Chapter Seventy-Two: An Eventful Return

At Konoha Hospital)

In a secured section of the hospital, Tayuya, the fifteen-year-old foul-mouth Jounin of Otogakure, was still lying on her recovery bed with ANBU ninjas on standby. For the past few days, the red-haired kunoichi have laid unconscious in her coma state condition. No activities have been reported since Naruto extracted the cursed seal from off her being.

That was soon to change however as Tayuya's right hand fingers slowly started to twitch.


Konohamaru, Udon and Moegi were hanging out together. They were taking a day off from exercising and practicing and decided to just enjoy the day. They were now heading to Naruto's estate in hopes they would find him home.

"Do you think Naruto-niichan will be there this time Konohamaru-chan," Moegi ask.

"I hope so," Konohamaru replied, "He put off our training for days ever since that incident with that Soujiro guy."

"I wonder when Naruto-niichan will start our elemental training," Udon spoke up, "I would like to know how far we can get with specialized training with our respective natural affinities."

"Much further than sitting in class listening to boring lectures all day I'm sure," Konohamaru remarked. On their way, they found Haku and Ryota up ahead of them traveling in the same direction.

"Haku-san! Ryota-san," Moegi called out getting both girls' attention. The two kunoichis turned to see the three youths approaching them.

"Greetings to you three," Haku said, "Where are you all heading to?"

"To see nii-chan," Konohamaru replied, "We're hoping that he's back now from his mission."

"Is that right," Ryota said, "Well, don't get your hopes up too high. There's no telling when Naruto-kun will come back."

"You make it sound like he's going to be away for a very long time," Konohamaru remarked.

"Something I'd rather not have proven true," Ryota replied while their way making their way to their next destination.

(At The Namikaze Estate)

Hanabi was breathing hard and holding her chest while on both of her knees and one hand. Her hair was a mess, she had cuts and bruises around her body and face, her clothes had sustained multiple tears and were stained in her blood. The young eight-year-old was futilely trying to keep a hardened look despite the evident fear in her eyes. Her kunai was tightly gripped in her hand which also had a bit of blood on it.

"C'mon little Hanabi-chan," Anko sang, "Our friendly spar isn't over."

Friendly, Hanabi yelled in her head, This woman is a damn psychopath! How could Naruto-sama control her!?

As Hanabi stood there, she saw that not one of her attacks hit Anko. The older woman said that she would hold back against her, but clearly the girl misunderstood Anko's meaning behind her words. Hanabi, still feeling the pain from her cuts, scrapes and bruises, gradually stood back up with the kunai aimed at the Snake Mistress.

"Most kids your age would have gone crying to mommy and daddy at this point," Anko remarked.

"I'm not…one of those kids…," Hanabi retorted lowly, "…Neesan never ran away! Therefore…I won't…run away…either!"

Anko smiled, "I like you gaki. You got guts to stand up to me."

Hanabi didn't get to see how fast Anko moved before she appeared behind her and knocked her off her feet, sending her rolling on the ground for a couple of seconds before stopping. The young girl's clothes were now in dirt and grass particles along with the blood stains.

"But it'll take more than guts to best me," Anko stated as she looked at the girl struggling to get back up. Hanabi knew from the start that she was completely outmatched and nowhere near Anko's level. Regardless, she wanted to gauge herself to the older woman and see for herself what she as a Hyuuga was capable of. She turned to the Snake Mistress standing weakly on her knee with her kunai in hand.

"I think that's enough gaki," Anko advised, "You're best to get yourself cleaned u-"

Anko wasn't able to finish when she suddenly felt several sharp jabs to her left arm and leg. The Special Jounin fell to her other leg while excruciating pain ripped through her body.

"What the hell," Anko yelled out as she turned to see her attacker. Hanabi and Anko looked and saw Hinata standing by the older woman ready to inflict more injuries on her.

"Hey Hinata," Anko smiled, "When and how did you get back? Is Yondaime-gaki and the others with you?"

"Of course," Naruto replied as he, Ino and Temari went over to Hanabi. Seeing the young girl's conditions, Naruto turned to Anko and retorted, "Was this really necessary?"

"It was a friendly spar and she wanted to see just how far she could last in a real fight with me," Anko said while holding her still throbbing left arm and leg, "And I did say that I would hold back some."

"This is your idea of holding back," Temari retorted.

"I gave her no poisonous or fatal injuries of any sort," Anko remarked, "C'mon if I were serous I'd have done a lot worse than this."

Hinata was about to give a retort when…

"It's alright Hina-chan," Naruto assured, "Hanabi's situation isn't anything I can't fix. I'll have her healed up in no time flat."

Going over to the eight-year-old, Naruto knelt down and started healing her injuries.

"So what brings you here Hanabi," Naruto asked, "Did Anko-chan invite you over for a lesson of Do or Die 101?"

"Do or Die 101," Anko contemplated with a twisted smile, "Hmmm…That sounds like something up my alley."

"I came to see you and Hinata-neesan," Hanabi reply, "Anko-san invited me to spar with her after I saw that you and neesan weren't home."

"It's nice to see you over here Hanabi," Hinata smiled as she walked passed Anko who was still rubbing her still sore arm and leg. The older Hyuuga and the others watched as Naruto catered to Hanabi's injuries.

"How will you explain to Hiashi-san about Hanabi's battered and blood stained clothes Anko," Temari asked. Anko shrugged, "I'll just tell him that the gaki was brought back in one piece rather than several like her clothes."

The group sweat dropped at that remark.

"Knowing Hiashi," Naruto replied, "I can only hope that-"

"It's alright Naruto-sama," Hanabi interjected, "If father asked, I'll tell him that I was given a training spar session here and that you healed all of my injuries. Besides, father never minded when you trained with neesan, so I'm sure he won't mind the condition of my clothes if he hears that I was in a training spar seeking to improve myself."

"I can work with that," Naruto agreed as he turned to healing Hanabi's face. When he was done, he smiled and ruffled the girl's head.

"All better now," Naruto remarked with his hand still on Hanabi's head. A blush appeared on Hanabi's cheeks, "Thank you, Naruto-sama."

"You don't have to be so formal with me Hanabi," Naruto replied, "Just calling me 'Naruto' would be just fine. OK?"

"But you're a clan leader," Hanabi said in return, "Surely calling your name out of context would be blatant disrespect."

"Only if I personally didn't allow it," Naruto assured, "But for you, addressing me with such a title won't be necessary. So you can call me plain Naruto. Alright?"

Hanabi smiled and nodded, the blush never leaving her cheeks.

"Great," Naruto smiled and then turned to face Anko, Hinata and the others, "We'll report to kaa-chan later today. I wanted Ryo-chan, Kakashi-niisan, jiisan, ero-jisan and Shizune-neechan there for this."

"I take it you four have a lot to tell us," Anko figured. Naruto remarked, "Most of it very bitter."

Naruto went over and checked on Anko. While healing her, he saw that Hinata didn't inflict anything serious to wound the older woman, but enough to cause her a measure of pain.

"It's evident that Hina-chan's Jyuuken has improve quite of bit," Naruto acknowledged, "Maybe you ought to piss her off more often Anko-chan if you can bring out the fiercest side of her."

"You're damn sadist," Anko interjected while grinning.

"I had a good teacher," Naruto remarked, "And because of her I was able to make the grade."

"Did it also include…extra curricular activities," Anko asked.

"Many of which were…hands-on," Naruto replied.

"What are they talking about," Hanabi asked curiously.

"Don't ask," Hinata suggested, not wanting Hanabi to read between the lines of Naruto and Anko's flirty talk, "Just don't ask."



The group turned to see Ryota and company making their way over to them in the backyard.

"Naruto-kun," Ryota greeted happily as she went over to the Elite Jounin, "When did you and the others get back?"

"Not too long ago," Naruto said while completing healing Anko's injuries, "We'll explain everything to you and the others later."

Anko stood back up on her feet.

"Naruto-niichan," Konohamaru spoke up, "When will we resume our training with you? You've been so busy for days and we barely got to see and train with you."

"We were also wondering when you'll start training us in the use of our affinities," Moegi added.

"Sorry you three," Naruto said, "But the girls and I just got back from our mission, therefore training will have to be set aside for another day."

"Where did you go," Udon asked.

"The mission's content isn't up for discussion," Naruto made clear, "It's highly sensitive information."

The youths nodded in understanding. Turning and acknowledging the condition of Hanabi's clothes, Konohamaru asked, "What the hell happened to you?"

"I had a sparring session with Anko-san," Hanabi replied, "She proved to a very formidable ninja."

"A chick fight and I missed it," Konohamaru remarked before receiving a glare from the young Hyuuga.

"I would appreciate that you don't address me with the term "chick"," Hanabi retorted.

"Don't take it personal," Konohamaru replied, "It was just a figure of speech."

"That's enough both of you," Naruto interjected, stopping whatever argument was about to start, "Konohamaru, I'll resume your and your friends' training at a later scheduled day, but don't either of you start slacking off. As for your training with your affinities, that will happen much later down the line."

"When," Moegi asked.

"You will after I deem you three ready for that advanced level training," Naruto replied, "And not before."

"You plan on giving them that kind of training," Haku asked.

"Not just me really," Naruto said, "I have both you and Ryota in mind in being part of teaching them also. Each of these three here have their own respective affinities. Konohamaru is a water-type, Moegi is an earth-type and Udon is a fire-type."

"I see where you're going with this," Haku replied, "However I never taught anyone the basic of suiton jutsus before Naruto-kun."

"You'll have time to develop methods in doing so," Naruto assured, "Like I said, that will start at a much later time. By the way, while we were away, did anything happen here in Konoha?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary," Ryota said, "Why do you ask?"

"It's just-"

Naruto stopped when his eyes caught sight of something in the bushes. He went over to it to investigate what it was.

"Something the matter," Haku asked. Naruto didn't reply as he stopped by the bushes and knelt down to find what was noticeably shed skin, reptilian skin.

"What did you find," Anko asked.

"Something that confirms that I was lax days earlier in preventing intruders from entering here," Naruto said, "This belongs to a creature that I had to put down the other day."

"What kind of creature," Ryota asked.

"A mutant reptile," Naruto said, "And it had Orochimaru written all over it. Konohamaru, as much as I'd like for you and your friends to hang around here, it would be best if you guys leave and come back on another day; likewise for you too Hanabi. Feel free to stop by on another day. Right now there's an important matter that must be addressed now."

Naruto summoned a kage bushin and instructed it to escort Hanabi home.

"Haku," Naruto said, "I'm sorry that your stay here has to be cut short, but the girls and I have to report to kaa-chan right now."

Haku gave no argument as she left with Naruto's clone and the rest of the youths. After they left, Naruto summoned sixty more kage bushins.

"I want a full scale search of this estate," Naruto instructed, "Orochimaru's assassin was here three nights ago. Check for anything that may seem out of place."

The clones hurried to carry out their orders. Turning to the five assembled kunoichis, Naruto said, "Let's head to the tower."


Sakura was at the library reading up on the books Tsunade assigned her to study from. It was a good day for her medical studies seeing that Kakashi gave them the day off. Sai soon entered the building and started looking around the place for a certain book to read. It took a couple of minutes for the pale skinned ninja to find what he was looking. Finding the book, Sai retrieved it from its shelf and walked off to find a table to sit at. On the way, he found Sakura sitting by herself. Going over to her, he found that she studying books on the human anatomy.

"Sakura-san," Sai said, causing the girl to break from her concentration and over to him, "Quite a coincident seeing you here."

"Where else do you suppose I'd be," Sakura replied, "Considering the amount of research Tsunade-sama has me doing, today is as good a day to get some work done."

"I see."

"Why are you here," Sakura asked.

"To do some catching up on my reading," Sai said showing Sakura the book he intended to read. Taking a good look at the book, Sakura saw that it was a psychology back.

"Perspectives Into The Human Pysche," Sakura said read the book's title, "What moves you to want to read up on that?"

"I found that people tend to behave and conduct themselves in particular ways based not only on their social surroundings but also on what contributes to their psychological make-up," Sai explained, "Your large forehead for example shows much about your psyche too Sakura-san. Hopefully through the aid of this book, I can learn to better understand it."

Sakura had to use all of her self-control not to attack Sai for his remark, reminding herself repeatedly that she was in the library and that she didn't want the librarian to ask her to leave because of her violent nature.

"Seeing that you're studying to become a medic-nin," Sai added, "Is there anyone's approval you're trying to earn?"

"What do you mean," Sakura asked.

"Is there someone in particular you're trying to prove yourself to," Sai asked, "In connection to why you seek to better your psyche?"

Sakura thought about Sai's question for a moment. After giving it some thought, she answered, "I want to prove to myself and others that I can be more useful to everyone and not a burden to anyone."

"Your psyche is moving you to become more helpful to your team and Konoha altogether," Sai noted, "Was there a contributing factor that led to this; something or someone that moved you positively to improve yourself for everyone's benefit?"

Again, Sakura took the time to think about Sai's question. While contemplating on it, she recalled a conversation she had with Naruto some time ago:

"…Tell me Sakura," Naruto asked, "What purpose do you fight for and who in your life now is precious to you?"

"When I became a kunoichi," Sakura explained, "At first I thought that my doing so would impress Sasuke-kun and help me get his attention. I'm book smart and know many things, but repeatedly I was in need of either you, Sasuke-kun, Sai or Kakashi-sensei bailing me out of trouble. I saw that action-wise I'm lacking.

"While I was on my way back home the other day I saw how everyone was working together to repair the damages done during the war and helping each other out. I took note on how everyone had a skill or method to aid others in one way or another, be it medic, construction, food, whatever. I saw how no one was trying to be a liability to each other or to those helping them. I felt like a liability to my team and wondered what I could do to improve myself and be of more use to my teammates and everyone else.

"I realized that if I'm to be able to help and protect my mother, my team, Kakashi-sensei, my friends and everyone else in Konoha I first had to improve myself and become stronger than I am now. I would have to work harder and do all that I could in order to become a more capable ninja for our village. I'm tired to being weak in front of everyone because my inability to be better in helping everyone. I want to become stronger so I can help protect Konoha and everyone else who would come to us for help and protection."

"Naruto-senpai," Sakura muttered while thinking out loud.

"What about Naruto-kun," Sai asked. Realizing whose name she spoke out under her breath, Sakura figured to simply come clean, "I had a conversation with Naruto-senpai about why he refused to train Sasuke-kun when he approached and asked to be trained under him. Before giving a thorough explanation about his refusal, senpai turned to me and asked why I chose to fight and who to me is precious in my life. As my answer, I explained to him my new resolve to become stronger for my team, family, friends and all of Konoha. I sought out new goals to help me achieve being able to help and protect all of them."

"So you decided to follow Naruto-kun's example and become a medic-nin like him," Sai figured. It was only now that Sakura realized that she was following Naruto's example.

"Naruto-kun received years of intense training and tutelage from his mother Tsunade-sama," Sai explained, "With all that he learned and experienced, he uses it to help those who are part of Konoha or outsiders who seek his help. Unconsciously, your psyche moved you to follow your senpai's example and take up medical training from his mother. You seem to possess a nature to want to use stronger figures as role models as a means of self-improvement and heightening your own self-esteem."

Sakura thought about what Sai was saying. She recalled when she was younger how kids used to make fun of her repeatedly because of the size of her forehead. She cried a lot and developed low self-esteemed because of it. When Ino came and defended her from the kids poking fun at her one day, Sakura saw in Ino a strong character of self-assurance and being willing to stand up for herself, attributes Sakura wanted to imitate. It was one of the reasons why Sakura became friends with Ino and hanged out with her frequently.

In connection with Naruto, Sakura saw where Sai was coming from. Naruto always sought constructive means to better himself for the sake of his loved ones and friends, even if it's at personal cost. It made him grow stronger while making him into a formidable ninja. Likewise, she wanted to do the same.

"I can sit here and talk all day about this," Sai remarked, "But I think it'd best that I be on my way. I'll leave you and your psyche to follow after Naruto-kun."

With that Sai went on his way with his book in hand, leaving Sakura in the library with her thoughts.

Did Naruto-senpai really have that affect on me, Sakura wondered.

(At The Hokage Tower)

Hiruzen and Shizune were in the office with Tsunade, going over all of the revenue Konoha received from the Fire Daimyo. So far the figures looked most appealing to the female Hokage considering everything that took place since Orochimaru's failed Suna-Oto invasion. As this was going on…

"Kaa-chan," Naruto called out as he entered the office with his five kunoichi company. Tsunade and Shizune turned in surprise to see Naruto, Hinata, Ino and Temari present before them.

"Naruto," Tsunade said happily as she stood up from her seat and hurried over to him and the younger girls with Shizune following close by being just as happy, "When did you get back? Are you and the girls alright?"

"We're fine and there's a lot the girls and I must explain to you and the others," Naruto said, "But I'd rather not do it here. Can you, neechan, niisan, jiisan and ero-jisan come by this evening to my estate? It would be better if we explain things there."

"I understand," Tsunade said, despite the fact that her maternal instinct wanted to override her shinobi training. Shizune was happy that her kid brother was in one piece, as were the three girls that were taken with him. Hiruzen, with his pipe still in his mouth, walked over to the group with a smile of relief on his face seeing that Naruto and the girls returned back alive together.

"Still," Shizune added, "Tsunade-sama and I are happy that nothing happened to you guys."

"Physically anyway," Naruto remarked.

"What do you mean," Hiruzen asked.

"We'll explain that later after we gather together," Naruto said, "We have a lot to share with guys, many them are sad and painful truths."

"It was that harsh," Shizune asked.

"More than you know," Ino commented.

Naruto noticed Anko rubbing her left shoulder.

"Anko-chan," Naruto asked. The older kunoichi turned to the blonde Elite Jounin and asked, "What is it?"

"Does your cursed seal continues to give you trouble," Naruto asked.

"Not like it used to," Anko replied, "But I will admit that it did slightly act up the other day."

"I can free you from it," Naruto said, causing Anko to look at him questionably.

"What did you say," Anko asked.

"My Harai Fuujin," Naruto explained, "I tested it out and the seal works. I was able to extract the cursed seal from off that Oto kunoichi the other day before my unexpected call elsewhere."

Anko left her right hand over her left shoulder where the cursed seal was. The very thought of being freed from that abomination was something Anko was willing to do anything for.

"Orochimaru's cursed seal was a most complex one in design and nature," Hiruzen commented, "Removing it was something that even I couldn't do. The very fact that you were able to develop a sealing jutsu to remove it is an amazing feat."

"Shizune-neechan gave me the idea of how I could remove the seal really," Naruto replied. Hiruzen and Tsunade turned to the blushing woman.

"I didn't do much really," Shizune remarked modestly, "I simply told Naruto-kun that like him, Orochimaru was the kind of person who puts his sweat and blood into everything he does, and that we always put a part of ourselves into whatever we do or create."

"You were able to create that Harai Fuujin based on that statement," Ryota asked.

"That's the way my son's mind works," Tsunade remarked.

"When can we begin the seal's removal," Anko asked anxiously.

"As soon as I gather all of the required utensils and have you meet me at the designated location for the extraction process," Naruto said, "It'll be at the same location where I performed the sealing process on that Oto kunoichi. It's also the same chamber Kakashi used with Sasuke when he used the Fuuja Houin to suppress the cursed seal on Sasuke's neck."

Anko immediately knew the location Naruto was talking about.

"I'll be there," Anko said, "How long will it take you to get everything together?"

"Give me two to three hours," Naruto said before he shunshin'd from the office. Before anyone could say anything an ANBU appeared in the office.

"Tsunade-sama," the hawk masked ANBU said, "The Oto kunoichi has awakened."

"What's her condition," Tsunade asked.

"Besides remembering her name being "Tayuya"," the ANBU explained, "She has no recollection of her life or memories. We had doctors brought in to confirm her condition and the results all came back the same. Her amnesia is no pretense and it's unconfirmed how long it'll last if it isn't permanent."

Tsunade was quiet as she remembered Naruto's thorough report about the extraction process that was performed on Tayuya. She recalled Naruto mentioning possible psychological affects on the girl as a result of her repeated usage of the cursed seal.

"Does this mean that Anko-san will have long term memory loss as a side effect of the Harai Fuujin," Hinata asked.

"Not likely," Tsunade said, "Based on my son's report, the same side effects won't occur with regards to Anko since she have a different mental condition along with the fact that she refrained from ever using Orochimaru's cursed seal. Removing the cursed seal off her won't be as problematic."

"Not as problematic," Anko remarked with a raised an eyebrow.

"You're already aware that the cursed seal embeds itself into its host's chakra coils and the more it's used the more potent its influence and integration becomes," Tsunade explained, "Though you don't have that problem however, that doesn't mean you won't experience some measure of pain in having that seal extracted from out of your chakra coils.

"You still have the option to turn down-"

"I'll chance it," Anko remarked, "If there's a risk of memory loss, then I'll make a kage bushin or two before Yondaime-gaki starts the sealing jutsu and have them on stand by should I have memory loss. Yondaime-gaki will burst my kage bushins and my mind will absorb and process my clones' memories."

"That sounds good in theory," Hiruzen stated, "But the question is can it be pulled off without the kage bushins being destroyed while the extraction is in process. Your body may not be able to handle the strain if you apportion your chakra among your clones."

"Naruto's Harai Fuujin is far more complicated than the Fuuja Houin jutsu Kakashi used on Sasuke," Tsunade explained.

"I know there's a risk but I'm willing to trust Naruto-kun," Anko replied as she turned to leave. Opening the door, she stepped out and left the tower, leaving the others to their own business.

"Shizune," Tsunade instructed, "Report to the hospital where this Tayuya is being kept. Have the medical staff there give a full report about her condition."

"What will you do with her," Shizune asked, "Without her memories, there's no way we can retrieve information about Otogakure. How do you sentence a kunoichi for crimes she has no memories committing?"

"I'll deal with that later," Tsunade stated, "After you bring back the information I require from you about the girl."

"Maybe I can be of assistance," Ino spoke up after a long period of silence, "I can use my jutsu to see if I can find any remaining scraps of her memories."

Tsunade nodded, "Alright then. Accompany Shizune to the hospital. Hinata go with them too. Your Byakugan may be of some use to them also."

I'm seeing a repeating a pattern in how those two girls are paired and used together, Temari contemplated.

"Hai Tsunade-sama," Ino and Hinata said simultaneously before leaving with the older woman as they were being escorted by the ANBU to the hospital. Turning to the two remaining kunoichis, Tsunade said, "Since you two are here, I guess I can discuss a mission to Suna I had in mind for you Temari."

Temari's head perked up on hearing about traveling to her home village.

"Anything vital," Temari asked.

"Some documented reports from our ninjas who were assigned to your home village to help restructure the shinobi training regement there will need to be brought back here," Tsunade said, "I had in mind that you and Ryota could make that trip to Suna in the next two to three days."

"That shouldn't be a problem," Temari said, while wanting to see her siblings, Baki and the rest of her Suna-nins again.

"Is Suna cool this time of year," Ryota joked.

(All The While)

Naruto returned back to his estate and learned that his clones found a small narrow tunnel from where Leviathan, while it was in its serpent-like state, slithered from. The tunnel led to a small lake a half a mile outside the estate grounds. The clones were unable to trace the trail any further since rain from yesterday washed away any remaining trails, thus leaving Naruto's clones in a dead end.

Seeing that nothing more could be done, Naruto had his clones destroy the tunnel and then he dispelled the kage bushins and absorbed their memories and experiences. He returned to his house and gathered all the supplies needed for the Harai Fuujin. When he was done, he hurried on his way to the chamber where he told Anko to meet him at.

Arriving at the underground facility, he entered inside the darkened underground building and made his way down to the assigned chamber where the sealing was to be done. There were a series of candles through the halls that proved to be the only source of light in the facility. After some walking, he came to a strong wooden door and opened it up. Stepping into the chamber, Naruto closed the door behind him and summoned several kage bushins.

"You all know what to do," Naruto said as he handed his clones the utensils needed for the seal writings. The clones got to work writing all of the seals on the ground in a circular form where Anko was to be positioned on.

(Two Hours Later)

Anko, after showering and cleaning herself up, made her way into the underground facility, hurrying to the section Naruto told her to meet him. The darkened halls echoed with her footsteps and she found the room that Naruto had told her to find. She opened the door up and looked inside. The chamber was dark with candles lit around the columns they were placed on as the only light source. However she was intrigued by the designs that were all around most of the mid section of the chamber on the floor. The further the drawings of the seals went toward the center, the more complex the designs became.

"Damn," Anko remarked at the level of factors that had to go into the designs, "This had to take forever."

"An hour and forty minutes actually," Naruto said as he watched Anko close the door behind her.

"You work fast Yondaime-gaki," Anko remarked.

"I like to be efficient and on the mark," Naruto replied.

"I have faith in your abilities but let me ask the stupid question anyway," Anko asked, "Will I suffer memory loss or any other psychological side effect?"

"What brought this up," Naruto inquired.

"An ANBU came into Tsunade-sama's office just moments after you left," Anko explained, "He reported that the Oto kunoichi Tayuya woke up with what may be long term memory loss."

"Tayuya is her name huh," Naruto replied, "Hmm…I figured that would happen as a result of her excessive usage of the cursed seal. Was anything else reported?"

"Nothing else really," Anko said, "Tsunade-sama explained your report to us about your Harai Fuujin and how my risk of memories loss is rather low."

"Do you have second thoughts about going through with this," Naruto asked, "I'll understand if you don't want to go through with this after hearing about what happened to Tayuya."

Anko knew for a long time that Naruto spent a great deal of his time and energy trying to find a way to free her from Orochimaru's cursed seal. No one else in all of Konoha devoted as much of their time, interest and resources in helping her in the way Naruto was doing. Despite the possible risk, she felt that turning down what he was offering to her, after all of his hard work and dedication, would not only be insulting but it would be foolish and inappreciative.

"Most things in life involves risks, right," Anko remarked, "And I'm not one who intends to back out now after coming this far! So let's do this!"

"Great," Naruto said, "Now, I'll need you to strip off your clothes so I can place the essential seal drawings on your body."

The thought of removing her clothes in a dark underground chamber with lit candles providing the only source of light had a rather erotic and primal feel to it. Seeing the surrounding environment, Anko decided to have a little fun.

She smiled as she removed her trench coat from off her herself and placed it down on the floor. She then removed her sandals and leg guards, but when she got to her mini skirt, she moved a little more to the shadows but with enough light so Naruto could still see her. There, she took her skirt off and allowed it to gracefully slide down her legs.

Naruto saw what Anko was doing and frankly, it was both erotically enticing and annoying all at the same time. Part of him wanted to tell her to be serious but another part of him was enjoying the show.

Getting to her fishnet body suit, Anko shooting Naruto a toothy smile, slowly removed it off her, teasing Naruto in the process as more of her maturely developed body became more visible in the light while the rest remained hidden in the shadows. Anko eventually removed the body suit completely, revealing her completely nude form for the first time in front of him. It took every fiber in Naruto's being not to pass out from nasal blood loss seeing the beautifully shaped and toned body Anko possessed. Despite the darkness, he was about to see a few battle scars on her body, but they only served to prove that she was a well seasoned kunoichi.

"You'd be surprised how many men would kill to be in your place right now Naruto-kun," Anko teased with sultry tone, "Feel free to touch and feel me wherever you like."

Naruto had a heavy blush on his face while feeling the arousal in his pants. Forcing his professionalism to kick in, Naruto said, "Yes Anko-chan. Please come forward so I can properly write the seals around your body."

"Please be gentle," Anko continued teasing, "It's my first time."

"Anko-chan," Naruto muttered, fighting to keep his head focused, "Please stop teasing me like that. I'd sincerely hate for one of my seals to be written incorrectly because of my lack of focus."

"Fine," Anko said, "But you're going to make it up to me."

"Whatever you desire," Naruto replied. Anko stepped over to the center of the seals on the floor and stood completely still. The blonde summoned three more clones and each clone assumed a side of her body while Naruto himself took the front. Kneeling down and starting from her feet, the four of them started applying the special ink all around her body.

She shivered from the feeling of the cold ink and the fact that the chamber was cold also didn't help either. She sought find a way to keep herself distracted.

"Did anything interesting happen in that world you went to," Anko asked.

"I ran into you there," Naruto said.

"You did," Anko asked, "What am I like there?"

"No different really," Naruto remarked, receiving a snort from the older woman, "But on a serious note, in that world, you weren't my sensei…in fact, we're not friends or close at all."

"…That's not very funny," Anko said.

"It wasn't meant to be a joke," Naruto replied, "In that world, the bond and understanding share with each doesn't exist. However, you did flirt with me a little bit and my other self is downright scare to death of you. He kept referring to you as the psycho snake lady."

"I must have left quite an impression on the gaki," Anko said.

"You did," Naruto said as he and his clones moved high up her body in applying the seals, "He looked at me like I was nuts when I told him and the others that I have a thing for Konoha's bad girl."

Anko snickered, "You say the sweetest things Yondaime-gaki."

They both continued to talk about other facets regarding the stark differences between himself and U. Naruto. When Naruto explained about U. Naruto's choice of fashion, she had to bite her tongue down so as to not burst out laughing at the visualization of Naruto wearing a bright orange jump suit. Anko listened as Naruto told her parts of what he saw in the other realm, sensing both the sadness and anger that was in his tone. Regardless, Naruto was in control of his emotions and didn't allow them to get the better of him.

The older woman was happy that Naruto didn't see her blushing face after he reached her waist while he was still on his knees in front of her. The position they were in was most awkward and Anko was able feel heat generating within her being despite the cold temperature in the chamber. It didn't help that her nipples were getting erect also. She never been with a man before but she was aware of the fact that many young man, and some older ones also, would look at her lustfully. She got to see a few husbands getting smacked across their heads by their wives for looking her at even for a second. Her demeanor and bodily features were what made her longing for the eyes and also dangerous to unsuspecting targets ready for the slaughter. With Naruto though, he did something that no other male was ever able to do: he won her affections and accepted her for just who she was regardless of her past life.

The situation Anko and Naruto were in made it so tempting for her to just grab and ravage Naruto where he stood but she knew that she couldn't allow her hormonal impulses to get the better of her, especially with what he was currently doing. Shutting her eyes tightly, she focused on unpleasant thoughts, namely, Gai in his good guy pose wearing a tight green man's bikini. It was nauseating but it helped lower her arousal.

Naruto, already having a difficult time concentrating while applying the seals since the beginning, had to struggle with his own hormones and the erection in pants and use all of his shinobi training to keep his head focused. True, he's been with three other females before, however that only served to complicate things since his body was fighting with him in wanting to satisfy its fleshly desire for intimacy. He continuously kept reminding himself that now was not the time for fleshly pleasures.

He and his clones were soon able to move upwards pass her waist as they continued applying the special ink drawings around her body. As his clones did her arms, shoulders and back, Naruto worked on her stomach and breasts. He got a good view of her hardened nipples but he kept his comments about them to himself, not wanting to add to the situation they both were already in. Soon they reached her neck and finally her face.

From head to toe, Anko's body had seal drawings placed all around. Before long, the task was done.

"Alright Anko-chan," Naruto said, "Now we'll proceed to the next task."

Anko thought about making kage bushins, but when she recalled Hiruzen's words to her, she decided against it. Plus, when she thought about it, she saw she would need all of the chakra her body had.

"Let's get this over with," Anko said as Naruto gesture for her to sit in the center of the writings. There was no more talking from this point on. Naruto stepped out of the circle of seals before he pulled out and opened up his scroll for the Harai Fuujin and placed it on the ground in front of Anko. He then pulled out a small vial carrying Orochimaru's blood samples in it and opened it to pour a few drops of blood on it. Closing the vial back up, Naruto raced through a series of hand signs and clasped his hands together, "Fūin Jutsu: Harai Fuujin!"

Immediately the seals started glowing with purplish blue chakra radiating out of them. The chakra from the seals rose up and out of the scroll and over into the seals writings on the ground. The seals started glowing while circulating chakra that was making its way over to where Anko was sitting. Anko closed her eyes as the chakra gradually enveloped her completely. The seals on her body started glowing also until they were absorbed into her body and into her chakra coils.

Suddenly it was like every nerve and fiber in her body was set on fire. The pain was excruciating and she gritted her teeth not wanting to let out a cry from what she was experiencing. It was almost as bad as when she first got the mark. Naruto soon saw the cursed seal on her neck glowing and reacting to the Harai Fuujin. Anko reached for the mark feeling the burning sensations from it. She didn't see Naruto hurrying over to her nor did she feel his hands holding her down to the floor by her shoulders. All she heard was a loud scream filled with immense pain, totally unaware that it was her own voice. Moments later, her world went completely black…

Naruto and the his company returned back to their home world and after a brief meeting with Tsunade and the others, Naruto went to work removing the cursed seal from off of Anko. In spite of Naruto's report about the Harai Fuujin, will she still suffer from any possible side effects, minimal or severe? What will become of Tayuya now that she has what could be total amnesia? How will Tsunade and the others react to the story Naruto and the girls will later share with them? Find out next time.