Chapter Seventy-Five: "Submission"

(Later That Night)

It was some time past 11 pm. Naruto was making his way home while thinking about resuming the training sessions with Konohamaru and his two friends. He knew he would be away again in the next couple of days but he figured that he could have them work on something during his upcoming absence. Putting that thought away, Naruto thought about the matter concerning Tayuya and her gradual integration into Konoha as a new kunoichi. After seeing her character he was only able to speculate how she was going to fit in with the rest of the populous. He also wondered if the other Genins would hold some hard feelings against her regardless of her permanent memory loss. After thinking it over, he decided that he would have to see how things played out as time went on.

His mind then shifted to the subject concerning Orochimaru and his return to the world of the living. Clearly, both he and Orochimaru found ways of using kinjutsus to cheat death of its victory, even if only for so long.

As Naruto continued walking through his estate, his eyes caught sight of a green and brown snake slithering over to him from the shadows of one of the many empty houses in his land.

"Naruto-san I presume," the snake greeted.

"Who are you," Naruto asked. In reply, the snake regurgitated a scroll from its mouth. Grabbing the scroll by its mouth, the snake presented it to Naruto.

"Anko-san wanted me to deliver this scroll to you," the snake said before Naruto slowly walked over to it. Retrieving the scroll, Naruto opened and read the message in it.

"She wants me to meet her at the south side of my estate," Naruto asked with a raised right eyebrow.

"Something about making something up to her as you promised," the snake said, "Whatever that is."

"Don't worry," Naruto remarked, "I'm sure its nothing I can't handle."

"Very well," the snake said, "I fulfilled my task. I'll take my leave now."

The snake burst into a cloud of smoke and teleported back to its realm. Naruto, after seeing no other choice said, "A promise is a promise."

Turning to the direction Anko instructed, Naruto made his way to meet up with her. It was a nice walk through the estate to reach his destination, which was in fact much further away from the mansion.

I have to say that it's a wonderful night despite how things were earlier today, Naruto thought quietly as he continued his walk through garden. After another nine minutes of leisurely walking, the blonde found himself at the end of his estate with a large lake in front of him. Anko however was nowhere to be seen.

What's going on here, Naruto contemplated to himself. His thoughts though were cut short when several kuniais were thrown at him. As fast as they came, Naruto evaded the weapons as they were embedded into a nearby tree.

"As fast as ever Yondaime-gaki," Anko said while hiding in the shadows among the trees and bushes.

"You have an interesting away of making yourself known Anko-chan," Naruto said, "Why don't you come out already?"

"Remove your sandals, coat and vest first," Anko said, "And while you're at it, your shirt and forehead protector also."

"Say what," Naruto replied.

"You heard me," Anko said in return, "We're going to play for a little bit."


"Hey," Anko replied, "You promised that I can have whatever it was I asked of you. Now start living up to your word."

Sighing in defeat, Naruto did as he was told to, removing most of his clothes and laying them on the grass until he was barefooted and bare-chested with only his pants on.

Another kunai was thrown at him from another direction. Naruto managed to evade being struck by it as it embedded into a nearby tree. The blonde saw that the kunai had something tied and hanging on it. Going over to it, the Elite Jounin saw that it was a small scroll. Untying the scroll from the kunai, Naruto took and opened the scroll to find a seal placed on the scroll with the kanji for "fun" written in it.

He placed the scroll down on the ground and did a hand sign, "Kai!"

Releasing the seal, Naruto waited for the burst of white smoke to clear. When it did, he found a rope and a bottle of rubbing perfumed oil released from it.

"You can make it up to me by being my plaything," Anko's voice said from the shadows.

"Is that right?"

"Of course," Anko's voice spoke again, "And from where I stand, you really look delicious and good enough to eat."

"Bite me," Naruto replied.

"I'd love to," Anko laughed before launching herself from the trees at full throttle and over to him with a kunai in hand ready to use it on him.

(The Following Day)

It was midday and Anko was walking through the busy streets of Konoha by herself with a huge toothy smile on her face. People passing by saw that the Special Jounin and infamous torture specialist and interrogator was unusually happy and cheerful for reasons unknown. Her smile was neither twisted nor did it carry any bloodlust or malice. No, her smile was actually genuine.

The woman was currently heading over to pay a friend of hers a visit. After another forty minutes of walking, Anko arrived at where she was heading. Going inside the building complex, Anko walked up the stairs to the fourth floor and walked to the apartment door where her friend lived. Knocking on the door, Anko waited for a reply. A minute later, the door opened revealing her purple-haired friend standing in front of her at the entrance.

"Anko," the woman greeted.

"Hey girlfriend," Anko greeted back, "Mind if I come in Yuugao?"

"Not at all," Yuugao replied as she allowed Anko to come into her apartment. After removing her sandals and leaving them at the front door, Anko walked further into the apartment and removed her trench coat. She sat down on the sofa in the living room after setting her coat down next to her. Yuugao went into the cabinet and retrieve a wine bottle and two grass flutes. With those three items in her hands, she went into the living room where Anko was waiting.

"So what's up Anko," Yuugao asked as she poured some wine into one of the flutes and handed it to Anko, "I haven't seen you for a while."

Anko accepted the flute and sipped some of the wine in it.

"I've been busy," Anko said, "There were some things I had to take care of."

"I see," Yuugao replied after pouring some wine for herself and setting the wine bottle down on the table in front of the couch Anko was sitting at. Yuugao then sat down on the recliner facing Anko.

"So…," Yuugao asked, "How are things with you?"

"Terrific," Anko smiled brightly, "I haven't felt this great in a long time."

"I can see that…," Yuugao remarked with a smile of her own as she sipped some of her wine, "…You did look particularly happy when I saw you at the door. Who did you torture this time?"

"I've haven't beaten up any criminal recently," Anko admitted, "Though I do miss it sometimes seeing that I can't go back to work for the next couple of days."

"Taking a leave of absence?"

"I had to," Anko said, "Something Naruto-kun recommended after he successfully removed Orochimaru's cursed seal from off me."

Yuugao couldn't recall ever hearing Anko refer to Naruto with the "kun" honorific before.

"He did," Yuugao asked happily, "That's wonderful!"

"But the process in which he did so hurt like hell," Anko remarked, "I didn't know which was worse, getting the cursed seal from the beginning or the process in which it was removed. I practically wanted to die either way just so that the pain would cease."

"That had to have been a very bitter experience for you," Yuugao commented, "But you're now free from that abominable mark. Naruto has really pulled through for you."

"Yeah…," Anko said as she moved her right hand to her left shoulder to pull to top part of her shirt to the side partially for her friend to see, "Naruto-kun really has."

True to Naruto's ability, the cursed seal was gone and no longer on Anko's body.

"The exaction process left me temporarily weakened," Anko said as she released her shirt, "Naruto-kun said that it'll be a couple of days before I can be back up to speed again."

"That's good to hear," Yuugao went on, "I'm very happy for you. And speaking of Naruto, how are things going between you both? It's no secret that you're seeing him."

"It's going great really," Anko said, "But with him having more than one girlfriend things have been rather challenging, especially in how he has to divide his time and energy amongst us. There have been some complications and turbulent moments."

"I kind have figured that," Yuugao admitted, "No offense."

"None taken," Anko assured before sipping a little of her wine again, "…Still, despite the challenges and misunderstandings, we're all handling things as best we can. To tell you the truth, the other girls kind of see me as a role model."

"You're a role model," Yuugao joked.

"That's right," Anko grinned, "I even managed to get the shy Hyuuga girl out of her shell. The desert girl though was a bit reluctant but I knew she wanted to let loose and drop her inhibition."

"That explains why they were at that lingerie store with you the other day," Yuugao replied.

"We wanted to surprise Naruto-kun since he was busy for days and didn't seem to have time for us," Anko said, "But Jiraiya-sama messed things up when he posed as Naruto-kun, effectively deceiving us. The embarrassment the five of us felt when Naruto-kun saw that we failed to tell him and the disguised Jiraiya-sama apart was unbearable."

Yuugao stifled a laugh that partially escaped her throat, "…I'm sure you and the girls didn't allow him to slide free from that stunt he pulled on you girls."

"Hell no we didn't," Anko confirmed, "And from what I heard, neither did Tsunade-sama. Still, Naruto-kun wasn't mad at us. In fact, he went out of his way to spoil and treat us to some fun; some kinkier than others."

"What's that suppose to-"

Yuugao stopped at mid sentence when she saw the smile and afterglow that appeared on Anko's face. The female ANBU knew that kind of afterglow anywhere.

"Care to share," Yuugao asked with a grin pleading for the juicy details, "We have all day. Hayate won't be back until later tonight anyway. So please share and don't spare the hot details please."

"You really want to know?"

"C'mon," Yuugao insisted, "Don't hold out of me! I told you about how good Hayate is! So start sharing details!"

Taking a sip of her wine, Anko started, "Here's what happened…"

(Flashback; Late Last Night At The Namikaze Estate)

Naruto was barefooted and bare-chested with only his pants on, with a rope and a bottle of rubbing perfumed oil lying on the grassy ground in front of him.

"You can make it up to me by being my plaything," Anko's voice said from the shadows.

"Is that right?"

"Of course," Anko's voice spoke again, "And from where I stand, you really look delicious and good enough to eat."

"Bite me," Naruto replied.

"I'd love to," Anko laughed before launching herself from the trees at full throttle and over to him with a kunai in hand ready to use it on him. Naruto caught a quick glimpse of the older woman and saw that she was also barefooted and wearing her two-piece lingerie clothes and open kimono, revealing most of her body. She threw the kunai into his face before he sidestepped away from the weapon.

Anko appeared and grabbed Naruto from behind before biting and sinking her teeth deep into his right shoulder. The blonde cringed from the pain of her biting. Her victory was short lived when Naruto popped into a cloud of smoke.

"Kage Bushin," Anko realized too late before she found herself in the same trap she tried to catch Naruto in, with her arms clamped to her sides. Anko tried to break free but Naruto held her into a vice grip, holding her body close to his.

"You can't fool me with the same tricks twice, Anko-chan," Naruto whispered into her ear.

"Maybe I like this position better," Anko replied with sultry.

"It's time I returned the favor," Naruto said. Before Anko could give Naruto another reply, what she felt next was his partly enlarged fangs on the right side of her neck. She gasped as she felt his fangs pressed against the skin of her flesh with a low growl that escaped his throat. The older woman shivered from the sensations Naruto's feral behavior was giving her. Naruto continued biting and sucking on her neck never releasing the grip on her neck with his fangs. Anko grinned while finding pleasure in Naruto's behavior. She only wished she could return the favor.

"You like that, don't you Yondaime-gaki," Anko playfully teased while still being held in his tight grip, "But is that all you got?"

She was answered back with another low growl before he released her neck, leaving behind a small reddened swollen mark where his teeth and fangs were. Loosening his grip on her, he removed her open kimono and dropped it to the ground, leaving her in only in her silk lingerie bra and panties. Before he could do anything else, Anko turned and kissed him hotly as her hands moved to undo his pants. Dropping it down to the ground with her kimono, Naruto was not left only in his dark blue boxers with his hardened erection showing from the fabric.

"Someone clearly wants to come out and play with me," Anko teased as she reached into his boxers with her left hand and grabbed his member before groping it, earning a groan of ecstasy from the younger male. She was about to summon a snake from her right arm to reach out and retrieve the rope for her to use on Naruto. The rope itself was designed with special seals. It allowed the user to focus his or her chakra into the seals to increase the strength of the rope. In Naruto's case, Anko would need them to prevent him from breaking free with his Godaime-like strength.

The torture specialist however didn't get to either retrieve the rope or continue her stroking session on Naruto's manhood to distract him when Naruto removed her hand from his boxers and held both of her hands up above her head tightly with his left hand. Seeing a nearby tree, Naruto hit a few spots on her back before he moved and held her up by the tree with her arms still held up over her head.

"What are you doing," Anko asked. Rather than giving her a verbal answer, Naruto used his free hand to remove her bra, freeing her fully developed bosoms. He was clearly able to see her erect reddened nipples and using his free hand he gave her left breast a squeeze with a light pinch to her swollen nipple. A moan of pleasure escaped her mouth as Naruto continued groping and massaging her breasts. Anko tried moving her hands but found that her arms couldn't move.

"Hey what is this!?," Anko exclaimed as she looked up at him dangerously, "I can't move my hands!"

She tried to free herself from his hold on her, not noticing him moving his right hand down pass her exposed navel and over to her panties. Anko tried moving her legs and found that her legs couldn't move either.

"My legs!," Anko realized, "I can't move my legs! Or my arms!"

He quickly jerked her panties down to the grass, thus leaving her completely nude before him.

"What the hell have you done to me Yondaime-gaki!?"

"Anko-chan," Naruto said playful, "I did no harm to you physically. I simply hit a few pressure points on your body. You still have feelings in your arms and legs but I only suspended your ability to move them."

Summoning a kage bushin, Naruto had his clone retrieve the rope and bottle of perfumed oil. With the rope, Naruto used it to bind Anko's wrists and hang the rope over the tree branch. Pulling the rope and focusing some of his chakra into it to increase the strength of the rope, Anko's body was now pulled and held straight up off the cold grass with the sole of her feet just touching the ground with her limp arms hanging over high over her head. The Elite Jounin took then the bottle of perfumed oil and dispelled the clone leaving himself alone with the now helpless naked interrogator and torture specialist.

"Anko-chan," Naruto said with a playful scolding tone, "You have a bad habit of always calling me "Yondaime-gaki" despite my power and status. It's time for you to accept who's the one truly in control here."

"In control!?," Anko replied with defiance despite her circumstance, "Yondaime-gaki, when I break out of this I'll-"

Anko didn't get to finish when Naruto suddenly gave her left rear cheek a hard slap, causing her to gasp from the pain she felt.

"What did I say about calling me Yondaime-gaki," Naruto said before his tone grew husky and hot, "Though there's a clear difference in age between us Anko-chan, you'll find that my being younger than you doesn't make me any less capable of taming and wielding your wild spirit and soul to my molding."

"Aren't you full of yourself," Anko remarked only to be slapped again, this time on her right rear, a bit harder in fact. She gasped again while feeling the stinging sensations her twin cheeks were feeling, especially since she couldn't use her hands to soothe the pain.

"I would have thought by now that you all of people would learn to never under estimate me," Naruto said, "Clearly I'll have to persuade you to willingly submit to me and my guidance."

The blond Elite Jounin poured some oil onto his right hand before he started massaging the cheeks of Anko's rear that he slapped, and grinned his foxy grin when he heard her let out a moan of pleasure.

"…You think you can get away in…having your way with me like this…," Anko said insolently between breaths, "Mark my words I'll-"

She gasped when she felt his finger move between the lips of her haired womanhood while massaging a special muscle there hidden from sight. Naruto grinned mischievously as Anko futilely tried to struggle out from the rope while her body was experiencing the pleasure he was giving her with his fingers between her legs.

"…Let my…hands-"

She couldn't finish her statement. Her climax was drawing closer with each stroke he gave her.

"This isn't…fair…It wasn't…suppose to be like th…Auugh," Anko tried speaking between her moaning but was having problems doing so as Naruto kept pleasuring her, "…When…I…I…get my han…my…Auhh…"

Her speech was incoherent. The smile on his face only grew as Anko futilely tried to break free while being unable to control the sensations she was having. He suddenly stopped and pulled his fingers away from between her legs. He looked at her face and saw the look of frustration and need she was expressing. He drew her so close to climaxing only to pull away from her, leaving her with no means of liberating her pent up need for release. Her juices were still seeping down her legs though.

"What's wrong Anko-chan," Naruto teased with his foxy smile, "I thought you were into torture."

"D…Damn you Yondaime-gaki…," Anko growled a bit weakly as she felt her need for an orgasm continually rising within her being, which only served to make her more sexually aroused. Her remark to him though earned for her a third slap to her rear cheeks, that one being a little harder than the second one.

"No no no Anko-chan," Naruto chided, "A gaki couldn't torture and pleasure a Special Jounin of your caliber. No, it would require someone of an even higher rank and caliber."

Naruto oiled his hands again and moved his lips to one of her breasts and sucked and nibbled on it as his other hand gave attention to her other breast. Anko looked like she was about to scream in outrage in being denied having the orgasmic release her body was so greatly in need of while Naruto was pleasure her bosom, adding more to the excitement she was physically experiencing.

The feeling of his oiled hands groping and massaging her breasts was leading Anko to moan involuntarily as she hung helplessly where she was.

"This…wasn't…," Anko said lowly between moaning while breathing hard, "Suppose happen this…way…You were meant to…be under my…you promis-"

Anko gasped and moaned loudly after Naruto gave her erect nipple a pull with his teeth.

"Anko-chan," Naruto said with a husky tone, "I'm no longer that little boy with a crush you used to be able to intimidate. And I did keep my promise to you in being your plaything. (Grinned) You got to play with my hard rod, did you not?"

Anko wanted to give him a reply to that but he sucked and nibbled on her breasts and nipples again, causing her to forget what she was about to say as groans of pleasure escaped her throat. This led to them building up more lust and desire for each other.

"Now," Naruto asked, "Are you ready to submit and acknowledge that I can wield you to my molding?"

"…As if…Yondaime-gaki," Anko replied lowly with her body badly in need and want of being satisfied, "It'll take…more than that to…"

Anko was given a fourth slap to her rear, both cheeks at the same as before. She couldn't help but wince when she felt his hand strike her bare bottom. It was as though he was enhancing each slap to her reddened rear with chakra.

"Didn't I say not to call me Yondaime-gaki, Anko-chan," Naruto teased as he moved and stood in front of her. Moving closer, he poured oil over her reddened cheeks before massaging her sore rear. Anko groaned from the feeling of his hands greasing and soothing the spots on her rear where he slapped her. The feeling of the cool breeze added to the sensations she was having as heat in her body was building up.

While groping her, he pressed himself into her, allowing her to feeling his muscularly built form against her body as her head rested on top of his left shoulder. Feeling his flesh against her mouth, Anko moved closer and bit him hard on the shoulder, sucking on the small cut she made on him from the bite. Naruto gave her twin cheeks a tight squeeze, causing Anko to scream and involuntarily release her hold on his shoulder.

"Biting your wielder," Naruto said, "For that, I'll have to punish you."

Anko wondered if that was going to entail harder slaps to her rear. Instead of that happening though, Naruto pulled his boxers off and dropped it to the ground; freeing his throbbing erection and leaving himself completely nude. Seeing him naked with his full erection aimed at her womanhood caused her to become wetter with anticipation.

Instead of giving her the satisfaction of being penetrated, Naruto knelt down to her feet and started laying kisses and small bites on her legs as he slowly made his way up her body. A series of shivers traveled through her body as Naruto continued his game with her. Reaching her waist, the blonde kissed and bit her twin cheeks a couple of times, especially around the spots where he slapped her. Feeling what he was doing there was causing Anko to gasp and moan in enjoyment from the feeling of his lips and teeth pressed against her.

I don't know if I can take anymore of him torturing me like this, Anko whimpered in her mind while feeling herself getting hornier by the minute, Damn it! He's pushing all of the right buttons!

Moving up pass her rear, Naruto continued on, kissing and biting around her naval, breasts and back, pressing his fangs into her skin every now and then. The sound of her voice letting out low moans and gasps encouraged him to continue what he was doing to her.

Soon, he stood fully up behind her. He moved and embraced her from behind, pressing himself into her form while wrapping his arms around her waist like a constricting boa. Naruto inhaled the smell of her hair and skin as he started grinding his full erection between her cheeks. He then bit down and nibbled on her right shoulder, while continuing to grind himself into her and hearing Anko's ecstatic groans in his ears as she felt him from behind. And just like with Temari, Naruto couldn't help but enjoy and relish the sheer erotic pleasure of rocking and grinding his hard member between Anko's twin cheeks.

Anko was unable to do anything to stop Naruto from doing the things he was doing to her as her body moved with his. She was completely at his mercy and he was free to do whatever he wanted to do to her without resistance. And the truth about it was: she loved it. She loved how he was in control, how he was the dominant one. She loved how he molded, wielded and pleasured her body. He teased her, "disciplined" her, soothed her and cherished her. She couldn't take it any further; she was in heat and in dire need of sexual gratification.

"Anko-chan," Naruto whispered into her ear.

"…Yes," Anko asked, breathing heavily, still feeing his hard shaft from behind her. It took every ounce of Naruto's willpower to keep from blowing his load though he came very close to doing so after his grinding session to her rear.

"Are you ready to submit and accept that I'm the one in control?"

"…Y…Yes," Anko caved as she felt his right hand moved down to her lower lips before slipping his fingers into her folds and stroking her special muscle hidden there. She cried in ecstasy while he kept his left arm wrapped around her waist as her body trembled against his.

"Am I the same Yondaime-gaki you believe to be easy to intimidate and have power over," Naruto asked.

"No…," Anko answered lowly, "…You're not a gaki. No gaki or any other man can wield me like you can."

"Indeed they can not," Naruto agreed, "And who is it you belong to?"

"…I…I belong to you…," Anko said between moaning, "…Naruto-kun. I always belonged to you…My heart, body and soul…are yours and yours alone! I'm your woman!"

"Yes you are," Naruto replied as he released his hold on her as he withdrew his fingers from out of Anko. He then did a quick set of hand signs for a medic birth control jutsu before he moved and stood in front of her. He then embraced and started kissing her lips. The kiss grew hotter by the second as they hungrily battled it out with their tongues. Moving his hands to her back, Naruto hit a few spots there and then returned his arms around her waist. She was able to feel his still hardened manhood pressed against her threshold and right now she wanted him to fill her to the brink.

"…Fuck me," Anko said with a pleading tone into his mouth.

"What was that Anko-chan," Naruto asked knowingly, getting turned on some more by her dirty talk.

"Fuck me," Anko begged, "I want you in me now! Please, make me scream in pleasure!"

Grinning, Naruto released the chakra from the rope. He then undid the rope that held up and bounded Anko's wrist together. After freeing her arms from their confinement, Naruto guided Anko down to the cool grass as he positioned himself over her. Anko was hungering with anticipation of being penetrated for the first time in her life so much so that she didn't even realize that she was moving her arms again as she unconsciously held onto his shoulders.

Positioning his member over her opening, Naruto slowly descended and pushed himself into her. Anko winced slightly as she was being spread open for the first time, steadily feeling his rod fill her with every inch it traveled deep within her. Naruto, groaned from feeling her tight wet canal around his rod. It felt so good and warm. Soon, he reached her barrier, which kept him from going further.

"Do it," she pleaded, "Take me!"

Without saying a word, Naruto plunged into her, filling her receptive hole completely. Anko bit down on her lip, trying to bear the pain that came from losing her hymen and virginity for good. Naruto lied there on top of her as he waited for her to get used to his size.

"It feels so good," Naruto said, feeling her wet and warm vice clamp around his rod. Ignoring the brief pain she felt, Anko smiled, "Yes it does…"

After a few moments, he began moving his hips. She gasped as she felt him pull away from her before filling her again. He repeated this cycle at a slow pace at first but soon he started to build up momentum and speed.

"Harder!," Anko begged, "Harder!...Don't Stop!"

Naruto crushed his lips into hers as she moaned into his mouth. She returned the kiss and wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to push more of his shaft deeper inside her. Anko wrapped her arms around his shoulders while keeping her mouth locked in with his. Her lubricated canal allowed for easy thrust, which Naruto happily took advantage of as he continued making love to her.

While so, Anko's mind flashbacked to:

When she first met and unintentionally kissed Naruto at the dango shop before chasing after him down the streets in a deranged rampage

When she started hanging out and associating with Naruto before and after she became his Special Jounin-sensei

The times she spent teaching and training him

The day she opened herself up to him about her early days with Orochimaru and how she got the curse seal

The time Naruto came back from Sector No Return in his older form

When she broke down in tears crying into Kurenai's arms when she and the others saw that Naruto was temporarily dead after his deadly battle with Orochimaru and the four resurrected ninjas

When she kissed Naruto in the hospital while he was in a coma and recuperating

The second mission Nami No Kuni she went on with Naruto which led to her confessing her love to him

How he helped free her of the cursed seal

And now Naruto was making love to her on the garden grass in his estate under the night skies with the shining full moon.

The way he was holding her, touching her, loving her; she wanted more. Her body and soul was on fire and Naruto was the only one who could put her out. Anko removed her lips off of his to gasp for oxygen before letting out an erotic outcry. Holding onto her legs, Naruto thrust with more vigor and lust, wanting to sink more of himself further into the older woman. Anko hissed as she felt his rod hit a deeper spot inside her, loving the thrill her body got from it.

"That was it," Anko smiled, "That was the spot! Hit it again! And again and more!"

"I aim to please my beautiful Snake Mistress," Naruto grinned before continued where he left off, pounding into her for all she was worth. Anko loved the fact that they were making love outside on the grass in his garden. The feeling she got from it felt primal, exciting and downright fun. He continued thrusting harder into her with deep penetration. Anko screamed louder from the absolute gratification her body was receiving. She bit down on his shoulder trying to hold back her peak moment for as long as she could. But every pitch he drove into her only served to push her further and closer to her climax.

Naruto's own groans were heard in her ears as he was trying to hold back from releasing for as long as he could also. Sounds of smacking flesh were heard by the both of them as they bucked their hips into each other's in a rhythmic fashion. He soon felt her love canal clamping down hard on his shaft. After another minute, Naruto released deep into her causing her to scream in ecstasy as she joined and climaxed with him. Her womanhood squeezed down on his rod firmly, trying to take in as much of his orgasmic fluids as possible. Naruto's eyes rolled to the back of his head, relishing the pleasure of both his and Anko's release. Despite the cool breeze, their warm bodies were drenched in sweat.

Naruto collapsed on top of her and rested his head on her shoulder; his rod still buried inside her. They were able to feel each other's hearts beating fast as the both of them were lying there on the grass catching their breaths.

"That was amazing," Anko commented, "I never thought it would have been this good."

"With me," Naruto grinned, "It always gets better."

"Aren't you full of yourself," Anko mocked playfully.

"I aim to please and satisfy all the beautiful and special ladies in my life," Naruto said, "Including you, Anko-chan."

She moved her lips and kissed him while keeping her arms wrapped around him. Pulling her lips away briefly, she said genuinely, "I love you, Naruto-kun. I meant it when I said my heart, body and soul belongs to you. Please, don't ever forget that."

"I love you too Anko-chan," Naruto said, "I promise not to never forget how precious you are to me."

Naruto leaned down and kissed Anko softly on her lips. The kiss gradually became more passionate as they continued making out on the grass. During their make-out session, neither knew who started moving their hips first but soon both of them were aroused again and started making love for a second time where they were. After a couple of minutes of erotic sex under the night skies, she released and poured over his member, but Naruto wasn't stopping. He kept thrusting into her as he struggled to hold back his second orgasm for as long as possible. Anko held onto his rear to keep up with his motion. A few minutes later, Naruto caved in and came into her. She had another orgasm the shot through her being.

Tired and sore, Anko lied there on the ground with Naruto resting on top of her; both being completely satisfied. A minute later, Naruto turned and flipped over so that Anko was now resting on top of him.

"I'm exhausted," Anko said, "…I can barely move."

With the remaining strength he had left, Naruto stood up and carried Anko into his arms bridal style. Summoning a shadow clone, Naruto had his clone gather all of their clothes, including the rope and oil bottle. When that was done, they shunshin'd back to his mansion and directly in his bedroom. Hinata, Temari and Ino were in their own private rooms for the night, leaving Naruto alone with Anko. The clone placed all of the items on the chair in the room and spread the blanket on the bed open for Anko and Naruto. The clone then dispelled itself.

Naruto placed Anko down on his bed as he moved and lied next to her. Pulling the blanket over them, Naruto pulled Anko to him as she cuddled and wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his chest. Naruto soon fell asleep though Anko was still partially wake. Before sleep could fully claim her, Anko moved and kissed Naruto on his cheek before resting her head back on his chest again.

"I'm Naruto-kun's woman," Anko said happily in an undertone before drifting off to sleep…

(End Flashback)

"And that's the whole story," Anko concluded and sipped her wine, leaving an excited Yuugao giggling and blushing from the hot details.

"That was a very hot love tale girlfriend," Yuugao giggled, "I wouldn't have thought that Naruto had that side to him."

"Who honestly would," Anko asked.

"Then again," Yuugao teased, "He would have to if he's to keep you in line."

"Shut up," Anko pouted with a blush on her cheeks. Yuugao laughed at Anko's expense.

"C'mon Anko," Yuugao laughed, "You yourself admitted that you loved how he wielded and led you into submission! If anything, the lone son of Yondaime has come a long way and has truly become a man!"

"He had a very good teacher," Anko joked, causing both herself and Yuugao to laugh harder.

"I'm very happy for you Anko," Yuugao said, "You found someone who'll love, cherish and protect you."

"I will admit," Anko said, "That I used to believe that I would live out the rest of my life simply as a Konoha ninja and with no one to share my life with. (Smiled) I'm happy that Naruto-kun proved me wrong."

"He saw something unique and very special about you underneath your exterior character," Yuugao said,

"Now you're sounding like Kakashi," Anko remarked.

"Well Kakashi is my senpai and I did learn a lot from him," Yuugao replied, "But seriously, Naruto saw something about you that no one else saw or gave considerable attention to. And that drew him to you despite the obvious age difference. But from what you told me, age means nothing to Naruto and he truly loves and cares about you. I really hope you have a very happy future with him…and the children you'll have for him."

"Hey," Anko replied, "I'm not heading for the maternity ward yet."

"Not yet," Yuugao smiled, "But I'm sure someday you'll have beautiful Namikaze children for him."

Spacing out for a moment as she looked out the window, Anko said in an undertone, "Someday…"


Naruto was leaving the cryptography department after hearing Shiho's report to him. So far she was making some progressing in deciphering the encoded writings in Orochimaru's book. Still, she had a long way to go before the task was totally finished.

Naruto soon decided to make his way to the Hokage Tower, recalling something his mother wanted to talk to him about some time ago. After a good amount of walking, he reached his destination and made his way to her office. Entering the office, he found Tsunade alone with the usual stack of paperwork to go over.

"Kaa-chan," Naruto greeted, "Can you spare a moment?"

Tsunade looked up from her work and over at her son.

"What do you need," Tsunade asked. Going straight to the point, Naruto asked, "I was seeking to speak with you about the matter concerning me being your heir. Our conversation about the matter days ago was cut short by Shizune-neechan when a medical emergency came up on short notice."

"Yes I remember that," Tsunade said, "…Tell you what, meet me back here later this evening and we'll discuss it."

Naruto nodded and accepted Tsunade's suggestion. He turned and exited the office, leaving Tsunade alone with her work.

(Later That Night)

Hayate was returning back home after a long day. Things got much better for him after Tsunade helped cure him of his health problems and he couldn't be happier because of it. The Special Jounin entered his apartment and locked the door behind him.

"Yuu-chan I'm home," Hayate said but got no reply in return.

"Yuu-chan," Hayate called out again as he removed his sandals and walked further into the dark apartment before opening the lights dimly to see things better. He knew that Yuugao had the day off and he was expecting to find her home. He walked around and didn't find her anywhere.

"Maybe she went hanging with a few friends," Hayate figured as he made his way to the bedroom. Entering it, he found it unoccupied empty.

"Well," Hayate said to himself, "Since I have the place to myself, I can at least enjoy a relaxing hot shower."

He proceeded to undressed himself until he was naked and grabbed a towel. He headed to the bathroom and opened the showers. He spent ten minutes cleaning himself up before deciding to come out of the shower. After drying most of himself off, he wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the bathroom. He decided to head to the kitchen to get a drink for himself. Walking through the dimly lit apartment, he came into the living room, only to find Yuugao, who was now wearing her ANBU mask with her katana strapped around her back and some rope wrapped and hanging around her body. What was very noticeable about her was that she was wearing only her bra and panties.

"Yu…Yuu-chan," Hayate asked questionably, "Wh-What's this about?"

"I want to know whose control do one of us submits to," Yuugao replied with sultry as she slowly approached the defenseless man.

"…Uh…Honey…," Hayate said nervously with his hands held up shoulder length as he slowly backed away from her. Truly, it was going to be a long night…

Clearly Anko's love tale gave Yuugao some…creative ideas. Without a doubt the matter of submission will be settled as one will submit to the other's control before the night is over. Until next time…