruto remarked, "Are a true genius!"

"Naruto-kun," Hinata asked in confusion though she enjoyed the kiss she was given.

"C'mon," Naruto said and he took her hand and pulled her along with him, "We have much work to do!"

"Can it wait till morning," Hinata asked as she was hurried back to the house with Naruto, "And besides, you still need a bath."

"Then you, Ino-chan and Tema-chan can thoroughly wash me down as I explain what I have in mind," Naruto suggested, getting a hot blush out of Hinata. Despite her intimate relationship with the last Namikaze, Hinata still blushed around him.

(The Following Day)

It was 10:30 in the morning and everyone, civilian and ninja alike went about their own activities whatever they were. Tsunade in the meantime was in her office doing some paperwork when Jiraiya appeared at the window.

"Tsunade-hime," Jiraiya greeted as he entered the office through the window. The Slug Princess turned to the Toad Sage.

"What brings you here," Tsunade asked.

"The Akatsuki," Jiraiya started, "One of their members attacked Iwa and killed their Tsuchikage last night. According to my sources, the Iwa ninjas managed to overpower and kill him, but not without facing loses of their own."

"Why would the Akatsuki go after the Tsuchikage," Tsunade inquired, "Did they reveal who the attacker was?"

"The attacker's identity was revealed to be Soujiro," Jiraiya said. That threw Tsunade in a loop.

"Run that by me again," Tsunade replied.

"Did I say something out of content," Jiraiya remarked, "The Akatsuki got set up. We both know that Soujiro was never part of that organization but a certain someone wants everyone else to believe that he was and he made it look very convincing to everyone in Iwagakure."

Tsunade knew very well whom Jiraiya was talking about.

"Damn him," Tsunade cursed, "I had no idea he'd have taken it this far! If I did-"

"He still would have gone through with it," Jiraiya pointed out, "You saw yourself how adamant he was about it and we both saw that he wasn't afraid to fight us if we tried to hinder him."

Tsunade, while rubbing the bridge of her nose noted, "He killed a Kage of a foreign nation and framed an organization of wanted S-class criminals simultaneously."

"And had that Ryota girl discharged and stripped of her entire status in Iwa and left in our custody," Jiraiya added, "Currently, Iwa is dealing with the crisis of appointing a new Tsuchikage while being on the alert of any possible attacks from enemy villages. I must say that gaki is truly a piece of work."

"How are we certain that his actions won't be pointed back at us," Tsunade asked.

"Although little is known about the Akatsuki and what they're truly planning," Jiraiya said, "So far, they're known for crimes around the elemental nations and they have already gone after a few Jinchuurikis. Since they had attacked Iwa before from what my sources have told me, having Iwa believe that the Akatsuki was behind last night's attack wouldn't be all that hard to pull off if one makes it look most convincing, and convincing, that Namikaze gaki made it look.

"Both we and Kakashi are the only ones who know the truth and it's not like we're going to go public to clear the Akatsuki's name. What happened last night will only make the Akatsuki's work harder and most likely delay whatever plan they were going to set in motion."

"…I suppose they were necessary evils when you put it that way," Tsunade remarked.

"Of course," the Sage replied, "Because now we have to deal with the matter concerning Ryota now that she's no longer a kunoichi for Iwa."

He reached into inside his vest and pulled out some documents that N. Naruto gave them secretly a few hours earlier. Jiraiya explained to Tsunade about the documents detailing Ryota's discharge and how N. Naruto retrieved them from Iwa last night. Tsunade took the papers and went over them herself. Finding the copies official, the Slug Sannin now had to come up with a plan of action in handling the former Iwa kunoichi to see if, by N. Naruto's suggestion, she would be willing to accept amnesty for past actions under the late Tsuchikage's order and join the ranks of Konoha's shinobis.

"Do you honestly think someone like Ryota will want to join this village," Tsunade asked her fellow Sannin. Grinning, the pervy Sage said in response, "If everything that Namikaze gaki said about her is true, then she'll accept whatever conditions we give her, especially if she wants to be with and around Naruto in the open public without having to hide in the shadows to do so.

"And since Ryota was officially removed from Iwa's records as a citizen and ninja of their village before the Tsuchikage's death, they can't mark her as a missing-nin. From all this, I doubt she wouldn't want a fresh start and new beginning."

The blond Hokage leaned back on her chair and took a breath.

"I need a drink," Tsunade sighed, "…Things couldn't possibly get anymore complicated than it already is, can it?"

That was when the door to her office opened, revealing U. Naruto at the entrance.

"Baa-chan, ero-sennin," U. Naruto said as he closed the door behind him, "Just the two people I wanted to see."

Spoke too soon, Tsunade mentally lamented before turning to her surrogate little brother/son figure asked, "What's this about Naruto? If it's about being sent to track down Sasuke-"

"I'm not here for that baa-chan," Naruto replied with a calm demeanor.

"Then what is it you want," Tsunade asked, "And make it quick. I'm in the middle of something very important."

"I'm hoping one of you two here can answer my questions," U. Naruto said, "Is there any records about a kunoichi who went by the name…Uzumaki Kushina?"

Jiraiya and Tsunade sweated nervously though they did well to hide it. Before either Sannins could voice any objections, Naruto reached into his pocket and showed them the picture of his mother.

"This woman is my mother," Naruto said, "She was a refugee from Uzu No Kuni after it was destroyed by Iwa years ago. I know my father was from this village though I don't know exactly who he was."

"Who told you about her," Jiraiya inquired.

"My nii-chan," Naruto answered, "He told me more her than what anyone else has ever told me about my family and heritage. He didn't tell me who our father was so I figured he didn't know who he was either. However, he did tell me that our mother married our father in secret. So I'm sure documents about their secret marriage were preserved in Konoha's archives. I was hoping that I could take a look at them to see if my father's name is on those documents."

The two Sannins knew that their day wasn't going to be an trouble-free one. They saw that N. Naruto wasn't going to let them slide easily for everything U. Naruto went through all his life in Konoha.

"Baa-chan," Naruto asked, "Is it possible to locate those documents? I know that my parents are already dead…but I at least want to know my father's name if anything after what my nii-chan said about him?"

"What did he tell you," Tsunade asked.

"That our father was a very good man and that he loved both me and our mother," Naruto explain, "He said that our father died fighting the Kyuubi on the front line on the night I was born, wanting nothing more than to protect me, my mother and all of Konoha.

"Though my parents and relatives are dead," Naruto said trying to keep his emotions in check, "I'm my entire family's only surviving legacy. I'm happy that I know now where part of my family roots came from and that I have familial history in another country. I want to know the rest of my heritage from my father's side."

Jiraiya looked at the boy uneasily as a lump grew in his throat. Just last week he was some reckless orphan Genin who never once asked about his parents or family members and now suddenly he wants to know and find out as much as he could.

Damn it Namikaze, Jiraiya thought, You're hell bent on given us problems, aren't you?

"Naruto," Tsunade said sympathetically, "During Kyuubi's attack many buildings were hit and set ablaze, among them was one possessing the records of many important files about Konoha's civilians and ninjas. Many documents of various sorts were destroyed during Kyuubi's rage and most possibly the ones regarding your parents."

"Could you at least try to have those documents looked for," Naruto asked pleadingly.

"No one has ever stepped forward claiming that they found documents concerning Kushina, her family or her husband," Tsunade added, "They don't even have medical records on her. And since she married in secret as you said, searching for who your father could have been would be a complicated puzzle to put together."

The blond Genin cast his head down. He was really hoping that Tsunade would tell him something he wanted to here, regardless how little it was.

"It's OK baa-chan," Naruto said trying to mask his sadness, "I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up too high considering my familial status in this village."

Tsunade flinched inwardly on hearing that. Jiraiya felt a hard jab from his conscience.

"I'm sorry," Tsunade replied.

"It's alright," Naruto said, "At the very least, I now know who my mother is and some things about where and what family she came from though they had long died. Thanks anyway."

Tsunade didn't get the chance to say another word before U. Naruto turned and quickly exited the office. He didn't want them to see the tears that he struggled to keep from burst out now pouring down his face. After he left, closing the door behind him, Tsunade turned to the Toad Sage.

"We can't hide the truth from him for much longer," Tsunade said, "We're going to have to tell him eventually."

"Only being told by his "older brother" who their mother was and not their father was a clever ploy in getting Naruto to come to us to find the rest of the information," Jiraiya remarked, "That Namikaze gaki evidently wants that information to come from our own mouths."

"We're the closest people to Naruto," Tsunade said, "You're his godfather and his father's former teacher. We both watched as Kushina and Minato grew together and later fell in love. It hurts denying Naruto who suffered so much all his life to learn more about his heritage."

"I don't like it anymore than you Tsunade-hime," Jiraiya replied, "But the gaki has too much against him right now. I know it hurts but we both know that not revealing that information to Naruto at this time is for his own good and protection."

Tsunade looked away from her fellow Sannin and asked doubtfully, "Is it?"


Naruto exited the Hokage Tower while wiping the tears off his eyes. He had high hopes that Tsunade would be of help in finding any lost information about his family. But in the end, it turned into a grieving disappointment.

"You OK Naruto," a voice asked. The blonde turned to see Shikamaru approaching him. Seeing the teen Chuunin coming his way, Naruto quickly masked his sadness with one of his fake smiles and happy faces.

"Yeah," Naruto lied, "I'm just fine. I was just coming from seeing baa-chan but she's busy talking to ero-sennin about something, whatever it was."

"Alright," Shikamaru replied, "Mind telling me what's really bothering you?"

"What are you talking about," Naruto asked acting like he didn't know where Shikamaru was getting at.

"Your still pinkish eyes gave you away," Shikamaru pointed out, "You were crying and upset about something and Tsunade-sama had something to do with it I'm sure."

Naruto sighed seeing that there was no point in lying anymore.

"I stood out that badly huh," Naruto said, "I must have looked really pathetic."

"Don't be so troublesome," Shikamaru remarked, "You wouldn't mind telling me what happened between you and Tsunade-sama that got you so upset would you? That is if it's not too personal or private."

The blond Genin thought about keeping what he was going through to himself but he then remembered Tsunade telling him how no one ever stepped forward saying they found anything about Kushina's life in Konoha and Uzu No Kuni.

"I went to baa-chan just a couple of moments ago hoping she could find any information about a particular kunoichi," Naruto started. Shikamaru raised an eyebrow.

"Which kunoichi in particular," Shikamaru asked, "Do I or anyone else knows of her?"

"She died a long time ago but she used to life in Konoha as a war orphan and refugee," Naruto said, causing Shikamaru's eyes to widened briefly before giving Naruto a questioning look.

"Did this kunoichi happen to be from Uzu No Kuni," Shikamaru asked. Naruto's head shot up speedily, "She was! How did you know?!"

"Call it an intuition," Shikamaru remarked, "Would you happen to know how she looked like?"

Pulling out the picture from his pocket, U. Naruto showed the Nara genius the picture. Taking the picture and studying it, Shikamaru saw the resemblance between the woman in the picture and Naruto.

"Naruto," Shikamaru asked wanting to be sure on himself, "Is this woman-"

"Yes," Naruto confirmed, "Her name was Uzumaki Kushina. She was my mother."

The puzzle finally came together for the Nara genius. He now had the final piece in solving Naruto's mysterious and shrouded familial backgrounds.

"How did you get this picture and-"

"My nii-chan gave it to me," Naruto interjected, "He told me some things about our mother."

"Would you like to share them with me," Shikamaru asked, "Because I could also tell you stories about my troublesome and bossy mom."

Naruto laughed from that comment, which helped lightened his mood. It was the first time he laughed all morning really. Leaving the tower, Naruto started sharing with Shikamaru everything N. Naruto told him about Kushina. As he listened, Shikamaru pieced together everything he researched and investigated about Naruto's background and family line. With the added information he was being given, the Nara genius was now able to make sense of everything concerning Naruto's family history, especially after he did some further investigation last night about the Namikaze's history before and after becoming part of Konoha.

"And that's just about everything," Naruto concluded, "I was hoping Tsunade-no-baa-chan had any information about my father but she had nothing on him, not even his name."

Shikamaru resisted the urge to frown as he asked, "What did she say?"

"Tsunade-no-baachan said that all of the official documents about my mother and father were lost or destroyed during Kyuubi's rampage thirteen years ago," Naruto explained, "And that no one has ever stepped forward saying that they found any information about either my mother or father."

Just as I thought, Shikamaru contemplated, A hidden conspiracy. I should have known Tsunade-sama and Jiraiya-sama were in on this also, considering the fact that Jiraiya-sama taught Naruto's father.

"You really want to know who your parents really were, don't you," Shikamaru said, stating the obvious.

"I lived my whole life as an unwanted orphan and outcast with no family history," Naruto said, "I used to envy so many other children who were lucky to have families and orphans who knew things about their lost families and where they came from. I had nothing of that sort or anything precious left behind for me except a burden I never wanted or asked for."

In burden you mean being made into a Jinchuuriki unknowingly by your own father, Shikamaru thought silently.

"After so many lonely years," Naruto continued, "I was finally given a gift that no amount of money or even the position of Hokage could buy…a history about my family and where they were from. Even though the information was limited but it was a precious gift, one I will truly appreciate and cherish.

"I only wish I knew something about my father or found someone who knew anything about him, even if it was just his name."

Shikamaru thought about what he should do. He knew he couldn't just come straight out and say he investigated and found out who his father was. He acknowledged that there was no telling how the rest of the villagers would react were they to hear that from his mouth, especially if there were no documented proof of his findings.

"Well," Naruto said, "I have to get going. I have to meet up with Kakashi-sensei and Sakura-chan. Thanks for listening."

The Nara heir watched as the hyperactive blonde took off to where he was meeting his team. As he stood there, Shikamaru thought about what Naruto told him earlier:

"Tsunade-no-baachan said…that no one has ever stepped forward saying that they found any information about either my mother or father."

Letting out a breath, Shikamaru decided to turn and head straight home. Dispite his lazy character, there were some important document reports he wanted to write and summit to Tsunade before the end of the day.

"I hope Tsunade-sama won't turn into a troublesome woman for this," Shikamaru said to himself under his breath, "I already get enough of that from Ino and my own mom."

(All The While)

U. Naruto was making his way to the ramen stand where Kakashi and Sakura was when he was interested by another U. Naruto.

"Hello me," N. Naruto said in his henge for of U. Naruto.


U. Naruto was quickly silent by a gesture N. Naruto made.

"Don't call me "nii-chan" in public," N. Naruto said, "It would draw suspicious attention to us."

"Sorry," U. Naruto said sheepishly, "Why are you here?"

"There's something very important I have to discuss with you but not here," N. Naruto said, "Follow me."

"But what about Kakashi-sensei and-"

"I've already taken care of that," N. Naruto interjected, "This is more important."

Nodding, U. Naruto followed N. Naruto to an alley where Konohamaru was waiting.

"Konohamaru," U. Naruto asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'll explain everything after we leave here," N. Naruto said as he grabbed both of their hands. In a burst of white smoke all three boys disappeared and were teleported to another location…

What could N. Naruto have in store for U. Naruto and Konohamaru? What will Shikamaru do now with all the information he dug up and found about U. Naruto's family and history? Will N. Naruto find a way to get himself and the girls back home? And will the Akatsuki take any form of action for what happened in Iwagakure? Find out next time.