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Liam was walking along with his foster sister Madison as there were headed to school she was about to start the equivalent of high school in the British system, When they got to the school she said to Liam
"Once you're done just hang out for a bit and we'll meet around two by the school entrance and then we'll walk home ok ?"
Liam just nodded and went inside, He was about to start school on the same level with six-year-old learning stuff he could do in his sleep, He couldn't help but think the whole thing was futile his foster mother Clair encouraged him to hang around kids his age because he was a bit too silent and solitary for her liking especially for a kid his age so he didn't want let her down and he was thinking if he did really good in school he can maybe ask her to take a test or something so he can skip a grade or two.
Contrary to his belief he actually had fun hanging around kids his age their enthusiasm and energy reminded him of his brother Harry and the teachers sure loved the polite, Intelligent kid that always did what he was told and so started his school life, Apparently skipping grades isn't really a thing in the UK but he didn't mind all that much it wasn't like he had to rush for some reason and he made some friends and enjoyed his childhood this time he still wasn't rich or anything but he didn't feel like he had so much responsibility.
By the time he was eight most of his foster family had moved out it was only him and Madison and Clair and john Clair's husband, They weren't thinking of taking in any other children because of their age and now he had his own room that he used to share with Trent his brother that has now gone off to college he spent most of his time reading and learning and he also found that he enjoyed soccer very much.
But he was no closer to finding any answers to the question that invaded his thoughts every now and then questions of the validity of his existence and he couldn't help but feel like he was lying to everybody he knew, Like he was deceiving them somehow and that everything that he has was stolen from liam, But he would try and banish those thoughts and he'd tell himself 'liam is dead but i am alive i had no hand in it but it happened and now i am here might as well make the best of it and try to live a live worth living and' and then he'd wonder if he did that in his first life, If his life was worth something, If he left an impression if he is remembered, And he'd also wonder if he would ever see his mother and brother again even from a distance, And he'd also dread the same thought scared of seeing them with past self alive and well and how he'd feel seeing them interact with him from the third person like he was a ghost watching, Like he had no ownership of himself and that scared him most of all.
He often finds himself repeating as he was going to sleep or waking up to no one in particular
"My name is Daniel Chase"
And he'd wonder why he was holding on to his past self so much when he was now someone else and then he stop thinking about it all together and try and bury it in his mind he even once almost convinced himself that he was Liam and not Daniel and that there was never a Daniel and it was just his imagination but then he snapped out of it feeling guilty and angry at himself for denying himself it so whenever he felt confused or angry he'd calm himself down and go through his memories in order and remember his mother and brother and even his father.
'Man two lives and still hardly any fathers I must have done something shitty in an earlier past life well john is a pretty good father figure so I guess I at least have a father figure'.
I am also spent some time thinking of how he can use his knowledge of the future to his advantage maybe he can invest in some companies but with what money, He has an allowance and he wasn't really a big spender since old habits die hard but still, He didn't have nearly enough to actually invest, That and he was fourteen when he died and he wasn't really keeping an eye on the financial times planning to go back in time.
One day when he was ten he was walking back from school with Madison as they did on most days when he froze on the middle of the curb staring out into the road Madison looked at him wondering why he stopped suddenly and followed his eye line she saw a brand new red car that was making its way along the road and as the car passed them with Liam still frozen not even looking at the car anymore it suddenly turned sharply and jumped the curb and crashed against a little stone wall while the driver was slamming the breaks the front hood of the car was totaled but the driver looked ok as he came out of the car looking between the car and the road where he spun out obviously bewildered by just happened and just as she looked back at Liam he had broken out of his frozen state and was now looking at the crashed car and then turned to her and asked
"What happened, Did you see the crash?"
She looked at him suspiciously and then said
"Did u know that was going to happen somehow ? you were looking at the car very intently before anything happened "
"I don't know what you are talking about it just reminded me of another car I saw before of the same brand and then it just crashed how would I know about it before it happened, The guy looks fine we should just go home"
When they got home Clair was working on making lunch when Madison walked in and said
"I think Liam is like Brennen Clair"
Clair looked serious as she looked at Madison
"What makes you say that ?"
"He did one of those things the Bren did when was a kid and couldn't control his emotions you know uncontrol underage magic or whatever that lady called it"
"But Liam hasn't shown any sign of things like that and you know how much bren did sweetheart it was almost every day at a certain point but I guess you were too small then to remember "
"Yes but Liam isn't like bren you've seen how that kid has been ever since he came here, Never a tantrum always polite and proper at first I thought he was scared or something like if he did something wrong we'd throw him out but that was just how he is, And you haven't seen him at school he is like a ten-year-old diplomat he never gets into fights with the other kids, His teachers all love him to death and whatever happens is he just rolls with it "
Clair thought for a second and then asked
"If that is what he is like all the time then what happened today and what actually got a rise out of him"
"That's what I don't get he just saw a car going down the road and it was like he saw a ghost and then the car crashed"
"It did WHAT ?"
"Easy it was a small crash and the driver was fine it just swerved off the road "
"And you're sure it was Liam that made it crash maybe the driver just took his eyes off the road"
"The guy was driving a 20 down a straight road there was no way he just crashed like that normally, Look I just thought I should let you know, But we'll all know for sure when he is eleven won't we"
"I guess we will, God I hope he isn't, That world is far too dangerous for such a sweet child like him, I can't stand to lose another child to those damn blood Nazis"
But all of that came to a head when he was eleven on the fateful day when a certain Transfiguration professor came to his house for a sudden visit carrying a letter in her hand.
He was the one to open the door and at first, He thought nothing of it when the old lady at the door asked to speak to his guardians, As he let her in he couldn't help but feel a strange familiarity with her, He also thought she had a weird sense of fashion but what was even weirder was that he felt like he had seen it before, he lead her to the living room and went and tell Clair someone was here to see her, They walked out together and soon as Clair saw professor Minerva McGonagall she frowned and said
"I was afraid this day would come "
McGonagall looked at her for a second and ignored the semi rude comment and said
"Mrs abbot a pleasure to see you again I have come to deliver this letter to this nice young man and to make a demonstration to help explain everything to him "
As soon as McGonagall showed the letter everything clicked in Liam and his memories as Daniel flashed in his head and he knew from where exactly he'd seen this woman although slightly different then the actresses the played her, Her essence carried through, This was Minerva McGonagall professor of Transfiguration of the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
'But that can't be right magic isn't real is it, And why am I in this world, No this makes no sense, Wait it's 1991 that means this is the year Harry goes to Hogwarts does that mean that Voldemort is also real, Yes, Of course, His real, If everything else is real, Then why would he not be real, so then what's gonna happen, Voldemort isn't gonna win is he, Of course not it's just a story with characters and good always wins in the end but MINERVA MCGONAGALL is standing in front of me right now she is not a character she is a person, A real person and in real life, Good people lose all the time FUCKKKKKK'
"Mr. Murphy "
He was interrupted from his train of thought by McGonagall who was looking at him like she was waiting for an answer
"I am sorry what did u say I was distracted "
"I said have you noticed anything strange happening around you recently "
"N... No, What do you mean strange"
She seemed a bit surprised by that answer and said
"I think you should read this first and then I will explain"
And she handed him a letter, The letter that his brother would have once loved to get and he with shaky hands.
'Ok I need to hold it together now everybody is looking at me I can be shocked and outraged later'
He took the letter and then opened the wax seal And inside it said.
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,
Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Mr. Murphy,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress