Mo Ran was close to vomiting blood.

Jiang Xi smirked. He tilted his head and gave Chu Wanning a semblance of a seductive smile. "Then, I will be waiting to hear from Chu-zongshi."


As soon as Jiang Xi left, Mo Ran confronted his shizun. He could not take the shameless flirting between the two people anymore.

"Shizun, what was that about???" He demanded to know, not unlike a jealous husband whose wife just spoke a word or two with a local vendor.

Chu Wanning calmly look at Mo Ran and replied, "What are you talking about?"

"T... That... You said you would consider his..."

Mo Ran was unable to continue, so his shizun helped to fill in the blanks.

"Is it the dual cultivation? What about it?"

Jiang Xi's sinful words were exceedingly disgusting. Mo Ran did not even want to say it out loud. How could Chu Wanning speak about it casually???

Mo Ran's face changed color rapidly from pale to purple then green and then settled with grey. He felt sick to his stomach. He was close to vomiting on spot.

Unable to contain his anger, Mo Ran grabbed Chu Wanning's wrist and pulled him close by force.

"Are you seriously considering to do THAT with him??"

Chu Wanning narrowed his eyes at his agitated disciple. "Unhand me."

"Not before you answer me."


Chu Wanning's gaze turned cold. It seemed that there was still a shadow of Taxian-Jun hidden within Mo-zongshi after all.

"What if I do?"

"Wanning, you...!!!"

The address "Shizun" had been replaced with "Wanning". Chu Wanning's cold expression turned into a scowl.

He shot Mo Ran a piercing glare. "Let me go!"

Mo Ran breathed in and out a few times, forcing himself to calm down before he finally let go of Chu Wanning's wrist. His grip left an ugly mark around Chu Wanning's fair wrist in form of his fingers. Mo Ran immediately felt sorry when he saw it. He did not mean to hurt his shizun. He was just so angry.

"Shizun, I am sorry. I just want you to be safe and well," Mo Ran said between gritted teeth.

"Thank you, I am safe and well," Chu Wanning replied, rubbing at his wrist.

Chu Wanning subsequently scoffed and walked away.

"Shizun, there is no need for you to dual cultivate with anyone," Mo Ran reasoned while he followed behind Chu Wanning closely.

The poor dog disciple did not realize that Chu Wanning hated to be seen as his property. The more Mo Ran begged him not to do it, the more Chu Wanning wanted to do it just to spite Mo Ran. Or at least pretend to want it.

"Why not?"

"Because... Because..."

Mo Ran was speechless. Was he really having this kind of conversation with Chu Wanning? Did Chu Wanning really want to sleep with Jiang Xi that badly???

"Unfortunately, I still have to fix my spiritual core," Chu Wanning said. "Guyue'ye Sect has perfected the art of dual cultivation. It is possible to re-grow a core when it is done correctly. You know that."

Mo Ran's face darkened visibly. Of course he knew that. He had tortured Jiang Xi in the past life to hand over the Guyue'ye Sect's dual cultivation manual to him!

Despite countless tortures, the man had refused to hand it over to Taxian-Jun until he breathed his last, prompting Taxian-Jun to torture the Guyue'ye Sect disciples one by one to reveal the secret language behind the dual cultivation manual and decipher it for him.

And for what?

The reason why Taxian-Jun insisted on learning the dual cultivation technique was to fix Chu Wanning's broken core!

"Please don't do it," Mo Ran begged. "Not with him."

Chu Wanning raised an eyebrow and sneered. "With whom, then? You?"

Whatever Mo Ran wanted to say was stuck in his throat. His lips trembled from agony.

Of course, he wanted Chu Wanning to do it with him. But the current Chu Wanning did not even want Mo Ran to freely touch him.

Mo Ran was sure that dual cultivation was not going to happen in ten years or even a hundred years. Both of them might have to ascend to Buddhahood before they even held hands in this life.

All Mo Ran could hope for was that Chu Wanning remained pure and practiced abstinence in this life, no matter how selfish it sounded.


Chu Wanning did not deign to answer him. He closed the door in front of Mo Ran's face. That was equal to an answer.


Dispirited, Mo Ran went to the banquet venue to help out with the preparation. His chest hurt immensely. There was an intense sour feeling that ate at his very being. Mo Ran could not think about anything else but Chu Wanning and Jiang Xi.

Chu Wanning and Jiang Xi.

Did Chu Wanning like Jiang Xi?

Did Jiang Xi like Chu Wanning?

In this life, could it be that those two were fated to be together?

Or were they already close to each other in the past life?

Mo Ran didn't know. He didn't pay attention to all of that... His mind was full of Shi Mei before the Heavenly Rift and then possessed by his lust for vengeance afterward.

Regret washed over Mo Ran. Why did he not pay more attention to Chu Wanning in this life? Why did he allow that charlatan Jiang Xi to take a fancy on his shizun? Mo Ran should have shielded Chu Wanning from unwanted predators.

Chu Wanning was his. He could only be his. Even if he no longer wanted to be his.

The banquet started and Chu Wanning sat on an elevated platform with all the other elders and Xue Zhengyong. Unexpectedly, a rather luxurious chair was added to the existing ones just to accommodate the honorable guest, Sect Leader Jiang. To Mo Ran's and Xue Meng's greatest consternation, Jiang Xi sat next to Chu Wanning.

They were so close to each other. Their elbows were almost touching.

Mo Ran stared at Chu Wanning and Jiang Xi, who were casually chatting throughout the banquet.

Mo Ran was too far away to listen to their conversation. Occasionally, he caught Chu Wanning smiling at Jiang Xi and the flame in his heart burned brighter and brighter.

Chu Wanning, what is there to smile about?

Chu Wanning, why do you look so happy?

Chu Wanning, what is there to talk about with that bastard Jiang Xi?

Mo Ran drank one cup after another, downing the best wine in Wuchang Town like water.

"Mo Ran?"

A pair of soft hands touched Mo Ran's shoulders.

"Are you okay? Why are you drinking so much?"

Mo Ran was unable to answer. He felt sick.

"Mo Ran?"

Shi Mei wiped at Mo Ran's forehead with his sleeve. "You are sweating a lot too. Is it too hot for you?"

"No," Mo Ran finally managed to answer. "I am fine. Leave me be."

Shi Mei pursed his lips. Mo Ran had grown considerably colder to him in recent years, but he was always friendly to him. It was the first time ever that Mo Ran was cross toward Shi Mei. When the former realized it, he quickly apologized.

"Sorry... Shi Mei, I am not feeling well. Please let me be for now, okay?"

He did not want anyone else but Chu Wanning.

Chu Wanning...

Chu Wanning broke his core in an earth-shattering, heaven-splitting duel against Mo Ran. He was then taken as a prisoner, and his health deteriorated more and more over time. The Chu-zongshi who once filled Mo Ran with trepidation had been reduced to a weak man without a spiritual core. He was no different from the common folk.

In the first years, Chu Wanning was still able to resist Taxian-Jun's harassment. And then, as his physical strength waned gradually, he was no longer able to match his disciple. Not even in bed. He let himself be toyed with, and took the humiliation without a single word of complaint.

Taxian-Jun disliked the pliant Chu Wanning. He would rather have his shizun slap and kick him rather than just lie there with his eyes closed, waiting for Taxian-Jun to ravish him and be done with it.

When Taxian-Jun finally finished studying the dual cultivation manual, he was ecstatic. He canceled all his plans for the week, intent on retreating with his Chu Fei in seclusion and dual-cultivating day and night to recover his consort's spiritual core.

Such seclusion could not take place in Wushan Palace due to the many court disturbances, so Taxian-Jun chose to do it in Red Lotus Pavilion. As expected, Chu Wanning did not welcome Taxian-Jun in his humble abode with open arms.

"Why are you here?" The sickly pale man glared at him. "If you want anything, just send Liu-Gonggong over to fetch me."

Taxian-Jun raised an eyebrow haughtily. "If this Venerable One wants to visit his consort, he can come and go as he pleases."

Chu Wanning scoffed and walked away. He had not taken three steps away from Taxian-Jun when he was forcefully swept off his feet and carried toward the bed.

"Mo Ran!" Chu Wanning hissed. "What do you think you are doing???"

The sun was still shining outside and the dog emperor was there to molest him again. Outrageous!

Taxian-Jun dropped Chu Wanning on the bed and extended his hand to touch the latter's face. Chu Wanning flinched reflexively, thinking that Taxian-Jun meant to slap him. Unexpectedly, the Emperor caressed him gently on the cheek instead.


Taxian-Jun pulled a tattered book from behind the folds of his clothing and showed it to Chu Wanning.

"Guyue'ye Sect's Dual Cultivation Manual."

Chu Wanning stared at the characters on the cover.

"This Venerable One wants to repair your spiritual core. You should be grateful."

Chu Wanning scoffed.

"What for? So you can break it again?"

Taxian-Jun sneered.

"You have become more boring than a toy, Chu Wanning. I need you to be more exciting in bed."

"I refuse!" Chu Wanning snapped.

"You have no choice," Taxian-Jun pulled Chu Wanning close and whispered into the crook of his neck. "Did you hear? Xue Meng is crying for you everywhere, begging every sect in the cultivation realm to save you. Do you want him to see you like this? Broken and useless?"

Chu Wanning said nothing in response, but his body trembled slightly, and it was good enough of an answer for Taxian-Jun.

The Emperor smirked.

He could read Chu Wanning like a book. Xue Meng was his ultimate weakness. Mentioning Xue Meng was a sure method to get Chu Wanning to do whatever he wanted.

Taxian-Jun stripped himself and then Chu Wanning layer after layer. The clothes were tossed out of bed and the bed curtain was lowered. Chu Wanning's skin used to be fair and unblemished, but nights of passionate lovemaking had left red and blue blooming flowers all over his body. Taxian-Jun licked his lips lasciviously.

An evil thought overcame Taxian-Jun. How would Xue Meng react if he saw Chu Wanning this way? If he knew that Mo Ran had taken their shizun again and again in bed? All because he wished to protect Xue Meng?

Taxian-Jun pushed Chu Wanning on his back and climbed on top of him. Chu Wanning closed his eyes and turned his face away, not wanting to even spare Taxian-Jun a glance while he unburdened himself as usual.

The man quickly ripped his eyes open when he felt something wet and warm closing over his chest bud.

"What are you doing???" Chu Wanning shouted, pushing at Taxian-Jun's head while the latter expertly licked and sucked on a shy red bean on Chu Wanning's chest. The man at the bottom was speechless. He had never been attacked there with such intensity. Chu Wanning's pale cheeks turned crimson at once from embarrassment. The sight was too adorable.

Taxian-Jun easily pushed Chu Wanning's hand away and continued his onslaught.


Chu Wanning whimpered. He struggled like a fish out of the water, trying hard to break free from the man who did not look like he was stopping anytime soon.

Taxian-Jun had one hand kneading Chu Wanning's slender waist while the other hand was bullying the other, neglected red bean.

"Stop it...!" Chu Wanning wanted to say, but what came out was a sensual moan instead. He was so shocked to hear that kind of lewd sound escaping his throat. He pressed a hand against his own lips, determined to muffle any embarrassing sound before it came out.

"I never knew that you could make such a sweet sound," Taxian-Jun teased. "Or have you been holding back all these times?"

Chu Wanning shot him a deathly glare, but he still did not dare to take his hand away from his mouth. Taxian-Jun laughed like a maniac.

After a thorough stimulation, the flower buds became hard and swollen. Taxian-Jun then proceeded to attack the light-colored scar above Chu Wanning's heart. He knew that the man was especially sensitive there.

Chu Wanning tossed left and right. Tears slid down the ends of his eyes as he fought hard against the merciless attack.

"No, don't... Not there," he begged desperately.

"Alright," Taxian-Jun said too obediently, but Chu Wanning did not care. He needed the man to stop touching his chest. Before he could exhale out of relief, a pair of naughty hands already made their way downward and brushed against his manhood.

Chu Wanning flinched when his penis was captured within Taxian-Jun's warm hand.

"Look at this, you are hard."

Chu Wanning pushed at Taxian-Jun's chest hard. "Don't fuck with me!" He shouted.

"Shizun is right. I would rather fuck you instead..."

Taxian-Jun pulled Chu Wanning to sit on his lap facing him. He then pressed their manhoods against each other and rubbed them together. Chu Wanning trembled from seeing his slender one standing to attention next to Taxian-Jun's gigantic one. He could feel it pulsating dangerously, not unlike a wild beast.

"Do you like what you see, Shizun?"

Chu Wanning looked away immediately without answering. Taxian-Jun chuckled. He grabbed Chu Wanning's neck and pulled him into a deep kiss.

The sound of heavy breathing mixed with wet kisses filled the bedroom.

The slick pre-cum that dripped from both of them was used to lubricate Mo Ran's hand. Mo Ran's movement became faster and faster.

Soft whimpers escaped Chu Wanning's lips as his body tensed up, yearning to release. But Chu Wanning was a proud man. He refused to let Taxian-Jun have his way. He would rather bite his lips and endure the intense stimulation.

Taxian-Jun did not mind at all. In fact, it gave him time to slowly climb up the peak of pleasure. Once he was close, his movement became faster and rougher.

"Come with me, Shizun..." he begged, but he was not leaving the man any other choice.

"Ah... Ah... Ah...!"

Chu Wanning was bounced on Taxian-Jun's lap violently. In his delirium from a mix of pain and pleasure, his mind was completely blank. He ended up putting his arms around Taxian-Jun to prevent himself from falling backward while at the same time arching his back in a subconscious attempt to escape.

Mo Ran grunted when he could not take it anymore. He gritted his teeth and squeezed at their manhoods. Having endured for too long, Chu Wanning could no longer control himself.

They both cried in unison when they finally relented to the sweet pleasure of release, shooting their essence at their chests.

Chu Wanning fell back to the bed from exhaustion. He was so tired that he could barely keep his eyes open. And yet Taxian-Jun was not done with him.

A long finger that was coated with their combined cum was pushing rudely into Chu Wanning's body. Chu Wanning grabbed the quilt and took a deep breath as the finger went in and out of him.

"Why are you still so tight after all this time?"


"Has it been a while since I last bedded you?"


Another finger went in. Taxian-Jun pumped in and out rapidly to loosen Chu Wanning's love tunnel.

"Fuck, you are so tight."

Three fingers.

Chu Wanning pressed his face against the quilt to prevent himself from making any inappropriate sound.

"I can't take it anymore," Taxian-Jun said with a voice that was hoarse from longing. The three fingers were removed. Chu Wanning's legs were pushed apart and Taxian-Jun nestled between them.

Chu Wanning struggled when Taxian-Jun's penis head pressed into his flesh. Despite having their combined cum as lubrication, Taxian-Jun was unable to enter.

Chu Wanning's fear caused his body to clamp up, denying Taxian-Jun entry.

"Come on, Shizun, open up. Let me fuck you."

Chu Wanning shook his head stubbornly. Taxian-Jun clicked his tongue impatiently. He lowered himself on top of Chu Wanning and captured his lips with one fell swoop.

The kiss was fierce and tyrannical. Taxian-Jun's tongue pried open Chu Wanning's lips and forced him to open his mouth. At the same time when the Emperor managed to invade his shizun's oral cavity, he also pushed relentlessly into Chu Wanning's body, all the way until he was buried to the hilt inside the man's body.

Chu Wanning's scream was muffled effectively by the kiss. He could barely breathe. His fingers clawed into the bedsheet in a futile attempt to escape the pain.

"Your husband is fully inside you now. Why are you grabbing the bedsheet?"

Taxian-Jun peeled Chu Wanning's hands off the bedsheet and put them around him instead.

"Grab me instead. That is the least that I can do as your husband," he said with a chuckle.

Chu Wanning's eyes gleamed with anger. He buried his fingernails into Taxian-Jun's shoulder. Instead of acknowledging the pain, the latter took it as a sign that he should start moving. He grabbed Chu Wanning's butts with both hands and pushed himself inside, claiming his territory again and again.


While the first stab was vicious, the second stab was even more vicious. And the third. And the fourth.

The beast's head was too powerful. The veins grazed against Chu Wanning's sensitive spots, prompting him to moan like a woman in heat.

That was not all. As Chu Wanning was being stabbed repeatedly by his wayward disciple, he felt something else flowing into his body.

Spiritual energy.

Chu Wanning unconsciously searched for Taxian-Jun's lips and kissed him. The spiritual energy flowed incessantly from Taxian-Jun into Chu Wanning's body through their heretical union and went back to Taxian-Jun through the shared kiss.

Maybe it was because Taxian-Jun was helping him with the dual cultivation.

Or maybe he was out of his mind from the constant pounding.

Chu Wanning only knew that at some point he ended up wrapping his legs around Taxian-Jun and moving his body in sync with the latter's tempo. He met the Emperor thrust after thrust, opening himself up to receive Taxian-Jun's mighty cock into the deepest recess of his body.

Taxian-Jun hated to admit it, but a lustful Chu Wanning was extremely erotic. His alluring phoenix eyes were misty, his pale red lips were slightly open, and his breathing was haggard from passion and lust.

So sexy.

Taxian-Jun swallowed hard.

He pulled out, flipped Chu Wanning on his stomach, and pushed back in, drawing a sweet moan from Chu Wanning's throat in the process.

"Ah... Mo Ran!"

Nothing was more pleasing to Taxian-Jun's ears than having his Chu Fei calling out to him during sex. The corners of his mouth tugged up in a smile. He pressed his nose against Chu Wanning's neck and inhaled the man's intoxicating scent. It only served to drive the man crazier and crazier.

What followed was an intense coupling session. After succumbing to the forceful intrusion for some time, Chu Wanning's hole eventually became soft and pliant, much like the man himself. Whenever Taxian-Jun entered, he was enveloped in a warm tunnel. The occasional squeezes that Chu Wanning did when his body spasmed under him almost drove Taxian-Jun to orgasm every time. Their sweaty bodies slammed into each other vigorously, producing squelching sounds that would make even the most experienced prostitutes blush.

The bedsheet was messy from their wild lovemaking. The quilt was drenched with their cums. Chu Wanning came again and again, shooting his essence into the bedsheet while Taxian-Jun kept pounding into him like a madman.

He pressed a hand against Chu Wanning's lower stomach and whispered to him intimately. The warm breath coupled with the husky voice tickled at Chu Wanning's ear, tugging at his heartstring.

"Please have my baby, Consort Chu."

Taxian-Jun thrust deeper into his consort's body, determined to impregnate the man who was unable to conceive for him. His primal instinct took it as a challenge. He wanted to dump all his seed into his bed partner until he become pregnant with his child.

Chu Wanning's throat went dry from the constant moaning, but he still could not stop himself.

"Ah... Ahhh Mo Ran... Ahhh...!!!"

The emperor plunged deep into his consort's body a few times, drawing more incoherent moans from him.

"Hngh...!" He grunted as he plunged in one last time and pushed hard into Chu Wanning's body.

"Ahhhhh...!!!!" Chu Wanning screamed in a mind-numbing ecstasy.

The beast's head inside Chu Wanning's body throbbed violently and spewed scalding hot liquid against Chu Wanning's sensitive spots. Taxian-Jun's release prompted Chu Wanning's own orgasm again. His muscles tightened and squeezed Taxian-Jun's sexual organ as if trying to milk it dry.

They shared an intimate kiss while Taxian-Jun was still emptying himself inside Chu Wanning, filling him to the brim.

Taxian-Jun's fingers caressed the bulge against Chu Wanning's otherwise flat stomach. What a pity that Chu Wanning was not a woman. Had he been one, he would have born Taxian-Jun a few princes and princesses by that time.

If only the dual cultivation could make his shizun pregnant, wouldn't that be great?

In the present time, Mo Ran snapped from reminiscing about the past. His burning glare was directed at Chu Wanning and Jiang Xi who were still chatting amicably with each other.

No way in hell would he ever allow Jiang Xi to touch Chu Wanning!