News about Chu Wanning's return to the land of the living spread like wildfire throughout the cultivation realm.

As soon as the breakfast concluded, Yuheng Elder had to go and sit at the Loyalty Hall to welcome representatives from the great sects who started pouring into Sisheng Peak early in the morning.

"Oh, Chu-zongshi has not aged even a day!"

"My, Chu-zongshi looks more vibrant than before!"

"Goodness, Chu-zongshi is practically brimming with spiritual power!"

Chu Wanning scowled. Did these people think that he had no mirrors at the Red Lotus Pavilion?

Chu Wanning was tempted to call these cultivators out for their empty flattery, but Xue Zhengyong next to him vehemently shook his head. To save him some face, Chu Wanning thus forced himself to be civil to all the guests.

After receiving representatives from seven great sects one after another, Chu Wanning rose to his feet. He declared that he was not feeling well and needed to go back to Red Lotus Pavilion. Despite Xue Zhengyong's protests, Chu Wanning left without looking back.

Xue Zhengyong did not chase after Chu Wanning, but someone else did.

"Shizun, wait."

Chu Wanning turned his head slightly toward Mo Ran who was running behind him.

"What is it?"

"Is Shizun really feeling unwell? Or..."

-Or are you just lazy?

Chu Wanning furrowed his brows at his disciple. "Are you implying that I lied?"

Mo Ran hastily answered, "No, of course not."

"In that case let me go back to rest."

"Shizun, wait."

"What else?"

"Is Shizun hungry? This disciple can make you something to eat."

"No need, I had a huge breakfast."

"Not really. Xue Meng and Shi Mei ate some of it."

To be precise, Xue Meng and Shi Mei ate all the good stuff. The only thing that Chu Wanning finished without sharing was the tofu pudding because no one else wanted to eat it.

Mo Ran was concerned about his shizun. He wanted Chu Wanning to get stronger physically at least. He was way too thin.

To Mo Ran's greatest dismay, Chu Wanning replied with a "I don't have an appetite."

The shizun turned around and marched in the direction of the Red Lotus Pavilion, leaving Mo Ran behind.

"Shizun, wait."

Mo Ran tried hard to coax Chu Wanning as they walked together into the Red Lotus Pavilion.

"If Shizun doesn't want to eat anything heavy, how about some snacks? I can roast something for you."

Chu Wanning stopped in his track. He was looking at the blackened, burned patch outside of his pavilion. This patch completely ruined his otherwise beautiful residence. Suspicion crept into his mind when he heard Mo Ran speak about roasting, so he turned to Mo Ran and asked, "Have you ever roasted anything here...?"

Mo Ran gulped.

Of course he did. He cooked, roasted, and fried a lot of food for Little Chu Wanning during that one week in the past year.

"Uh... Yes. Yes, I have."

Chu Wanning's neutral expression turned into a scowl. He pointed at the mess that Mo Ran left behind.

"You will tidy those up for me right away!" He snapped. "And cut all the grown grass while you are at it!"

Mo Ran, "... Yes, Shizun."

Chu Wanning went inside the pavilion with an angry huff.

As Mo Ran prepared to clean outside of the pavilion, a disciple came by to announce that Nangong Si from Rufeng Sect had arrived to pay his respect.

Mo Ran went to notify Chu Wanning, but his shizun was taking a nap. Mo Ran did not want to wake him up, so he decided to go greet Nangong Si personally and apologize on Chu Wanning's behalf.

It was getting late and it did not seem like anyone else was coming, so Sisheng Peak got ready for the sect banquet.

To celebrate Chu Wanning's return, Xue Zhengyong pulled out all the stops.

Carts carrying jars of the best wine and all kinds of local delicacies rolled from the nearby towns to the base of the mountain, where countless Sisheng Peak disciples already waited to carry the goods up the mountain.

Mengpo Hall was never busier. If idle disciples sneaked into the kitchen, they would be overwhelmed by the fragrant aroma that came from all directions.

Then, their hands would be stuffed full with either dishes to carry out to the banquet venue, or dishwashing liquid and clothes to help wash the piling pots and pans.

The younger disciples were tasked with decorating the Platform of Sin and Virtue that served as the banquet venue.

Entertainers from nearby towns arrived one by one with their musical instruments and costumes.

It was supposed to be the most luxurious banquet that Sisheng Peak ever held, beating even the New Year's banquets.

Watching the disciples moving here and there to make the banquet happen, Xue Zhengyong roared with laughter. He spread his famous fan and fanned himself full of pride.

"Meng-er, today we will eat, drink, and enjoy ourselves. Even Jiang Xi will marvel at our celebration here. Too bad he cannot see it! Hahahahah!!"

Xue Meng smirked.

"That is correct, Dad! Maybe we should invite him so he can learn a thing or two about hosting banquets! I really want to wipe that smug look from his face! Richest man in the cultivation realm, my ass!!! That guy must be so cheap that he never even spent a penny!"

"Is that so?" A cool voice was heard coming from behind the Xues, causing the father and son to freeze on spot.

Sect Leader Jiang from Guyue'ye Sect disliked mingling with other guests when paying his respect to anyone. He conveniently chose to show up way later in the evening, when all the esteemed guests had left.

It just so happened that he overheard the Sisheng Peak Sect Leader and Young Master who were engrossed in badmouthing him.

"Jiang-mou gladly await lessons from both Sect Leader Xue and Young Master Xue regarding banquet hosting."

Xue Zhengyong cleared his throat and turned around with a beaming smile.

"If it is not Sect Leader Jiang! What an honor to be able to welcome you to our modest banquet here!"

"Oh ho! Sect Leader Xue is being too modest. This lowly one is here to learn. I feel bad to trouble Sect Leader Xue to add one more plate to the table."

"No trouble at all... No... Meng-er," Xue Zhengyong urgently whispered to Xue Meng, "Tell the grannies at Mengpo Hall to take out our best porcelain! Make sure to polish Jiang Xi's plates until they shine!"

Xue Meng threw Jiang Xi a dirty look before going to Mengpo Hall to do his father's bidding.

While the whole Sisheng Peak was busy with the banquet preparation, Chu Wanning was sitting at the bamboo pavilion with a special task.

While the nine great sects had no qualm coming to Sisheng Peak directly, lesser prominent sects did not dare to disturb Chu Wanning's peace.

They merely sent Chu Wanning congratulatory messages upon his resurrection. Chu Wanning thus took the time to read the messages one by one and write thank-you notes to everyone who sent the heartfelt messages.

He did not at all expect Jiang Xi to show up personally at Red Lotus Pavilion that evening. Interestingly, he was not alone. He had a fuming Mo Ran in tow.

The dark-faced Mo Ran claimed that he came to tidy up the mess outside of Red Lotus Pavilion. For some unknown reason, he was working very slowly and Chu Wanning felt a chilling aura coming from the man.

"Chu-zongshi, it is very nice to see you again," Jiang Xi said with a smile.

Similar to Xue Zhengyong, Jiang Xi had not changed much in five years. If Chu Wanning did not look at the adult Mo Ran, Shi Mei, and Xue Meng, he would scarcely believe that truly five years had passed.

"Sect Leader Jiang, the honor is mine. To what do I owe this visit?"

"I am here to check on your health."

"The ancient willow poison has been purged completely thanks to Sect Leader Jiang's effort," Chu Wanning said. Nevertheless, he still extended his hand at Jiang Xi so that the latter could take his pulse.

When Jiang Xi's fingers probed at Chu Wanning's snow-white wrist, a branch snapped loudly from where Mo Ran was. Chu Wanning turned his head to look in Mo Ran's direction with a frown. Mo Ran was glaring at Chu Wanning's wrist, exuding murderous intent.

"Mo Ran?"

"Yes, Shizun?" The man said, his face as dark as the night.

"What are you doing?"

"I am tidying up."

"Don't dawdle."

"Yes, Shizun."

The corners of Jiang Xi's lips tugged up in a smirk.

"Excuse me," he said, extending a hand to press against Chu Wanning's left chest, just where his heart was.

Before his hand even managed to touch Chu Wanning's clothes, Mo Ran appeared out of nowhere and caught Jiang Xi's wrist just in time.

"Sect Leader Jiang," he said with a scary smile, "My Shizun has just recovered. I don't think you should get too close to his spiritual core."

Jiang Xi raised his eyebrow in amusement. "Oh ho. If I don't get close then how am I supposed to know the actual condition of his spiritual core?"

"There is no need for you to know!"

"I am sure Chu-zongshi would like to know."

Both men turned to Chu Wanning, who furrowed his brows at both men equally.

"I know the condition of my spiritual core. Please do not worry too much about it."

Jiang Xi pulled his wrist out of Mo Ran's grip with a "Humph".

"It doesn't matter. If Chu-zongshi is interested, Guyue'ye Sect has one Butterfly Boned Beauty Feast to sell. As Chu -zongshi knows, dual cultivation with a Butterfly Boned Beauty Feast greatly aided one's cultivation and would be beneficial in strengthening the spiritual core as well."

Both Mo Ran and Chu Wanning pulled their faces in disgust.

"No," they said in unison.

Chu Wanning then shot Mo Ran a glare for answering on his behalf, but Mo Ran could not care less.

Jiang Xi smirked at Mo Ran and continued, "If Chu-zongshi is appalled at the thought of misusing a Butterfly Boned Beauty Feast for dual cultivation purpose, then what about considering another partner?"

Chu Wanning, "Such as?"

A wide grin spread on Jiang Xi's face. He was speaking to Chu Wanning but was looking at Mo Ran instead. "Such as me."

-What the hell???

"No!" Mo Ran snapped. "Sect Leader Jiang, what a preposterous idea! Who do you think you are talking to???"

Mo Ran put himself between Chu Wanning and Jiang Xi as if one look from Jiang Xi could strip Chu Wanning bare.


Who would have known that Sect Leader Jiang was a lecher! He was dangerous! He must not be allowed to set a foot at Sisheng Peak ever again!

Jiang Xi chuckled at Mo Ran's reaction and sour face. "Chu-zongshi, this disciple of yours is quite protective. One might even say possessive."

Mo Ran's face reddened in a mix of anger and embarrassment.

"Sect Leader Jiang, you...!"

"Mo Ran."

Chu Wanning put a hand on Mo Ran's shoulder and pushed him aside.

"I will consider. Thank you for the offer, Sect Leader Jiang."