Chapter Seventy-Six: "The Leaves Among The Rocks"

A Week and Five Days Later)

Naruto, along with his entourage that consisted of Shikamaru, Shino, Kiba, Chouji and Team 9, were journeying from Konoha to Iwa. When Shikamaru and the others learned of the diplomatic mission Naruto had in mind for them, they at first thought it was crazy. They very well knew that Iwa and Konoha were still on bad terms with each other, and they were very well aware of the hatred Iwa had for Naruto's father. Naruto understood their concerns and assured them that he wouldn't hold it against them if they decided not to accept the mission as his entourage.

When he was asked why he chose them as his entourage instead of a group of Jounins, he explained that he never went on actual missions with them that didn't involve baby-sitting, gardening or doing other mediocre jobs. So far they had been on the move traveling for four days and were finally moving through Tsuchi No Kuni. While this was going on, Naruto was thinking about Shiho's progress in deciphering Orochimaru's "blood double" book. So far, Naruto was pleased that she was finally on to something and that it wouldn't be long until the book was finally decoded.

"Naruto-san," Lee spoke up, "How do you suppose the people of Iwa will greet us?"

"With anything but open arms I presume," Naruto remarked.

"You picked us out for this mission knowing that you'll be having problems Naruto," Shikamaru replied.

"Shikamaru," Naruto said, "No one is without problems. Besides, take this mission as a lesson in handling relations regarding international affairs. And if anything, I have you guys to protect me."

Shino was about to give a comment when…

"Yes Naruto-kun," Lee said zealously, "With our youthful flames, we'll be the best body guards you can count on!"

"Please," Kiba said, "If anything, you should be our guardian."

Akamaru barked in agreement.

"I'd have brought Ryota with us," Naruto said, "But doing that would have brought for us more trouble than it's worth considering that Ryota didn't leave Iwa on good terms."

"She's still in their Bingo Books as a missing-nin," Lee figured. Naruto nodded, "With a "kill on sight" order against her."

Changing the subject, Shino said, "Naruto, your speech nine days ago left us many in our clan most intrigued."

"Oh," Naruto asked, "How so?"

"In some ways we can relate to having foreign life forms existing within our beings," Shino said, "though the purposes differ."

Naruto know what Shino was talking about. He took a moment to think back to that day…

(Flashback: Nine Days Ago)

It was midday in Konoha when Tsunade order everyone in Konoha to gather around the Hokage Tower for a most importation proclamation that was going to be made. It was an event she, Jiraiya and Hiruzen were hoping would never see the light of day. Even Homura and Koharu didn't approve of the idea, believing of that there might be possible backlashes if allowed to happen. But Naruto was hardheaded and pushed forward for the event to take place regardless of the outcome.

"What do you suppose Tsunade-sama plans to announce to us," one of the villagers asked.

"My guess is as good as yours," answered Haku. Meanwhile the Genins and all of the other ninjas were also gathered together with the various clans in the village. Naruto's girls, better known as Namikaze's Five were also assembled with the rest of the people of Konoha.

Moments later, Tsunade, Hiruzen, Jiraiya and Naruto appeared on top of the Kage Tower. Tsunade, taking a breath, stepped forward and began the the proclamation.

"People of Konoha," Tsunade started, "I called this assembly today because my son, Naruto, has a proclamation he wishes to address to all of you, personally."

Everyone was whispering to each other while wondering what Naruto was going to say and why was it so important that all of them had to hear it from his own mouth. Tsunade stepped back allowing Naruto to take the stage. Stepping forward, Naruto stood before the populous. He took a moment to gaze at everyone before beginning his speech.

"My fellow villagers," Naruto started, "More than thirteen years ago my father, Namikaze Minato, our famed Yondaime Hokage battled the Kyuubi along with the other brave ninjas who battled it. You've all been told that both Yondaime and Kyuubi mysteriously vanished without a trace that very same night and that no one knew what happened or what had became them. Many believed and were led to believe that the Kyuubi was killed once and for all by my father.

"Well, today I'm here to reveal the truth about what truly happened to both my father and Kyuubi that very night."

Not waiting for questions to be shot at him, Naruto pulled out a blank scroll and one of his tri-pronged kunais. He then continued, "Before I do, I first like to demonstrate and ask you all this: if I were to take this tri-pronged kunai and seal it into this scroll…"

Naruto wrote some markings onto the scroll and then sealed the tri-pronged kunai into the scroll. He then showed the villagers the scroll that now possessed the kunai inside it.

"Did this scroll thus become the very kunai that was sealed into it," Naruto asked.

"Of course not," one of the Chuunins yelled, "All you did was use the scroll as its container. The scroll is still what it originally is."

"I'm mean come on!," a Genin asked, "Who doesn't know that? Nothing about that scroll has changed!"

"That's the point I want all of you to understand," Naruto shouted, "Nothing about this scroll in my hand has changed. It's still the very same scroll it was yesterday and the day before. People of Konohagakure No Sato, I am very much like this scroll in my hand. I am the Jinchuuriki of Kyuubi No Yoko!"

Large gasps of shock and absolute disbelief was heard all around. Some wanted to believe that this was one of Naruto's most ridiculous and preposterous pranks.

"This can't be!"

"He has to be lying!"

"No human," Naruto explained, "Can kill a bijuu. Even my father, Konoha's Yellow Flash, didn't have the power to kill a bijuu let alone the strongest of the nine of them. The only way he was able to do defeat it was to seal it away. But Kyuubi was too powerful to be sealed in any inanimate object, and for a full grown adult to have the creature sealed into himself would be fatal, and most possibly led to Kyuubi's release.

"My father resorted to using an ancient kinjutsu ougi to seal the creature away. But this dark jutsu required both a sacrifice of the user's life and a living human sacrifice, a newborn child. Yondaime couldn't ask any of you with children to do anything he wouldn't have been willing to do with his own child. Therefore, he sacrificed both himself and I in exchange for Kyuubi's imprisonment in my body and this village's safety. My father believed that as the Hokage that it was his responsibility to carry a load that he couldn't put on anyone else's shoulders and as his son, he felt that it was my responsibility to protect and save Konoha everyday by denying Kyuubi's release by becoming its living prison.

"I've secretly been carrying this burden as the Jinchuuriki of Kyuubi No Yoko since the day of my birth. Many times I wanted to reveal this truth of you all, but fear of how all of you would react to me was what held me back from revealing this dark truth.

"Would you have hated me, shunned me, spat on me; called me a demon and every other vulgar name you can think of?

"Would any, if not most of you, have said that I was the Kyuubi in a weakened human form?

"Would all of you have used me as your scapegoat to vent your anger on for what Kyuubi had done and lives of your loved one he took away?

"Would I have been thrown at of the orphanage at a very young and tender age of four or five years old if somehow my kaa-chan was killed?

"Would I have been chased out of stores and thrown rocks at?

"Would store owners have overcharged me for what little services they would have begrudgingly given me?

"Would your children have been pulled away from and told to stay away from me while encouraging them to hate and ignore me?

"Would my teachers have mistreated and refuse to educate me properly?

"Would I have been bullied and poked fun at for the way others in the village treated me?

"Would there have been many attempts on my life and safety by those driven by hate, anger and grief for what Kyuubi had done, and shift the blame on me?

"Would I have to have spent years crying untold amount of tears while wondering why my life was so bitter with no answer to as to why the few who knew the truth about me and my family line chose to keep me in the dark?

"Would Konoha be looked at as a village of sheepskin covered wolves and hypocrites?

"As harsh as these questions are, these were the very questions that haunted and plagued me! So much so, that I had to find the truth for myself. I gave my life for this village while battling Orochimaru during the invasion of this village not too long ago. But even then there was a lingering doubt as to how all of you would regard me if I were to have died entirely in that battle after the truth about what truly happened to Kyuubi was revealed."

"So now people of Konoha, you know the truth about what happened to Kyuubi and my father and how I tie into all this! If you can't look at me the same way now as you have before for all these years, because of a burden that was forced on me, well then, I'll just have to prove my existence to all of you by showing the human I truly am and always have been."

It's like he's taking a page about Gaara's life's story, Temari thought.

"And now I put all of you under the question: Am I Kyuubi or its jailer, Naruto?"

There was a long silence from the crowd. No one said a word as they soak in everything Naruto told them. He openly exposed himself as Konoha's hidden Jinchuuriki. Many found what Naruto revealed to them very hard to swallow and accept. The very idea that Yondaime, the very Hokage they regarded as the greatest of the five Hokages, would damn his own son, his own flesh and blood, to a life as a living prison for Kyuubi was unthinkable. Yet that very truth came out of his own son's mouth. Others didn't know what to think or even how to react, especially after hearing the series of questions Naruto fired at them.

If he's the Kyuubi, one villager thought in question, I wouldn't have ever thought that of him considering all the great things I ever heard about Naruto.

Naruto died once protecting Konoha against Orochimaru, a Jounin thought, Something that damn fox would never do!

Naruto has always been selfless in putting the well being and safety of others ahead of his own, Sakura thought, He even went up against Itachi and Kisame alone while trying to protect Ino and Hinata and I know how much he cares for those two. He also went back to rescue Inari and Tsunami from that Iwa ninja in spite of the fact that it was an obvious trap. Naruto is not Kyuubi!

Naruto-sama helped me to open my eyes and saved me from damning myself in eternal self pity and blaming everything on fate, Neji thought, Because of him, I was able to start making amends with Hinata-sama and the Main house.

Similar feelings was starting to circulate all around the villagers as they thought about everything they have seen and heard Naruto do in all the years he's lived in Konoha. Many acknowledged that Naruto took a very brave step in revealing such a shocking truth to them. It was a huge gamble he was taking, risking his reputation, status in the village, and how everyone close to him was going to be affected based on the villagers' reaction to his revelation. This went on for several minutes as Naruto awaited their reply. Just as the Elite Jounin was about to speak again…

"NARUTO! NARUTO!," Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon yelled and cheered as they thrust their right fists toward Naruto with each cheer of Naruto's name they gave, "NARUTO! NARUTO!"

"NARUTO! NARUTO!," Hanabi shouted following Konohamaru's example. Soon all of the children started shouting and cheering Naruto's name. Haku, Naruto's girls and the rest of the Genins started following the same course of action. It wasn't long until many others, ninjas and civilians alike began doing the exact same thing. Collectively, everyone started cheering his name in unison.

Naruto looked down at the villagers that all cheering him as their savior. A smile grew on Naruto's face as a few tears of joy and relief ran down his face before wiping them away.

"Would you look at that," Jiraiya said in surprise, "The people actually don't hate and fear Naruto as though he was the Kyuubi in human form."

"That illustration Naruto gave with the scroll and kunai was a very ingenious way of paving the road in silencing any potential fear the villagers might have developed during the latter part of his speech," Hiruzen said.

"He was taking a very big and dangerous risk with this event," Tsunade added, "Always gambling with his life on the table."

Jiraiya and Hiruzen were about to say something when…

"And yet," Tsunade continued, "My son always come out the winner."

(End Flashback)

"You're right Shino," Naruto agreed, "In some ways we can relate to each other. But there are several major differences between our talents. I doubt I'll have to go into details to explain them, do I?"

"That won't be necessary," Shino replied.

"What's it like," Chouji asked.

"What's what like," Naruto asked.

"Being a Jinchuuriki," Chouji clarified, "What's the experience like?"

Now everyone was interested in hearing Naruto's answer. Naruto thought about the question before his gave his response.

"You want my honest answer," Naruto said, "In truth, most if not all Jinchuurikis would trade having a bijuu sealed inside of them for a normal life."

"But doesn't having a bijuu sealed inside you make you a lot more powerful and stronger than normal ninjas," Kiba inquired, "I mean don't you command the power of the creature itself?"

Sighing, Naruto decided to go into details explaining the truth life of the Jinchuurikis. He told them everything Jiraiya and the others have told him years ago. He even told them about Gaara and his experience as the Jinchuuriki of Tanuki the Ichibi. It was a most sobering story for the group to hear. Neji used to believe that his life was hard and unfair, blaming everything on fate. After hearing Naruto's explanation, he never felt more humbled and ashamed of his past actions.

"What a troublesome life you were spared from," Shikamaru remarked, "I'd hate to live with that burden."

"Knowing you," Naruto replied, "You'd have probably ignored everyone while lazily watching the clouds on your back on the grass."

"I probably would have," Shikamaru shrugged and agreed.

"I never would have imagined that people could become that unyouthful for a burden they forced on someone who never had a say on the matter," Lee said.

"People can be cruel out of ignorance or any other reasons we can think of Lee," Shino remarked, "It's the sad reality of this life."

Naruto and the others continued walking when they came across a few posters few and fell in front of them. Naruto picked them up and found pictures of children on the posters with the word "Missing" written on top of them.

"Quite of number of children that run away you think," Chouji asked.

"Either that or they were kidnapped," Lee said, "From where, by whom and why; who knows."

"Well there's little that can be done for the time being," Neji said, "And besides it's not our mission to find them, if they're even still alive for that matter."

"Don't be so heartless Neji," Tenten chided, "Your own cousin was a near victim of an attempted kidnapping by a Kuno ninja years ago. You told the story to everyone yourself."

Neji gave Tenten no reply. Naruto was quietly looking at the faces of all of the children on the poster. From what he and the others saw, all of the children were eleven years old and younger.

So a string of kidnappings have been going on in Tsuchi No Kuni lately, Naruto contemplated, Clearly none of these children are Genins. I wonder if any ransoms in exchange for their safe return were made.

"Naruto-kun what are you thinking about," Lee asked. Naruto dropped the poster and continued walking.

"C'mon let's keep moving now," Naruto suggested before the others continuing following him on their trek to Iwa, "We're about another three hours travel from our destination."

(Three Hours Later)

Naruto and his crew had finally made it to the main entry of Iwa. Upon arriving their found Iwa Jounins standing guard by the main entrance. Naruto stepped forward and presented their travel passes and diplomatic papers to the guards.

"We're ambassadors of Konoha and we're here for an audience with the presiding Tsuchikage," Naruto said as the Jounins reviewed the papers. Naruto didn't miss the dirty look they gave him and the others but mostly him. The two Iwa Jounins handed back the papers to Naruto and allowed their access into their village, though they did so begrudgingly. As the group entered…

"You're still not welcomed here Namikaze," one of the Iwa Jounins sneered, causing Naruto and the others to momentarily stop as the Jounin continued, "Just keep in mind that this isn't Konoha. So don't get comfortable."

Kiba was about to give a retort but Naruto raised a hand telling him to ignore the ninja as they went on their way into the village.

"Aren't we even going to be escorted to the Tsuchikage Tower," Tenten asked.

"Obviously not," Neji replied, "We're practically on our own."

As Naruto was entering Iwa with his entourage, he along with the Konoha ninjas couldn't ignore the looks they were receiving. Many of them weren't pleasant ones either and others sneered at the sight of Naruto. The very idea that he was dressed in his late father's image and wearing the same white cloak as the Yellow Flash angered many of the civilians and ninjas present; except his new flame design cloak said Konoha's Second Flash on the back in red kanji. Naruto was practically a walking reminder to many of them.

It seemed mocking to many of them that the next Yellow Flash, the son of Namikaze Minato, was freely walking through their village with an easy pace. Shikamaru and the others saw how some of the Iwa-nins were whispering and seething them at but mostly at Naruto.

"So much for the welcoming crew," Kiba remarked, "I feel loved already."

"Bad blood still exists between our two villages," Neji said.

"Not everyone has the ability to let go of old grudges," Shino said, "Some would even go as far as to pass it on to the next generation."

"Naruto," Chouji said, "Maybe you should have worn something different. I don't think the people like the fact that you look so much like your father."

"That's too bad," Naruto said, "But even if I did change my choice of clothes for this mission, it would do nothing to change my heritage or whose son I am. Besides I refuse to deny myself or the person I worked hard to become just to satisfy a few ignorant people."

"You know they can hear you right," Tenten remarked. Naruto just shrugged and kept walking, "Let them; I want my words to be made very clear to everyone."

"You're on your way to becoming popular with the Iwa populous with that attitude," Shikamaru remarked cynically.

There was a young twelve-year-old girl with long silver white hair that reached down her back following them from the shadows (A/N: Think of a young Tessa from the anime "Full Metal Panic"). Moments later, a dirty diaper was hurled in their direction. It landed in front of Naruto being merely a half foot away from him. Naruto looked to his left to see the female preteen that threw the diaper at him. He wasn't at all surprise that no one did anything against the preteen for her offense to him. Leaving the group, Naruto walked over to the girl as she backed away from him.

"Naruto-kun," Lee called out to Naruto, but he didn't reply back as he continued toward the girl. The young female found herself leaning up against the wall with no way to escape from him. Naruto stood before her with his shadow over casting her. Even though she was clearly shorter than the blonde before her, she still gave him a defiant look despite her fear of what he might do to her.

"What's your name girl," Naruto asked.

"That's none of your business," she shot back, "Konoha trash like you shouldn't be walking here like you're something special!"

"You're quick to insult me while disregarding whatever consequences your actions might bring upon you," Naruto said, "Did I or any my friends do anything for you to have a disliking of us?"

"I can care less for your friends," the girl spat, "You're the problem!"

"Me," Naruto asked, "How so?"

"You're the son of that bastard," the girl retorted, "And the very fact that you chose to dress and look like that bastard while walking through our village like your something special is disgusting! Why don't you do all of us a favor and get the hell out of our village!"

The Elite Jounin said nothing to the girl as everyone waited for what he was going to do next.

"That girl has no trouble verbally telling Naruto off," Kiba acknowledged, "She even insulted his late father to his face."

"Despite knowing who he is," Tenten added, "She fearlessly spoke her mind openly."

"Tenten," Neji said, "Don't confuse fearlessness with stupidity."

The girl waited to see what the Elite Jounin was going to say to her. After what felt an eternity, Naruto turned away from her, looking as though he was going to walk off from her. But a second later, he quickly turned back around and grabbed her head holding it up against the wall as he quickly pulled out one of his tri-pronged kunais in one motion.

HE'S GONNA KILL ME!, she mentally screamed in fright as he lunged the kunai to the left side of her head and into the wall. Naruto's eyes were cold and narrowed, which sent a cold chill down her back as she stared directly into his ocean blue eyes.

"Naruto!," Tenten called out, "What the hell are you doing!"

The blonde shinobi gave her no reply as his group and all of the other Iwa nins looked at both him and the girl. Some of the Iwa nins were already whispering about Naruto's actions. Naruto then pulled the kunai away, revealing the black scorpion he impaled and killed with his kunai. He released her head and threw the dead scorpion away before cleaning his kunai and placing it away.

He turned again and walked off from the girl. Seconds later…

"Tsukiiwa," the girl said. Naruto stopped and turned his head to the young girl.

"Excuse me," Naruto answered.

"My name…," the girl said, "Is Tsukiiwa."

"Tsukiiwa is it," Naruto replied before flashing his one of his trademark grins, "That's an interesting name."

Tsukiiwa fought down a blush that partly that appeared on her face. Naruto said nothing further as he continued back toward his group.

"Quite a stunt you pulled there Naruto," Kiba grinned, "I almost thought you'd have that girl piss on herself."

"That would be too troublesome for us to deal with," Shikamaru said.

"C'mon," Naruto said, "Let's continue on our merry way to the Tsuchikage Tower."

"You'd think by now that they would have provided a means to bring us there," Lee said.

"It doesn't matter," Naruto stated, "I know already where to go. That's why I'm not bothered by not having an escort."

They figured that Ryota must have told him some information about Iwa and how to move around in that village; if they only knew about his travel in the other dimension.

"So that's that the Second Flash of Konoha," Akatsuchi said while gazing down from the roof of a four story building him and two other kunoichis standing on top of.

"None other," Tsuchiko confirmed.

"Hard to believe that this Naruto wasted Soujiro in one fight," Kurotsuchi remarked, "It was extreme overkill that Naruto collapsed an entire mountain on top of him as your report said."

"That traitorous asshole had it coming to him especially after I warned him that taking Naruto on in a fight was suicide," Tsuchiko spat, "Soujiro deceived and used us and it cost us some of our good comrades and friends. It was Naruto who intervened and ordered a ceasefire."

"So he's not the new boogeyman many want to make him out as," Kurotsuchi said.

"Scared he'll appear in your bathroom while you're in your shower," Tsuchiko mocked

"Oh shut up," Kurotsuchi replied as she turned toward the direction the Konoha ninjas were traveling down, "Let's go we have to make it to the tower before they do."


After a long walk, the group finally made it to the tower. The guards allowed them access after showing them they travel papers and IDs. Entering the tower, they were brought to the Tsuchikage office by an escort. Upon entering, they were greeting by a man clearly identified as the presiding Tsuchikage sitting by his desk and a much older looking man named Ounoki standing next to him who looked to be having hip pains.

"Namikaze Naruto and company," the Tsuchikage greeted, "Welcome to Iwagakure No Sato. Your travel here wasn't of too much trouble, was it?"

"No but old grudges still exist I'm afraid," Naruto replied. The Tsuchikage merely nodded, "Most unfortunate."

I'm sure, Naruto mentally snorted. Clearing his throat, Naruto said, "You must be Tsuchiko-san's uncle."

The Tsuchikage and Ounoki had raised eye brows on hearing that.

"Yes I am," the Tsuchikage said, "So you've heard of my family. Was it from Ryota?"

"Soujiro actually," Naruto corrected, "During the false mission he dragged your niece and ninjas into."

"I give you my sincere apologies for the offense," the Tsuchikage said. Naruto nodded.

"Well I'm sure that your travel here has been long and hard and I'd hate for you and your entourage to be weighed down with diplomatic affairs the day you arrive here. So please, take the rest of the day to relax and we can begin business first thing tomorrow. I've arranged lounging for all of you as special guesses within one of our famed hotels. All the expenses there have been taken cared of."

The door opened again, revealing three Jounins ninjas.

"Kurotsuchi, Akatsuchi, Tsuchiko," the Tsuchikage said, "Please escort our guests to their rooms and make sure that there's no trouble."

"Yes, Tsuchikage-sama," they replied with a short bow before signaling the Konoha nins to follow them to the hotel. After they left, Ounoki turned to him.

"Are you sure about this," Ounoki asked.

"Quite sure," the Tsuchikage said, "Iwa may still hold a grudge against Konoha, but we can at least show that we don't desire another war with them. And besides we don't have the same power to rival Konoha as before."

"But allowing the son of the late Yellow Flash to roam free in our village will put many of our people on edge," Ounoki said.

"After the stunt Soujiro pulled under our noses and the war he nearly triggered," the Tsuchikage replied, "I'm more concerned about the loyalty and integrity of our own ninjas within these village walls."

Ounoki gave no further comment.


"Tsuchiko," Naruto said.

"What is it," Tsuchiko asked.

"There's been a string of abductions of children in Iwa and Tsuchi No Kuni," Naruto replied going straight to the point, "Would you or anyone else have any information about the criminals behind the recent kidnappings?"

"It's our problem," Kurotsuchi said, "We'll deal with it."

"So in other words," Shikamaru said, "You don't know who's behind the kidnappings?"

"Like I said," Kurotsuchi retorted, "We'll deal with it."

"I recall asking Tsuchiko about it," Naruto interjected, "Not you Kurotsuchi."

"We don't have much on the ones responsible for the recent crimes," Tsuchiko replied, "But we're currently working on that. So there's no need for you worry about a matter that doesn't concern you or your friends."

Naruto said nothing further. It was clear that he wasn't going to get the information he was looking for from them. All the while the group continued following the three Iwa Jounins to the hotel the Tsuchikage booked for them. After ten minutes of walking…

"We're being followed," Neji said as he turned to the direction of the person in hiding. Naruto and the other looked to their right and found the same girl from earlier hiding behind a wooden pole.

"Tsukiiwa," Naruto acknowledged.

"And she's not alone this time," Chouji pointed out. Neji nodded to confirm that statement, "There are over four more with her."

"What do those brats want this time," Kurotsuchi said with a feeling of annoyance.

"Who are they," Naruto asked with curiosity.

"Why would that interest you," Kurotsuchi asked, "I'm sure you won't be in this village long enough to care anyway."

Ignoring her, Naruto walked away from the group and went over to the group of children. The group consisted of two younger boys, both of whom were nine years old and two girls who were eight years old, thus making Tsukiiwa the oldest of them.

"Tsukiiwa," Naruto greeted with a warm smile, "What do I owe the honor of your presence again?"

"The others wanted to see you after they heard about how you saved me from that scorpion," Tsukiiwa said, "They wanted to know if you were the real thing."

"Oh," Naruto replied, "And how do you like me so far?"

Tsukiiwa blushed, but snorted, "Like you? Don't think you're all high and mighty just because of what name you carry!"

"Hey," Kiba retorted, "Show some respect if you know what's good for you!"

"Where are their parents," Shikamaru asked.

"They're orphans," Akatsuchi said, "They live in an orphanage not too far from here. But they're known for causing and getting themselves into trouble."

"Is that all," Tenten asked.

"And that girl Tsukiiwa is the self-proclaimed leader of the bunch," Akatsuchi added, "She's gives us the most headaches."

"You guys have quite an interesting life story," Naruto said with a grin.

"What would you know," Tsukiiwa remarked, "You're the son of a Kage, therefore you know nothing about what we have to go through in life."

"Is that right," Naruto replied, "Well I suppose my status and appearance is a bit too much you and your posse. Perhaps you'll find me more acceptable if I were to empty and bring myself down to your level."

"What are you talking about," the youngest of the two boys asked. Naruto grinned toothily before bursting into a large blast of white smoke. When the smoke cleared, both groups and the children were met with a sight that made their mouths drop to the ground with widened eyes.

"Perhaps you'll find this version of me to be more suitable for your group now," Naruto said with a huge grin in his "U. Naruto" form, with the birthmark facial whiskers, the whole bright orange, blue and white jumpsuit and sandals with his height reduced and his voice altered. Plus he was wearing blue goggles instead of his Konoha head protector.

"What the hell!," Kiba shouted with a stupefied expression, "Naruto what are you doing? Have you lost your mind?"

"The kids found Namikaze Naruto too much to handle," Naruto said, "Therefore I changed into my younger alter ego: Uzumaki Naruto, future Hokage of Konoha, Dattebayo!"

"Dattebayo," Shino repeated with a confused look.

"Is that even a word," Tenten asked quizzically.

Is he a dumbass at heart!, Kurotsuchi screamed in her head.

"Naruto," Shikamaru reminded, "You're said you came here for diplomatic purposes, not to play silly games with a pack of troublesome children."

"Don't be such a meanie," Naruto replied, "And learn to have some good fun once in your life."

"Is he for real," Kurotsuchi remarked, "Are you sure this is the same guy that's feared by many?"

"No one said he had the capacity to be an absolute moron," Tsuchiko whispered to her.

"I heard that," Naruto remarked. Tsuchiko cleared her throat trying to excuse herself. Minato now looked at Naruto with concern.

'What are you trying to pull here,' Minato asked.

I'm trying to appeal to these kids, Naruto replied, What better way than to stoop to their level?

Minato sensed that Naruto had an ulterior motive to his actions.

'I just hope this plan of yours doesn't backfire,' Minato said.

Naruto mentally shrugged and then turned to the young group of five, "What do you guys do for fun?"

"Are you trying to make an idiot out of yourself in front of everyone," Tsukiiwa retorted, "If people see you like this while being around us, people will think that you're-"

"Let them say what they will of me," Naruto interjected, "Don't I honestly don't give a damn! If I feel like hanging with a group of orphans like you guys, then that's my business, not theirs. I'm not too important or too busy to get to know and spend time with you guys; am I?"

Tsukiiwa turned to the other four and saw that they really liked Naruto.

"Can he come and play with us," one of the two younger girls pleaded, "Please?"

"He's not like the other ninjas and grown ups," the older of the two boys said with a smile, "He's really funny."

Tsukiiwa sighed and consented, "I guess it wouldn't be that much trouble then."

"Terrific," Naruto said before turning to the rest of the group, "I'll catch up with you guys later. Report any problems to me and try to stay out of trouble until I return."

"I hope you take your own advice," Kiba muttered his breath. Ignoring him, Naruto turned to the orphans and asked, "So, who here wants to play "Ninja" with me?"

"What kind of ninja plays 'ninja'," Tsuchiko asked out loud with a less than impressed expression.

"Trust me," Kiba replied, "He did this frequently back home with three other kids."

Kiba and the others watched Naruto walk off with the group of orphans.

"Aren't you guys going to get him to knock off this foolishness he's doing," Kurotsuchi asked.

"No," Shikamaru said flatly, "For the reason that he out ranks us and he gave us a direct order. He'll chew us out if we disobey. Besides, Naruto has a way of making things go his way. Therefore, it would just be too much of a drag to try to make him do otherwise.

"So, will you be so kind as to continue escorting us to our hotel rooms please?"

Kurotsuchi grumbled something incoherent under her breath, but she and the other two complied.

That clown Naruto is going to add to the headache I'm going to have later, Kurotsuchi sighed.

Naruto, despite his diplomatic business in Iwa, has time to play with youngsters who have taken a liking to him much to the annoyance of his friends and everyone else. But is there more to his seemingly childish actions? And what's the issue with the kidnappings that's been going on in Tsuchi No Kuni? Find out next time.


Tsukiiwa: "Moon Rock"