Chapter Seventy-One: Homeward Bound

(In The N. Naruto's Universe)

Tsunade was in her office staring out of the window looking over the village. It's been two days since her son's mysterious disappearance, along with Hinata, Ino and Temari's. She couldn't help but worry about him and from what her former sensei said, she didn't know when or if she'll see them again.

There were several who asked about Naruto's absence, the Konohamaru Corps being among them. Tsunade told them that they were off on an undisclosed mission with an unspecified duration. This served to silence the majority but she didn't know for how long she and the few who knew the truth could keep this up before the populous and those on the council start becoming suspicious.

"They will come back Tsunade-sama," Shizune said though she was just as worried for her little brother, "I'm sure they're alright wherever they are."

"I know Shizune," Tsunade said, "But I can't help but feel frustrated that Naru-chan and the girls were snatched away without warning and there was nothing we could have done about it, even now. It's been two days so far, so I'm not going to do anything drastic that I'll regret later."

"We still have Iwa's reparation issue to deal with," Shizune said, "Naruto-kun was very adamant about handling matters himself as a diplomat and he's not here to carry that out."

"We will hold off on that as long as possible," Tsunade said, "It's important that no one knows of Naru-chan's disappearance."

"Was Sarotobi-sama willing to relinquish the scroll possessing the secrets of the Hoka Sekai Senshi," Shizune asked. Tsunade growled inwardly, "That old geezer wouldn't budge. No matter what I said he wouldn't hand over the scroll. And the fact that my grandfather entrusted the scroll directly to him makes it practically impossible to force it out of his hands."

"You weren't going to chance summoning Naruto-kun and the others back were you," Shizune asked.

"As much as I'd have love to try," Tsunade replied, "But that gamble is to high; my son's life and the lives of Hinata, Ino and Temari would be on the line and I wouldn't be able to forgive or live with myself if I were to end up unintentionally killing them or getting them trapped between dimensions as Sarutobi-sensei warned."

Turning to Shizune, Tsunade said, "My son will return back to us soon and he bring the girls back with him."

"I'm sure he will," Shizune smiled.

(Meanwhile; At The Namikaze Estate)

Anko was back at the mansion by herself bored out of her head. Ryota decided to spend the day with Haku as her way of keeping herself occupied. There haven't been any thrilling missions available to keep Anko's mind off the bizarre incident regarding Naruto and the girls' disappearance and frankly it was proving to be more than a bother. Just as she was about to raid Naruto's liquor cabinet, the door bell rang.

"Who the hell could that be," Anko asked out loud to no one particular. As she headed over to the door, the bell rang again.

"I'm coming damn it!," Anko swore as she walked at her own pace. Reaching the door, the Snake Mistress opened the door, only to find an unexpected visitor looking at her.

"Hey," Anko realized, "You're Hinata's kid sister. Hanabi is it?"

"Yes," Hanabi said politely as she bowed to the older female, "I'm Hyuuga Hanabi."

"What do I owe the pleasure of your visit," Anko remarked, "I thought your father was the kind of man to want you close by with him and not out of his sight."

"My father is a strict man," Hanabi admitted, "But he does allow some measure of leniency. I admit however that it did take some convincing on my part to move him to allow me to travel here on my own, reminding him that Naruto-sama is in fact the future extension and link of both of our clans."

This kid is smooth, Anko mentally admired.

"I'm here to see Naruto-sama and nee-san," Hanabi said, "Are they available?"

"No," Anko said, "They're out on a mission."

"When will they return," Hanabi inquired.

"Don't know really," Anko answered, "Their mission didn't have any specific time duration so it's anyone's guess."

"I see," the eight-year-old girl acknowledged, "I suppose I should return back home then."

Hanabi was about to turn and start off back home when…

"You don't have to leave just yet gaki," Anko said. Hanabi, though not happy with the term she was referred to, turned to look at the older female again.

"Your father wouldn't mind your staying here for a few hours longer here, would he," Anko smiled. Something about Anko's smile sent a cold chill down Hanabi's back, but after reminding herself what clan she was from and heiress to, the young girl fought not to show intimidation.

"Not at all, I suppose," Hanabi said. Anko smiled, "That's good."

Anko opened the door wider to allow the girl to enter the mansion. Hanabi walked in and stepped inside as Anko closed the door behind them.

"So gaki," Anko asked as they continued walking further into the large house, "What do you do for fun?"

Hanabi, ignoring the name she was referred, replied, "I practice Jyuuken, calligraphy and I like reading."

"You practice your clan's Jyuuken you say," Anko summarized, "How frequently?"

"Enough to reach father's expectations of me," Hanabi said, "He has high standards and as the new heiress I must reach them, if not exceed them as nee-san did to some degree."

"To some degree," Anko asked, "And how do you think you compare to Hinata?"

"Nee-san was looked at as weak in our father's eyes for a time but she improved in ways neither father, Neji-san nor I expected," Hanabi said, "I've made improvements of my own but I would be foolish to think I'm on nee-san's level.

"Wanna give it shot and see where you stand," Anko invited, "I'd like to see for myself how good you are. I'll hold back some."

If there was anything Hanabi learned as an observer it was to never underestimate a stronger and more experienced ninja just because of what clan you were from. That was a lesson she learned after watching Neji's brutal and humiliating defeat to Naruto.

"Alright," Hanabi accepted, "Where can we go?"

"Backyard," Anko directed, "There's a training ground there."

The young Hyuuga followed the Special Jounin to the backyard, ready to show the older woman what she can do. Unfortunately, Hanabi wasn't aware of Anko's definition of "holding back."

(Back In The U. Naruto's Universe; In The Forest Of Death)

Konohamaru and U. Naruto found themselves back in N. Naruto's house, particularly in the living room.

"Hey nii-chan," U. Naruto asked, "What is this all about?"

N. Naruto dropped his henge and changed back to normal.

"To put it simply," N. Naruto started off, "Konohamaru sees you as his role model and someone he can learn a lot from, yes?"

"Well," U. Naruto grinned while scratching the back of his head, "I know some stuff but-"

"Your teachers at the academy haven't educated you fairly I know," N. Naruto remarked, "I've seen what life has been for you and for what its worth, I'm not thrilled as you already know. But we're not here to discuss that again. We're here because a grave matter arose back in my world and it's dire that the girls and I return as soon as possible to deal with it. We can't stay here any longer and every second counts."

"What can we do to help," U. Naruto asked.

"I'm glad you asked little brother," N. Naruto said as N. Ino, N. Hinata and N. Temari walked into the living room.

"Little bro.," N. Naruto requested, "Please remove your headband from off your head."

"Why," U. Naruto asked.

"I'm going to have our minds linked," N. Naruto said, "Ino-chan here will served as the telepathic bridge between us while Hina-chan keeps watch over our vitals and any signs of irregularities."

"What will the fan girl do," U. Naruto asked pointing to Temari. That caused N. Naruto and the others in the room to burst out laughing. Temari however frowned for two reasons: one, because U. Naruto already forgot her name after all this time; two, though her large fan was her specialty weapon, the way U. Naruto phrased it made it sound like she was one of those female disgrace to kunoichis who only think about boys and their own feminine looks.

"I have a name you know," Temari snorted, "It's Temari and I'm not a fangirl."

U. Naruto countered, "You use a large fan so-"

"Oh forget it before I smack you with it," Temari retorted as she aimed her fan at him, causing U. Naruto to gulp fearfully. N. Naruto just shook his head.

"OK," N. Naruto said, "Now that we got that out of our systems, let's continue shall we? Temari will standby as our line of defense if anything happens during our mind link procedure."

"Why do you want to link your mind with Naruto-nii-chan's," Konohamaru asked.

"Because I have a gift to give him," N. Naruto smiled, "From brother to brother. Since he and I are one and the same despite the differences in our characteristics and personalities, he's perfectly compatible with what I'll give to him. But it can only be done through a mental transfer. Trust me little brother, you'll thank me for this."

"What kind of gift is it," U. Naruto inquired, "This transfer won't hurt, will it?"

"No," N. Naruto assured, "But you will suffer a good measure of experience exhaustion from this as your mind and body will work to absorb and adjust to what I'll be giving to you. However you'll have to train your whole body and develop your chakra coils much more as you put what I will impart to you into continuous practice. Before I do this however, I have a few conditions I want you to make a promise to me, as your nindo."

"What are these conditions," U. Naruto asked.

"I ask," N. Naruto started, "That you first…"

N. Naruto reached into his vest and retrieved a tied scroll from it and tossed it over to U. Naruto.

"Change your wardrobe," N. Naruto said, "In that scroll are some new clothes I put together for you. That blinding bright orange jumpsuit has got to go. You're practically a moving target for everyone to hit with those clothes."

"But I like my bright orange jumpsuit," U. Naruto argued. N. Naruto gave his counterpart a hard and narrowed look seemingly as though his form was over-casting U. Naruto completely. The Elite Jounin stated with a hardened voice, "You're a ninja, not some immature child seeking attention wherever or from whoever he can. So dress and carry yourself as a disciplined shinobi. Clear?"

U. Naruto gulped fearfully and nodded as he placed the scroll into the right pocket of his jacket.

"Good," N. Naruto smiled, "Second, use some of what I'll impart to you to train Konohamaru. Third, wisely use this gift to help you on your path to fulfill your dreams. Fourth, use this gift to protect all those who are precious to you. Fifth, don't use what I'll give you for selfish endeavors; rather I want you to be humble about it. Sixth, don't deny yourself from accepting honest truths, regardless how painful they may be. Last, never reveal to anyone from whom you've received your gift from. Promise me that you'll live by these conditions, as your nindo."

U. Naruto saw that what N. Naruto was saying wasn't a request. He was telling him straightforward to live by those conditions and refusal was not an option.

"I promise," U. Naruto agreed, "As my nindo."

"Good," N. Naruto nodded, "Now we can being the procedure."

N. Naruto removed his own headband and set it down on the sofa. N. Naruto sat down on the other sofa and gestured to U. Naruto to come and sit right next to him. After he did as instructed, Ino stepped forward and stood in front of them.

"We're ready," N. Naruto said.

"Alright then," Ino replied, "Now, I want you both to relax your breathing and steady the pace of your heart beats."

N. Naruto had no problem doing that though U. Naruto took a little more time to do that. Soon it was done and then Ino went through a set of hand seals before placing her left palm on N. Naruto's head and her right palm on U. Naruto's head thus commencing the link. Hinata activated her Byakugan and turned her attention to the three blondes. Temari and Konohamaru stood there and watched as the process commenced.

"How long do you suppose this will take," Konohamaru asked.

"I have no idea," Temari admitted, "He only came up with this idea late last night."

"Do you think it'll work," Konohamaru asked. Looking down at the boy, Temari asked, "Do you doubt your nii-chan's plan already? I thought you had faith in-"

"No, no," Konohamaru panicked, "I'm totally confident in niichan!"

"Then let's keep that optimism going then," Temari said in return. The truth was Temari didn't want to be skeptic about her lover's untested idea and for their sakes, she hoped his plan worked.


Shikamaru was back home in his room carefully typing and putting together all of his recent findings from his two-day investigation. He rewrote his outline several times before he structured one that he believed would be fitting to present to the Hokage. After he typed up and proofread everything he wrote, he printed his documents and placed them in a clip folder that held the papers together. To make the documents official and trustworthy, he required three important things: the signature of his father Shikaku as the head of the Nara clan, the Nara clan seal and his own signature as the Chuunin investigator. Taking a pen, Shikamaru signed where his name was supposed to be.

"Now all I have to do is get my father to agree to support this," Shikamaru said to himself as he picked up the folder and left his room to go look for his father. On the way down, he found his mother Yoshino in the kitchen cooking some food.

"Leaving again," Yoshino asked after taking note of his presence.

"I'm looking for father," Shikamaru asked, "Would you happen to know where he is?"

"In the field tending to the deer," Yoshino said, "What do you need him for?"

"There's something important that I must bring to his attention," Shikamaru replied as he continued on his way out of the house, leaving his mother to her business. The Nara heir and genius went on his way to where his father was. On his way, he found multiple deer, young and old, moving about through the forest field. It was a while before he finally found his father feeding a young deer.

"Time to get this done," Shikamaru said to himself as he made his way to his father. Shikaku looked to see his son approaching him with a folder in his hand. From the look on his son's face, Shikaku knew that this was official ninja business.

"Shikamaru," Shikaku greeted, "Is all well?"

"Actually father," Shikamaru said, "There's a dire matter I must discuss with you."

"What matter could be so dire that would require my attention," Shikaku asked. Rather than voicing his reasons, Shikamaru handed his father the folder. Shikaku took the folder and opened it up to begin reading what his son had to show him. Shikamaru saw how the expression on his father's face gradually changed but his father didn't say anything as he continued reading the report. After a few minutes, Shikaku was closed the folder after reading the report through and through. The report was whole and irrefutable. He closed his eyes momentarily before looking back at his son.

"Did you always know who Naruto's father was," Shikamaru asked. Shikaku looked at his son and said, "Minato was an extraordinary man, one many admired and respected. He was also believed to have been the strongest of the Hokages. However I never knew about his secret marriage to Kushina. I never knew he had a son whom he used to seal the Kyuubi into on the same night of his birth."

"So you're telling me that because you didn't know whose son Naruto was, you paid very little to no attention to him," Shikamaru remarked, "Or was it that he wasn't worthy of receiving the needed attention because he was some unwanted orphan who had the misfortune of having the Kyuubi sealed into him?

"Shikamaru," Shikaku tried to explain, "Try to understand that the horrific fear that Kyuubi No Yoko had induced made the villagers-"

"Yondaime was an expert seal master," Shikamaru interrupted, "From my research as you had already read, it became very clear that he didn't and couldn't kill the bijuu. He sealed away the creature of that power using what must have been an ancient fuujin jutsu that permanently imprisoned the Kyuubi. Did you and the entire village have so little faith in Yondaime's caliber as a seal master?"

Shikaku knew he could try to come up with an explanation but the look in his son's eyes showed little to no interest in whatever 'explanation' there was and his report, though emotionally neutral, made that fact very clear.

"Naruto," Shikamaru started, "Has the Kyuubi in him because his own father, the late Yondaime Hokage, imprisoned the bijuu in him to save Konoha. Do you or anyone else in Konoha know what it's like to walk around with a bijuu inside of you? No, none of us do.

"Growing up, we were taught as ninjas to protect this village because we love the people in this village. We were taught that the villagers of Konoha are the most caring, understanding and supportive citizens in all of the elemental nations. I believed this for a long time but now after opening my eyes to discover the truth about the kind of life Naruto was forced to live and how he's been treated by the people of this village, I find that belief false."

Shikaku was shocked by his son's proclamation but Shikamaru wasn't finished.

"For the first time in my life," Shikamaru continued, "I'm ashamed to be member of this village. True, Sandaime ordered that none of the adults were to speak of the Kyuubi being sealed into Naruto to any of the children of our generation under penalty of death. But did any of you ever take the time to talk and be around Naruto? Or even invite him over to get to know him a little bit more?

"No. The villagers entirely just judged him and treated him cruelly while both I and the rest of those of the younger generation were poisoned by this village's unjustified hatred. We grew to become either indifferent or treat Naruto with scorn just because the older ones said so. VERY few acknowledged Naruto for Naruto using sound mind while the majority decided to use and take out their anger and pain on Naruto for what the Kyuubi did, blaming Naruto, a defenseless orphan at the time, for the loss of all their loved ones and friends. Cowards all of them! If he were truly Kyuubi, he'd have killed all of us already and we'd have deserved it!

"Namikaze Minato, the Hokage you said was an extraordinary man, would have died in shame if he were alive to see what this village of hypocritical ingrates has done to his and Kushina's son who saves them everyday. The villagers praise Yondaime as their greatest Hokage yet they spit on his sacrifice.

"Naruto doesn't deserve the life he's living. He deserves what rightfully belongs to him as the true and rightful Namikaze clan heir and no one has the right to deny that from him, no matter the excuse."

Shikamaru turned and walked off away from his father, not giving the Nara clan leader time to make any counter arguments against him, if any. Shikaku stood there dumbfounded as his son's words replayed in his mind over and over again with the folder still in his hand. Now he had to decide whether or not to support what his son was trying to accomplish. Whatever he decided to do, Shikaku knew he'd have to live with it on his conscience, though there was also a chance that Shikamaru would never forgive him.

"Troublesome boy," Shikaku muttered.

(Meanwhile; Location Unknown)

Pein assembled the members of the Akatsuki through a telepathic link. All were present in spectral projections inside a closed cave. News of Akatsuki attacking Iwa spread like wildfire throughout Tsuchi No Kuni in spite of the fact that the Akatsuki truly had nothing to do with last night's attack.

"Report," Pein ordered Sasori.

"An Iwa ninja known as Soujiro," Sasori explained, "Formerly the Diamond Fang of Iwa posed as a member of our organization and attacked and killed the Tsuchikage. He convincingly made it look like our work."

"If I recall," Deidara said, "You killed Sandaime Kazekage and turned him into a human puppet."

"Except my manner of doing so was based on eternal art," Sasori retorted.

"Pfft," Deidara scorned, "Art isn't eternal, yeah! If fades after blossoming and-"

"Enough," Pein cut in sharply, "I don't have time for your petty arguments. Was there any reason for Soujiro's actions?"

"From what my spies reported," Sasori said, "The Tsuchikage had plans for an unspecified Jinchuuriki though no documents of any sort were found to support his claim. It was said that Soujiro murdered the Tsuchikage in order to prevent him from interfering with our plans for the Jinchuuriki."

Pein chuckled, "Dying in the name of our cause as a non-member of our organization. If he were still alive, I'd have recruited and allowed this Soujiro to become a full-fledged member of the Akatsuki."

"There's more," Sasori added. Pein nodded and permitted the puppet master to continue.

"Documents of a particular kunoichi's discharge from Iwa were found," Sasori went on, "This kunoichi was Ryota, the former Shining Stone of Iwa."

Now Deidara's ears perked up.

"Ryota," Deidara said.

"You know this girl," Itachi asked coolly.

"She's a former pupil of mine," Deidara replied, "One who had promises. Our student-teacher relationship was like that of a blossoming rose. Its artistic beauty was radiant before withering and deteriorating into dust before being blown away by the hot east wind. Yeah, it was a true work of art!"

"Idiot," Kakuzu remarked. Konan had a neutral look as she watched in silence.

"Ryota hasn't been seen or heard from in months and no search party has have been dispatched to find her from what my spies reported," Sasori explained, "They assumed that must have been the reason for her official discharge from Iwa hours before the Tsuchikage's death."

"It's a theory," Itachi spoke up, "But do you suppose Ryota was linked to what the Tsuchikage was planning from this unnamed Jinchuuriki? It would only make sense to have her dismissed from her home village if her cover was blown so it wouldn't look like Iwa's work, thus making it look like she was acting on her own."

"If your theory is true," Pein commented, "Then Soujiro actually did us a service in removing the obstacle."

"And what of Ryota," Zetsu asked.

"Never mind her," Pein said, "She's of no interest of to me. Soujiro's actions haven't changed anything. We'll continue recruiting missing-nins willing to serve our cause while accepting any available missions to help fund our organization. Dismissed."

Pein severed the telepathic link, allowing the Akatsuki members, wherever they were, to go about their assignments.

"Do you think it was wise to disregard the subject of Ryota," Konan asked Pein. Both of whom were in a high rise tower in Amegakure.

"With the Tsuchikage dead and Ryota no longer being welcomed in Iwa," Pein replied, "Whatever her purpose was in whatever the Tsuchikage was scheming is now useless. She's of no consequence to us anymore than any possible threat."

With that said, Pein walked off away from his female partner.

"As you say Pein," Konan said.

(Back In Konoha)

Ryota was stirring as she gradually opened her eyes. Slowly they adjusted to the low lighting of the room. The rest of the room was entirely dark with no lighting.

"What the," Ryota said as she found that she was no longer in her ninja gear and uniform. Rather, she was in prison clothes and tied to a chair. Pressure points were hit around her body preventing the use of her arms and legs.

"Where am I," Ryota asked aloud.

"ANBU Headquarters," a voice answered for her. Ryota turned to see a figure standing in the shadows.

"Who are you," Ryota asked.

"The only person standing between you and your immediate execution right here on the spot depending on how you answer my questions," the voice replied, "Why are you in Konoha spying on Uzumaki Naruto?"

Seeing that she was caught, she recalled that someone ambushed and knocked her out. Both her mission and cover were blown.

"I'll cooperate," Ryota said not bothering to argue, "I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

Ryota looked to see the lone figure approaching and stepping out of the showed and into the light, revealing to being none other than Tsunade.

"I'm listening," Tsunade said with a cold expression. Though Tsunade already knew the truth about Ryota from N. Naruto however, she chose to perform the interrogation process herself and from it determine what could be done about Ryota. As the blond Hokage stood there, Ryota explained the entire story in lengthy details with no attempts to cover up anything. Everything she said was exactly how N. Naruto described it, Tsunade acknowledged.

"And that's everything," Ryota finished. Tsunade nodded, "I'm happy that you were willing to cooperate in explaining everything your late Tsuchikage was plotting."

"Late Tsuchikage," Ryota asked with a perplexed expression.

"Your Tsuchikage was assassinated late last night," Tsunade said, "Word of his plans reached the Akatsuki and they dispatched an agent to have him dealt with. You remember Soujiro, do you?"

Ryota's eyes widened on here that.

"What," Ryota exclaimed, "How could Soujiro be a member of the Akatsuki? From what I know of that bastard, he was loyal to the Tsuchikage."

"Things aren't always as they seem," Tsunade remarked, "Especially if you're playing the role of a double agent. Deception is part of the job of a ninja, something you should already know."

Ryota found what she heard hard to believe at first. But when she started thinking about it, along with how Soujiro was responsible for much of her problems in Iwa, she soon found the idea believable.

"I should have known," Ryota replied, "If I had known he was in the Akatsuki-"

"That no longer matters," Tsunade interjected, "He's dead. He was ambushed and killed in Iwa after killing the Tsuchikage. But that's not all."

The Slug Princess pulled out and showed Ryota the official copies of her discharge papers possessing the signature and seal of the late Tsuchikage. The young kunoichi couldn't believe what she was seeing and reading.

"Iwagakure has disavowed all connections with you but you weren't marked as a missing-nin," Tsunade made clear, "As of now you're in our hands with no village coming to protect or rescue you."

"I'm free and Naruto-kun is safe from Iwa," Ryota smiled, "That's all that matters to me. Am I to be executed now?"

Tsunade looked straight into the girl's eyes, as though she was reading the fifteen-year-old kunoichi.

"Since you no longer belong to Iwa," Tsunade said, "How would you like to belong here in Konoha?"

"Excuse me," Ryota asked believing she misheard what the Sannin offered her.

"Your story and very character shows that you really care about Naruto," Tsunade said, "I'm offering you a full pardon and a chance to start a new life here in Konoha only if you swear to serve and protect this village loyally."

"I'm sure there are ninjas in this village who already know of my reputation and origins," Ryota said, "Clearly they won't take an automatic liking to my presence in Konoha."

"Let me deal with that," Tsunade stated, "True, your new start here won't be an easy one and you'll have to work on building trust with everyone in the village. But there's always a certain blond Genin you can start with."

Ryota's eyes widened at the opportunity to actually being able to talk and get close to U. Naruto. No longer would she have to hide in the shadows to observe and admire him as a spy. She would be free to be publicly seen with the hyperactive blonde.

"I will serve and protect this village loyally as a Konoha shinobi," Ryota promised, "And I will protect Naruto-kun, as I've been doing already."

"Yes," Tsunade said, "I know you will."

(Later That Day; Back In The Forest Of Death)

Ino severed the mind link between U. Naruto and N. Naruto. U. Naruto collapsed down on the sofa, completely knocked out and unconscious. N. Naruto rubbed his head before tying his headband back around his head.

"It's done," N. Naruto said, "I've given my little brother all that I believe would be needed for his enhancements and future developments. Along with other essentials that will be of great use to him."

"Will he be OK," Konohamaru asked.

"He won't be getting back up for the rest of the day as he'll sleep until tomorrow morning," N. Naruto said, "It'll take some time for the processing to be done and fully activated. Besides that, there are no serious side effects to worry about."

"That's good news," Temari commented, "So what now?"

"With my plan in place now," Naruto said, "We can now begin preparing for our return back home."

"We can finally be sent back," Ino asked happily.

"Almost," Naruto said as he pulled out the scroll for the Hoka Sekai Senshi and turned to Konohamaru, "Konohamaru?"

"Yes," the boy asked.

"As I explained," Naruto said, "The girls and I can no longer remain in this world due to complications that arose back home. Therefore, my alter ego will do my work for me in my place. I've given him all of the required knowledge and experiences he'll need for the task. Along with other things I believe would serve of great use and benefit for him. I charge you to never reveal the secret of his enhancements."

"You have my word as a Konoha ninja in training," Konohamaru nodded, "I'll make you and everyone proud."

"I'm happy to hear that," Naruto said and then requested, "Now, I asked that I be released from this contract as I've fulfilled my duty."

Konohamaru nodded, "As your summoner, I consider your duty fulfilled. I release you from the contract."

"Now comes the part of my payment," Naruto said as he looked at Konohamaru, "As payment to me Konohamaru, your memories and experience of the Hoka Sekai Senshi will be completely erased from your memories, never to be recalled again. You are to burn and destroy this scroll so that it's never used again or fall into the wrong hands. This you must carry this out promptly if you do not wish to die for not making this payment to me; by law of the contract."

"You want me to lose all of my memories," Konohamaru asked fearfully.

"No," Naruto clarified, "Only the memories involving all of your studies, research and use of this summoning jutsu, with the scroll being destroyed. That's all I ask. Will you make this payment to me for my services?"

It was a heavy price to pay Konohamaru realized. But the kid clearly didn't want to die either for not living up to his end of the deal.

"I'll make the payment," Konohamaru agreed. Immediately his memories of the Hoka Sekai Senshi kuchiyose jutsu were erased, leaving him momentarily dazed. Things were blurry for him for a couple of moments as his head struggled to get itself back together.

"This won't harm his mind or mental stability, will it," Hinata asked worriedly.

"It won't damage his psychological make up if that's what you're worried about," Naruto said without doubt in his voice, "But this for Konohamaru's protection. Any skilled mind reader like Ino's father or anyone else could dive into Konohamaru's mind and retrieve all of the information about the seal even if the scroll itself was destroyed. Though Jiraiya said he found and corrected the seal in the cave where we first came out however, without the scroll there's no way of using that summoning seal at all. It's my way on tying up all loose ends."

Konohamaru head stopped hurting entirely. Though he knew he summoned N. Naruto into his world, he couldn't remember how he did it. He did however remember that he had to destroy the scroll as part of the payment.

"I can't remember any about…," Konohamaru couldn't finish the sentence, "What was that jutsu again?"

"Not important," Naruto replied, "But what's important is that you destroy that scroll…now!"

Nodding, Konohamaru followed N. Naruto outside in the opening, Konohamaru gathered together some pieces of wood and placed them around the scroll on the ground. N. Naruto picked up a broke piece of branch and performed a fire jutsu on it before handing the burning branch to Konohamaru.

"You know what to do," N. Naruto said. Nodding, the younger boy took the branch from Naruto and set it down on the branches surrounding the scroll. The two boys and the girls watched as the scroll possessing the Hoka Sekai Senshi and all of its contents were burned and forever lost in the flames. The Elite Jounin made sure nothing of the scroll was left and that it was completely reduced to dust.

When that was over, N. Naruto summoned a group of twenty kage bushins.

"Begin disassembling the waterlines to the river and help the girls prepare the house for sealing," Naruto ordered. The clones nodded and went about their assignments. Turning to the girls, Naruto said, "I'm going to return my little brother and Konohamaru back to Konoha."

"How long will you be," Hinata asked.

"In time to seal house back into the scroll and my arm," Naruto said.

"Well don't keep us waiting too long," Temari said, "Because we want to get back as soon as possible."

"We will," Naruto assured as he went into the back into house. A moment later, he came back out in a henge of U. Naruto while carrying his still unconscious counterpart over his shoulder.

"Konohamaru," N. Naruto said, "Over here."

The boy was over to him. Naruto took hold of the boy and in a burst of white smoke, all three boys were gone.

(Meanwhile In Iwa)

The Tsuchikage's body was at the morgue being prepared for burial, along with ten other ninjas that were killed in last night's attack, with fifteen injured. The people were setting in motion preparation for a memorial for the fallen ninjas. Emotions of anger and grief of betrayal spread around the village. News of Ryota's official discharge from Iwa spread like wildfire to all of the ninjas in the village, but no one knew why. The ninjas at this point didn't know what to think, let alone believe at this point. Iwa lost thirteen ninjas, among them their leader, a 'traitor' and a kunoichi disowned for reasons unknown.

Tsuchiko was outside the walls of the village, meditating on last night's attack. She briefly allowed her emotions to show through with a few drops of tears. Wiping them away, she gathered her resolve to make herself stronger in the event of another Akatsuki attack or any other attack from enemy ninjas.

(Back In Konoha)

N. Naruto carried U. Naruto back to Konoha with Konhamaru following close by. As they entered and walked through the village, no one bothered to question the scene they were looking at. They took it as one of U. Naruto's kage bushins carrying him back after a long training or whatever else it was he was doing.

"Konohamaru," N. Naruto said, "You can go home now. I'll handle things from here."

"I'll miss you nii-chan," Konohamaru said sadly. N. Naruto smiled, "Hey, keep in mind that a part of me will always be with you and my little brother. OK?"

The boy hugged the Elite Jounin and cried lowly, "Good-bye nii-chan."

"Take of yourself and Konoha," N. Naruto said, "Become the great ninja and defender that you seek to be."

Releasing the older male, Konohamaru smiled at N. Naruto before taking off from him. After his form disappeared from view, N. Naruto hurried to bring U. Naruto back to his apartment. When he reached the complex, the Elite Jounin simply walked up to U. Naruto's apartment and entered it after picking the lock to the front door. After closing and locking the door behind him, N. Naruto moved and cradled his alter ego in his arms. Closing his eyes, he began focusing chakra from his seal and into his coils. The strength of the chakra increased until it wrapped around N. Naruto's form completely. A moment later, a burst f smoke came forth from N. Naruto. When the smoke cleared, N. Naruto was no longer in his own form or appearance. Standing in N. Naruto's place was the man that no one has seen for over thirteen years, Namikaze Minato.

Minato looked and saw that his son gave him temporary use of his body. He looked and found that he was now cradling U. Naruto's unconscious form.

"I understand Naruto," Minato said as he brought U. Naruto over to his room. Setting him down on his bed, Minato removed U. Naruto's jacket, sandals and headband. Lifting the bottom of boy's black t-shirt, Minaro decided to check the seal holding the Kyuubi. Focusing chakra into it, Minato examined the seal and found it to be working just fine.

Grabbing the blanket on the bed, Minato covered Naruto with it. Looking down at his son's younger counterpart, Minato smiled and ruffled U. Naruto's head.

"Kushina would have been proud of the man you're becoming just as I am," Minato said, "Especially since you take after her more so than you do me. You're the living legacy of the Uzumaki and Namikaze and no one can ever take that away from you. You're destined for great accomplishments in life Naruto and I'm more than certain that you'll surpass everyone's expectations of you, even my own and that of your alter ego. We love and believe in you."

Minato leaned down and kissed Naruto on his forehead.

"Good-bye my son," Minato said, "Carry the name of the Uzumaki and Namikaze in honor."

Minato stood back up and lowered his head as he closed his eyes. Seconds later, he puffed into smoke. After it cleared, N. Naruto was back to normal with his head hung down and his eyes closed. Slowly, he opened his eyes and lifted his head back up.

"Good-bye little brother," N. Naruto grinned, "I'm sure the others will be more than shock to see the new you in action."

N. Naruto shunshin'd away from the apartment.

(In The Hokage Tower)

Tsunade got through with the paperwork concerning Ryota's new citizenship and ninja status in Konoha. Ryota was given the rank of Jounin and three months probation. Although Ryota no longer lived in Iwa, she still had her bank account available to her since she wasn't marked as a missing-nin. Despite this, the former Iwa Jounin requested for an apartment close to where U. Naruto lived, not surprising to Tsunade to say the least but her request was granted since apartments in that part of Konoha weren't hard to come by. All that Ryota would have to do is buy new furniture and other necessities for her new place. Tsunade planned to introduce Ryota to the other ninjas and explain her situation tomorrow after the girl settled into her new apartment.

After taking care of that, Tsunade went about completing the rest of her remaining work. She was hurrying through them so she could enjoy and take her break. Just as she was about to finish her work, the door to her office opened.

I hope it's not Shizune with more paperwork to give me again, Tsunade mentally pleaded as she raised her head to find that it wasn't Shizune. Instead she found three clan leaders on the shinobi council standing in her office.

"The original Ino-Shika-Cho trio," Tsunade greated, "What brings you three here?"

Inoichi closed the door behind them as Shikaku stepped forward with a folder in his hand.

"We came to present this to you Tsunade-sama," Shikaku said as he handed Tsunade the folder.

"What's this about," Tsunade asked.

"I think it would be best if you read the documents," Shikaku said respectfully. Nodding, Tsunade opened and began reading its contents. As she went further into the report, her eyes widened as she read every word written. She didn't protest, but rather she continued reading. The three clan leaders stood there as their Hokage read Shikamaru's investigation report. A couple of minutes later, Tsunade got to the end of the report and found not only Shikamaru's signature on it, but also the signatures and clan seals of Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Inoichi and Akimichi Chouza.

She looked back at the three of the men in front of her.

"Shikamaru said that no ninja have stepped forward claiming to have found anything on Naruto's familial history," Shikaku said, "Well, here we were."

"Shikaku convinced us to support this," Chouza spoke up, "His methods were…quite logical."

"You three are serious about this," Tsunade asked.

"Yes Tsunade-sama," Shikaku answered, "As the Ino-Shika-Cho trio we request that movements of Naruto being given his inheritance and clan name be set in motion. We understand that he presently doesn't have the maturity or rank needed to stand as the official Namikaze clan leader, and making him the new clan leader can be held off until he's deemed ready for the responsibility. However we do believe that he deserves more than what all of us has given him all his life."

"You three speak as though his misfortune was your fault," Tsunade remarked.

"Though we never treated Naruto harshly like most of the villagers however," Inoichi said, "Unlike Sandaime-sama, we've done nothing to actually help and protect Minato's son all his life. So yes, we're just as guilty."

"If Kushina was still alive," Chouza added, "She wouldn't have taken too kindly to the years of abuse her only child was forced to endure. She'd have cursed us to her grave."

Tsunade knew Kushina well and she knew how protective Kushina was. She would have fought and killed anyone to protect Naruto, consequences be damned.

"We can't change our past mistakes and negligence, but the three of us have decided to do what we can to have what rightfully belongs to Naruto be given to him," Shikaku said. The blond Sannin saw that none of the three men was neither going to back down or change their minds.

"We'll bring this up on the next council meeting," Tsunade consented, "In one week's time. I'll need to make all the needed preparations to gather together DNA proof and all of the documents proving beyond any doubt that Naruto is the sole son and heir of Minato and Kushina."

"Thank you Tsunade-sama," Shikaku said with a bow to the Slug Princess before he, Inoichi and Chouza turned and left her office, leaving Tsunade to her thoughts. She leaned back on her chair and exhaled audibly, knowing she was going to be in for an ear-full in the next council meeting. Though she would have three clan leaders supporting the movement of having Naruto being given his father's estate and everything that belonged to Minato and Kushina, she would have to also get Jiraiya to support that as well.

"Where's my sake," Tsunade said seeking a temporary escape from reality.

(Back In The Forest Of Death)

N. Naruto and this female company were all set and ready to go. The house and all of its features were sealed back into Naruto's scroll and into his left arm. The large hole where the house previously was had been filled back with gravel and dirt.

"Ready to go back," N. Naruto asked.

"Hell yeah," Temari answered for everyone, "I've had enough of this world to last me a lifetime!"

"Likewise," Ino agreed.

"Same here," Hinata said also agreeing, "We're ready to return back."

"Leaving without saying good-bye," a voice said from the trees. The gang looked up to see Jiraiya standing on one of the branches. He jumped down and landed in front of them.

"You four really caused a ruckus in Iwa last night," Jiraiya said.

"It was our pleasure," Temari smirked.

"Yes I'm very well aware of that," Jiraiya remarked, "It was quite a nifty plan you executed, framing the Akatsuki for it as well…as nifty as the act you pulled in protecting Konohamaru's secret."

N. Naruto eyed Jiraiya carefully.

"Yes I knew he was the one who summoned you Naruto," Jiraiya confirmed.

"You knew all this time," Ino asked.

"It wasn't all that hard when you sit down to think everything over," Jiraiya remarked, "I mean, a mysterious ninja, Rounin No Daisuke, coming out of nowhere and having Konohamaru tag along with him everywhere he went, agreeing to teach the gaki how to be a skilled shinobi. Then there was that seal I found in that cave, which was clearly written by a child and not an experienced seal master. And then there was that scene I saw of you taking Konohamaru and your other self out of Konoha; that happened when I left to look for your other self after he left Tsunade-hime's office."

"You figured that out all by yourself," Naruto mocked, "So what will you do now with what you know?"

"Simply tell Tsunade that your summoner decided to send you guys on your way without delay," Jiraiya said, "And that the scroll for that jutsu was destroyed."

"Konohamaru has no memories of that jutsu either," Naruto added, "I had those memories erased and the scroll burned in exchange for my being here."

Jiraiya simply nodded in understanding. Naruto was about to say something else but an impulse ran through his being, changing his next course of action.

"Jiraiya," Naruto said in a serious tone, "Come with me into the forest please. There's something that must be discussed with you, privately."

The girls were wondering what was going. Turning them, Naruto assured, "I won't be too long. I just have one final matter to take care of."

"We'll wait for you," Hinata said speaking for the girls. After nodding to them, Naruto gestured for Jiraiya to follow him into the forest away from the girls. The Toad Sage did as requested and followed Naruto down the direction he was going in until they were out of the girls' sight.

"What do you suppose Naruto-kun wanted to talk to Jiraiya-sama about," Temari asked.

"Beats me," Ino shrugged.

Out of sight and hearing range, Naruto stopped walking with his back facing Jiraiya.

"What's this all about gaki," Jiraiya asked with his arms crossed over his chest. N. Naruto burst into white smoke as he emitted a strong aura and chakra that Jiraiya immediately recognized.

"…I…It can't be…Impossible," Jiraiya stuttered as the smoke cleared to reveal Minato, Yondaime Hokage, standing in front of him and looking straight at him.

"Jiraiya-sensei," Minato said. The voice was definitely Minato's Jiraiya realized.

"How can you be Minato!?," Jiraiya asked confusedly, "His soul was devoured by the Shinigami years ago!"

"I was temporarily summoned from my prison to speak with you," Minato said. Not allowing Jiraiya to question how that process was done, Minato continued, this time with saddened voice of disapproval, "Jiraiya-sensei, for years you have forsaken and gotten me."

"What!?," Jiraiya retorted in disbelief, "How could that be!? You were my prized student and prodigy! I always treated you as though you were my own son!"

"You weren't there for my son Naruto when he needed you for all those years after you took on the role as his godfather," Minato replied, "Therefore you have forsaken and forgotten me. I saw the memories of this vessel and I don't believe I have to go into details about what life for my son had to be like for him because you weren't there to teach, raise and protect him after my and Kushina's untimely deaths. By all rights Jiraiya-sensei, my son should have been raised by you.

"Why weren't you there when my son needed you most?"

Jiraiya tried to hide the guilt and shame he was feeling while hearing Minato's words to him.

"I was away from the village for a long time," Jiraiya explained, "I went tracking Orochimaru down after he turned traitor and deserted Konoha. You already know that as a renegade Sannin, he was a dangerous threat."

"So staying on the road and chasing after a traitor for years took precedence over my son's needs," Minato asked with the same sadden tone.

"Sarutobi-sensei didn't deal with Orochimaru when the opportunity was literally standing in front of him when he busted Orochimaru for his illegal experiments and kidnapping. After Orochimaru took off, I had to do whatever I could just to continue tracking down what information I could gather about his whereabouts and activities."

"Be honest Jiraiya-sensei," Minato retorted, "You could have carried out your duties through your spy network and lived in Konoha like the rest of the villagers. No one forced you to leave and go after Orochimaru and stay continuously on the road, going after one lead or another.

"Before my death, I was completely confident that you would take care of my and Kushina's son; that you'd raised him into the man and honorable ninja I always thought you to be! But until recently, you never even tried to! You never even met your godson until after the beginning of the Chuunin Exams a few months ago!

"How can you stand there and tell me that going after Orohimaru on the road took years of priority over the son of the man you said was like a son to you?"

Jiraiya felt like an immature child being scolded and disciplined. He found it difficult to look Minato in the eyes without seeing the look of anger, sadness and hurt in Minato's expression.

"My time is running out so I'll make this brief," Minato said, "The past can't be changed that I know, but the future is not yet set. You're here now and I hope that things for my son, your godson will improve for the better. I ask you, as your proclaimed prized pupil and son-figure, that you don't let me down and fail Naruto. Good-bye Jiraiya-sensei."

The image of Minato dissolved, changing N. Naruto back to normal. Looking at the Sannin's expression, Naruto saw that the older man pretty much got the message.

"Good-bye Jiraiya," Naruto said as he walked passed him, "Take care of my little brother for me."

Naruto didn't look back to see Jiraiya turning to face him as he was left with a lot to contemplate on.

(Back With The Girls)

The three kunoichis waited patiently for Naruto's return. Soon their eyes came to see the Elite Jounin approaching with a collected by neutral expression on his face.

"Is everything alright," Hinata asked. Looking at the girls, Naruto assured, "It's nothing to worry about; just a chat with the old pervert about looking after my brother."

"And you couldn't do that here," Temari asked with a tad bit of annoyance.

"It was on a more personal matter," Naruto replied, "For Jiraiya anyway."

Temari decided not to argue about it further but to accept it instead.

"Let's go home now," Naruto said only to see the girls nod their heads in unison. A moment later, the seal of the Hoka Sekai Senshi appeared and glowed under N. Naruto and his female company and seconds later, they vanished in a pool of white smoke, teleporting back to their home dimension.

N. Naruto and his female company were finally allowed to return back to their home dimension. What new developments await them there? What type of enhancements did N. Naruto give his counterpart before leaving and how will they forever affect U. Naruto? Will U. Ryota be accepted by the villagers or will she be hated and shunned? Will U. Naruto learn about his Namikaze heritage? And how has N. Naruto and the girls been affected by being in that alternate universe?

A/N: Well everyone, N. Naruto and his girls were sent back home, leaving a lasting affect on the world they were brought to.