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'Yep, That's the fucking letter alright, Huuffffff look at bright side Liam you can do magic that's so great any kid in the world would wish for it, On the other hand, There is a super nazi about to be on the loose and he fucking hates people like you and he is one of the two most powerful wizards in existence that are alive right now, Wait for people like me... I don't know my parents maybe I am not muggle-born, Not that it makes any difference once the fascist gets rid of unpreferred people number one he'll move down the list and go for unpreferred people number two, People who don't think muggles should be ruled over as slaves, Logic doesn't really compute for this fucking kind of people, People with a chip on their shoulder who think the world owes them something and then hypocritically goes around and does to other people what was supposedly done to them but its always ten times worst'
"Are you done reading Mr. Murphy ?"
"Yes I am mam but I can't exactly say I understand what is going on can u please explain in simple terms "
"Of course Mr. Murphy you see"
And she took out her wand and pointed it at a vase nearby.
"You have a gift and that gift is called magic, And it enables you to do things such as this "
And she touched the tip of her wand to the vase and the vase turned into a sparrow that started flapping its wings and fluttering around.
While Clair said with almost a sneer
"That vase was a gift "
McGonagall turned to her and said
"Of course Mrs abbot I'll turn it back straight away I was just giving the young Mr. Murphy an example "
And with a wave of her wand the sparrow landed and then turned back into a vase with another wand touch.
After noticing his lack of a big reaction McGonagall said
"I have to say Mr. Murphy given that you haven't seen anything strange recently you are taking this incredibly well "
"He has always been a calm child, And as Underage magic goes he did have one instance but he just didn't realize it" said Clair
"WHAT, When ? " said the shocked Liam
"That car accident when you were walking home from school dear"
"Th.. that was me?"
"I think so well at least the way Madison says it, Don't feel bad sweetheart nobody got hurt"
while they were having that exchange McGonagall raised an eyebrow and said
"What about a car accident ?"
Clair was quick to reply
"I don't see how that's any of your business like I said nobody got hurt, I actually think you should be more concerned about doing your job in informing Liam here of all the information and not just the unicorns and rainbows "
'Something is wrong here I have never seen Clair this aggressive and she is talking to McGonagall like she knows her, Was she a witch all this time and I didn't notice'
McGonagall retorted
"Mrs abbot I understand why you are upset and while I feel very deeply for your loss and while I also had a great amount of affection towards Mr mulligan he was a very bright student indeed I don't think scaring Mr. Murphy is the right course of action here what happened is in the past and has been stopped and Mr. Murphy here will be completely safe"
"SAFE hah what a joke what made it happen once can make it happen again as long as there are people who still hold the same ideals and ideas then it's bound to happen again and I will not lose another SON your god damn crazy people"
Liam asked with actual curiosity instead of the pretend one he was planning to wield
"What is going on can someone please tell me what happened"
Clair who has seen the look on Liam's face felt guilty for losing her temper in front of him.
"I am sorry for raising my voice dear, What happened was more than a decade ago when I and jhon were still what you'd call young people there were a bit more kids in the house, And one of them had a gift like you and ms MCGONAGALL here came just like she came today with a letter for a school that teaches young boys and girls like your self magic, Oh the boy .. his name was Brennen he was beyond ecstatic he had been having a hard time controlling his feelings which led to a lot of incidents like what happened with you and the car dear so when he heard of this school it was both a lifeline for him believing that he wasn't that different that there were others like him and also exiting him to no end about mastering his gift and using his magic to unleash his imagination"
There was silence for a moment then she contained
"And we were also very happy for him to happy that we forgot our duty as guardians and forgot to ask if there was a catch"
"I assure there is no 'catch' Mr. Murphy" Interrupted McGonagall.
"Huh" Sneered Clair.
"Is that why my son is dead now mrs McGonagall, Because there is no catch, If we knew what it was really like back then we wouldn't have let our brennen go there with no one to look after him and he would still be alive right now, Listen sweet heart what she didn't say then and she isn't saying now is that those wizards and witches are not all like you some of them have parents that are both wizards and witches and some have only one parent as such or none at all, But the ones that hail from wizards and witches from before a hundred years before now think themselves better because they have had magic longer they think everyone else is beneath them and should accept them as the true rulers of every thing, Ffffffff as if in a hundred years from now your great grandchildren wouldn't be in the same spot they are in now as if when the dawn of man kind happened they were man and wizard and they have been apart ever since, And they hail from the wizard kind with no relation to the man kind, Utter stupidity" said clair
"It's not exactly that simplified Mr. Murphy," said McGonagall
"Whatever back when been finished school he went into a department that fights crimes and solves cases kind of like a detective and right by that time someone appeared and rallied those wizards I told you about around him he was a figure like Hitler you learned about him in school didn't you he convinced those people that they were the best there was because of there 'pure' blood and that everything in there lives was because of people like Bren and because they were part of their society and that solution would be in making an example out of some of them and ruling over the rest and Bren fell in the first category, He was parley nineteen and he was forced to fight a war and do you know dear"
She said as she turned towards McGonagall and stared her in the eye as she said her next sentence.
McGonagall took Clair's silence as a sign to finally be free to talk.
"While most of that is true Mr. Murphy even though it was presented without context I am ashamed to say that most of it did happen but I assure you that that movement was fought and in the end, They lost and I know that you will be safe and looked after and I also promise you that Hogwarts is the safest place in the world for someone with your gifts so you can learn and grow and if you would like to return to muggle society at the end of your education, Then that will be entirely your choice at that time "
"Ha he lost alright to a one-year-old baby, That's what boils my blood to this day it wasn't even that they rallied together and defeated him, No it was a fluke they got lucky and the guy basically killed himself, Would you imagen their whole side of the war was weaker than a baby"
Liam wasn't sure what to say his head was busy with what he knew will happen and what this new information shone a light on and what he wants to do, And what he has a responsibility to do, He was afraid to do nothing and not go and bury his head in the sand to end up later with his new family fully under it and he was unsure if he should go and maybe but a target on his and his family's back, And not to mention the fact that any small change he makes might turn everything into dust and destroy the planes of the side of light, If he is not careful he might even get Harry killed, And he was lost yet again not sure why he was here, It can't be a coincidence can it that he was put in the world he knew so much about, Yet so little.
He looked to Clair for any guidance she could provide at this moment.
"Oh sweet heart i can't tell you what to do if you are anything like Bren than that magic is a part of you and i can't deny you who you are just to keep you safe that isn't any type of life worth living, I would love nothing more than for you to stay here with us, But you need to look into your heart and see what you believe you want to be, And what you can live without, You have a great head on your shoulders, You always had ever since you were a little boy, In all my years here and all those that came and go i have never seen someone quite like you at first i was scared you were too sensible for your own good i was afraid you wouldn't enjoy your childhood but after seeing you i noticed that the moments where you eyes shined where you were really happy were always when you where helping someone or when you explained how someone felt to someone else and who knows maybe you are just what their world needs right now so i am very sorry but you are going to have to make this choice your self but i just wanted nothing to be left untold "