
'Maybe next time I should find a better place for this kind of potential outcome.'

Noir reflected on what they did despite how exhilarating it was to do it outside the norm. After all, he can't continue doing something like this every time they want to enjoy some frisky activities. If rumours of it spread, it would be the end of Noir's life as a beggar noble in the worst sense.

Especially if other families pressure the Brightness family about the matter, then her father might have to take action about it. Emma was thinking the same thing too and only did it out of a suggestion by Takoda


As they heard the sound of a twig snapping somewhere in the thick forest, the couple didn't have any time to think about something like that. With Noir's pants and Emma's breast and ass still exposed, their first instinct was to quickly cover themselves up as they rushed out of the location with the teddy bear in their hands.

They didn't look back to see who it was just in case they recognised the two of them.

"Let's go this way."


As they walked, Emma slipped her arm around Noir's and adjusted her top as they walked. If someone were to see them just now, they would easily understand what happened between the two of them, even if their clothes were fixed.

"You think we're in the clear now?"

Emma asked with some lingering fear on her face. Noir had a bad feeling about it so he grabbed Emma's ass and squeezed.


Then he asked the Great Sage, 'Oh Great Sage, is anyone following us?'

[No one is following you.]

With a sigh of relief, Noir relayed the information before letting go.

"Don't worry, I asked the Great Sage. No one's after us. I don't think they noticed."

Despite the good news, they continued to walk away from the place of shame. Once the coast was clear and they cleared their heads a little, they looked at each other with embarrassment, excitement and a bit of fear all over their faces. With their tensions eased, they couldn't help but break into laughter.

"Hahaha, holy shit that made my heart jump to my mouth," Noir had to adjust his bangs as they became a mess from laughing before looking at Emma. Like him, she leaned in closer and laughed without caring about her appearance at the moment.

"Hahaha. Oh god, that was scary, but it was weirdly thrilling."

"I know right? It was hot doing it outside."

"Don't get too addicted, otherwise you could get yourself into trouble."

It was almost as if the tension before was a lie, as the two of them reverted to how they usually act. Teasing each other and joking around like always. It served as an icebreaker for them after what they had done and they felt closer to each other than before.

"Says you, you're the one who suggested the spot. Kinda sus if you ask me."

But even with the added feeling of closeness, Noir wasn't backing down in the teasing battle.

"What do you mean? It was a recommendation from a friend, alright?" Emma said with a bit of blush on her face. She wasn't proud of the idea either, but it was still a better alternative considering their status. If she brought him to a hotel or her room, word would spread much easier than going to a secluded part of a forest.

Plus, there was an unspoken rule among the noble girls to not say or see anything if they see someone leaving the said forest with a partner. Anyone that does would get ostracised, regardless of status. So that gave her a bit of reassurance.

"Oh? Lemme guess, was it Takoda?" Hearing her mention a friend, the only one he could think of was the person she saw yesterday. He didn't remember much about her, but since they were close at school he figured Emma had already told her about their relationship.

"Nooo~," Emma turned away and crossed her arms. She didn't want to admit he was right for fear he would tease her for listening to her wild suggestion.

'But then again, I have a feeling she would've done it anyway. She gave me a titjob at the bell tower once,' The concept of Emma having Agoraphilia, the sexual arousal of having sex in public or open places, seemed likely now. Not that Noir had any problems with that. It was something that was hard to describe, but the rush he felt doing something immoral felt so incredibly satisfying.

But while he was thinking about her kink, he noticed that Emma's face was shiny. She still had some patches of semen in her hair or face, but she didn't seem to have realised it.

"We should clean you up. You still have some uh, stuff around here," He pointed towards the white strand as Emma put her hand there and immediately understood. Although it would be fun to see her flustered face when she realised it on her own, he couldn't ignore what the public might think if they saw her like that with him.

"Ah, I didn't notice that. Let's go to the public toilets. This way."

With a startled look, she quickly pulled Noir's arm and dragged him in a different direction to a small building that was close by. It was the public restroom, located in the centre of the park.

"I'll be back soon."

Once they got close enough, Emma walked fast as she put herself together and hurried to the women's restroom. Noir only chuckled at the sigh of her fast steps and trembling hips as he headed to the men's section to take a piss.

'I'm surprised that the toilets are even sanitary and that there's pipework in this world. It really is a lot more developed than I thought it was.'

Unlike most fantasy worlds, this medieval world was far ahead of most fantasy worlds in that development and he couldn't be more grateful for it. Most worlds don't bring the topic up at all so he was initially worried about his hygiene and the public health system, but fortunately, that was for nought.

Once he finished his business, there wasn't much he could do while Emma cleaned up. So he sat on a nearby bench, gazed at the clouds, and relaxed for a moment. He liked moments like these when he didn't have people around him and could think or do things at his own pace as he rested his eyes.

At some point, he started to feel a tad chilly as he put his hands in his pocket. It was then that he remembered that he was carrying something of importance inside.

'Oh yeah, I forgot that I took her panties,' Noir unconsciously glanced at the woman's toilet and chuckled. There was still some dampness and warmth in her panties.

'I wonder how long till she notices they're missing?' There was some humour in knowing she hadn't noticed it yet, or that she could be hiding the embarrassment by pretending not to have noticed. Either way, it was a funny thought.

Noir imagined different scenarios that could play out with her going commando, as soon, after about 15 minutes of waiting, he finally heard the woman's toilet door open.

"Alright and I'm all done,' And what came out was Emma looking refreshed, with no traces of semen on her hair or face. If anything, she looked almost dazzling now with some cheerfulness in her movement as she walked without stumbling.

"Great. How difficult was it dealing with that mess?" Noir asked with mild curiosity. He felt a little sorry for making a mess on her, but if he had to say he'd do it again, he'd hesitate before ultimately saying yes. Or maybe without hesitation depending on who's asking.

"Ugh, I think the process improved my Cleanup skills. I never knew… that kind of stuff was difficult to get rid of."

Her tone was mildly frustrated, but not enough to get mad at Noir for getting it into her hair. It reminded her of washing out Aloe Vera gel. Since it's mostly water-based, washing it out was almost impossible unless you used another product as a binding agent to make it easier.

But fortunately, this was a world with Magic, so after using a mixture of her Cleanup skill, some tap water, and Wind Magic, she managed to get rid of it. She even straightened out her hair which had become a mess after their session, looking better than she was a moment ago.

As he walked away from the bathroom, he was troubled by the knowledge of her new skill. "How did you even learn that skill?"

From what he recalled, she only had two skills. One was some kind of wind magic skill for attacking and the other was for her dagger mastery.

Since he came to this world he's only seen her use abilities different from the original. It wasn't a problem that she had them, since it was most likely he was in an alternate reality after everything he had been through, but he wanted to see how different they were.

"Uh… You know, cleaning up is, like, what every girl does. You know?" Emma's face turned red as soon as she heard the last part, which confused Noir since most nobles hate cleaning up after themselves.

He felt that it was odd that there was some kind of social etiquette to learn a skill like that, so he pressed on to find the answer.

"But you're a noble? Don't you have maids for that?"

"Well, there are just… Uh, some things you can't get the maids… To clean up… Some private stuff…"

As Noir tried to understand what she said, he experienced a brief moment of denseness. His perception of Nobles was that they were the epitome of laziness and were not responsible enough for cleaning up or that they saw it beneath them to engage in such matters.

Unless it was socially expected that everyone learns this skill in order to maintain their high standards of cleanliness? He thought about it for a moment but immediately shook it away when he remembered that his crumbling, rat-infested mansion was an exception to that rule.

Not to mention neither he nor Alice learned the skill.

He was stumped about this for a while as he thought it was too drastic of a change, even if it was an AU. When he looked back at Emma, for some reason she looked like she was regretting what she said as she was facing away from him with a red face. He stared at her for a while not understanding why that was the case until...


...Something clicked into his head. Something that was messy and embarrassing enough for noble girls to clean up.


And without a second delay, Noir idiotically voiced his suspicions as Emma's body shook in surprise.

"Hey, not so loud."

The panic in Emma's voice was apparent as she glanced around, but luckily it was just them in the park. Noir copied her when he noticed, then decided to mess with her a little by whispering into her ear.

"So how many times do you do it?"

"You can't just ask a lady that!"

Unlike any of the other times, he's teased Emma, this time she exploded mostly out of self-consciousness. He was aware he had probably crossed a line by asking the question, but he was curious, so he calmed her down.

Before talking, he wrapped his arms around her waist and watched her expression as he calmed her slightly.

"Why not? You're my lady and I'm your man. I should at least know that, shouldn't I?"


She was taken aback when he said those words. She wasn't expecting him to say those words seriously and it was enough to make her forget about sulking

But this and that are two separate matters.

'Why has he been on a teasing streak lately?'

She was slightly frustrated by the fact she couldn't take the lead longer than a few seconds, and when she did, it was always for something embarrassing, so it becomes a lose-lose situation. She did feel a little happy saying that she's the person he cares about dearly.

She thought about his words for a moment, debating whether she should answer him or not until she finally spoke.


But it was so quiet that it was practically inaudible and only those that were already straining their ears would've heard. Noir only heard half a syllable and pondered whether or not it would be a wise idea to play a prank on her before deciding to risk it.


He pretended to mishear and almost shouted it out, but not loud enough for anyone nearby to hear.

"Of course not! I only do it twice a day!" But unfortunately, Emma didn't do the same as Noir. Instead, she yelled out her number for the public to know without understanding the context. When she realised that, she immediately hid in Noir's arms

"Noir's you dummy, you've been mean a lot today," Hearing the slight hurt in her voice, Noir felt bad as he hugged her and attempted to comfort her properly this time.

"There, there, I was only teasing you. There's nothing wrong with doing it twice or twenty times a day. I'd still love you the same." He tried to be as gentle as possible as he began rubbing her back to calm her down.

"Do you really?" Emma looked up, still embarrassed but now with some kind of hope in her eyes.

"Of course, I would. Why wouldn't I?" Seeing her like that, he only told her the truth. He didn't care if his partner was horny. As long as they can make a compromise, then it's fine. Especially since that would make it a suitable source of Lp's.

"I heard boys don't like girls who are hornier than them."

"That depends on the person, but I personally don't mind it."

He found it a bit stupid to dislike someone based on how many times they masturbate. He had a huge urge to ask her what she thought about while masturbating considering porn wasn't a thing here. There is Erotica in the kingdom, however.

Once she calmed down a bit, the two of them walked out of the park and into the streets in silence. He felt a little awkward for teasing her, but truth be told he doesn't know how to properly talk to people in general. He was the silent kid growing up and then became a toxic gamer in his teens. He still can't get rid of his faulty habit of taking things too far with people he's comfortable with.

He started reflecting on his awkwardness and the things he did today, and noticed that it was towards the end that he took things too far.

As for Emma, she was going through a rollercoaster of emotions, 'I think I'd die from embarrassment if he continued asking me questions like who I masturbated to.'

In the back of her mind, she pictured Noir asking more questions and discovering more of her shameful secrets. She could already imagine him acting smug if he finds out she always thinks of him whenever she touches herself, especially after having their first form of intercourse with each other.

There were some things that shouldn't be spoken about and that was one of them. Sure, Noir would've felt proud to hear it, but Emma would've felt embarrassed about doing something like that even though it's pretty normal.

Her nervousness made Noir's teasing helpful to help her break her nerves, but sometimes she felt he was pushing too far.

'Looks like he's thinking about something.'

Seeing him look up at the sky and ponder something made her feel a little better. There was something about him when he was focused that she always found attractive. It was pointless to think about what-ifs right now. If Noir's behaviour got worse, she'd have to toughen up and tell him off about it so they can work things out.

After all was said and done and her frustrations dissipated, she enjoyed the silence on the windy day as well as a feeling of liberation that she couldn't quite put her finger on why.

'This is so refreshing. Is this what the girls call "Afterglow"? It feels so freeing.'

Could it be because she did something that had nothing to do with nobles, politics, and all that jargon? Perhaps it was because she did what she wanted to do with her special person? Whatever it was, it felt like something heavy or constricting was finally lifted. She felt this sensation in particular in her lower region whenever she took a step.

'Was it always so breezy down there? Or did I just become a lot more sensitive after everything that happened?' She didn't mind it much though. She thought it was because Noir had been rough on her that made her feel like this. Some of her friends mentioned something like that happening to them after they had their first experience, so she thought it was a normal change when climbing up the ladder of adulthood.

But while they were walking, a sudden burst of wind came up and she felt a slight tickle in her nether region. Because she was used to wearing skirts, her immediate reaction was to stop her skirt from flipping over. However, she was wearing a dress that didn't have the same amount of freedom as a skirt.

Instead, she felt alarms ring in her head when she touched that area.

"Wait, where are my panties?" She continued to touch her waist as her heart sank and her face was covered in disbelief, "Where did they go?"

Now that she was no longer clouded by embarrassment or fear of getting caught, she was finally aware of the situation she was in. She immediately thought that she must have left it behind the tree where they had sex and ran when they thought they heard someone. If so, that means it would be ruined and filthy by now.

'Those were my lucky underwear...'

They were probably picked up by someone or a small animal by now. Not to mention they were far away from the park so going back to get them wasn't worth it.

"Hfck" As Noir watched her panic as she tried to rack up her brain on where they could be, he tried his best not to laugh. He even went as far as to hold his breath to see how long it would take for her to realise that he had it but failed as some air slipped through.

'Why's he laughing? This is serious!' She was about to light a fuse when she heard Noir laughing with his mouth covered by his forearm. This wasn't a drill. Those were her favourite pair of panties after all! And they weren't cheap either!

But before she was about to blow up on him, Noir, with a grin on his face, reached into his pockets and pulled out a familiar red item.

'My panties!' The moment Emma saw what was in Noir's hands, she immediately tried to grab them off him, but Noir was a little faster than her.

"They're mine now," With a teasing tone, Noir spun the panties around his finger a few times before crunching them back into a ball again and placing them back into his pocket. Luckily there weren't many people around for his antics, otherwise, they would've gotten some weird looks.

"Huh?" For a moment she was confused by his words before looking at him weirdly. But she didn't take no for an answer as she tried again and again, but the results were the same.

"Hey! T-those are my lucky pair…!" She was slightly annoyed by Noir's antics, but at the same time, she felt something was off about Noir. 'Since when was he able to react faster than me?'

Ever since their awakening ceremony, she's always been faster than Noir. He's always been terrible at reacting to attacks. If she thought the first dodge was a fluke, the other attempts to grab were due to his reaction.

'Was the advice the Great Sage gave him that effective?' She couldn't help but marvel at his progress while also glaring daggers at him.

"If that's the case I'll make sure to treasure them and preserve them in a safe place," Noir, unaware of Emma's thoughts, carried on teasing her by putting his hands together in the praying pose before giving her a playful wink.

'Don't do that! That's embarrassing!" Emma shouted as she flailed her arms like a child who'd been denied candy, which made Noir laugh uncontrollably. After a few moments, he finally settled down again and cleared his throat after Emma started giving him the silent treatment.

"I'll give them back at another time. I want to remember the time we had together whenever you're not around. Like a little memento," He felt a little shy uttering those words but, as embarrassing as it was, he was being truthful. Yes, the Great Sage's words may have encouraged it, but he had another reason for wanting her panties.

And it wasn't because Noir had a fetish for panties, but his reasoning wasn't sound either.

'I just like the idea of collecting the panties of the girls after we have our first time with each other. Nothing more than that to be honest,' He liked to collect things as a hobby and the new collectable item he's interested in were the panties of his harem. He liked the idea of keeping it as a symbol of what they did before and while they were taking their relationship to the next step.

"Muu, not fair. If that's the case, I want something of yours to remember you too," Despite it being somewhat wholesome, albeit weird, Emma still wanted something in return for her panties. It wasn't fair after all, but she picked a poor choice of words to say that.

'I want something to remind me of Noir too!' By that point, Emma's face was a deep red that had spread to her years. She wasn't thinking straight due to the embarrassment of walking around commando. As for Noir, he made a half-suppressed laugh at her antics before wrapping his arm around Emma's waist.

"Then how about the next time you come over I'll let you take something of mine? Are you gonna ask for my boxer?"

The first thing that came to mind was a scene of Emma sniffing his underwear. Although he doesn't mind it if someone smells him or his clothes, he wasn't sure how he would feel if someone sniffed his underwear. But thinking back on it, he felt like it was a bit hypocritical.

'I guess this is how Emma feels, huh? I guess you can't expect something and not expect the same to happen to you too,' He accepted the notion that karma was inevitable and quickly resolved to sacrifice his underwear or clothes if necessary. It was like a business deal in a way.

Plus, it sorta motivates him to get some new clothes so it's not too much of a loss.

"Idiot, there's no way I'd take your smelly boxers," Fortunately for him, that wasn't the goal for Emma as she lightly pinched his waist and gave him a deadpan look. The pinch stung a little but it wasn't enough to get rid of Noir's smile as he was enjoying her tsundere side.

She then turned her head and muttered something under her breath.

"But I wouldn't mind having your t-shirt or something," Her words were almost lost in the loud winds and although it was muffled, Noir was able to make out the words "mind" and "t-shirt" and roughly figured out what she wanted.

But seeing her timidity made him want to tease her more.

"You want a t-shirt? Sure. Do you want it before I do a workout or after?" Noir leaned in closer and made a cheeky smile. He wasn't planning to ignore what she said after all.

"Geez, you weren't supposed to hear that! Doofus!" In retaliation, Emma crossed her arms and turned her face away from Noir, but he could still see her pouting from the side. He only smiled warmly at the sight as he found her to be a joy to talk to and joke around with.

It might be because he had some form of assurance that she wouldn't leave him for his loose mouth, but he really did appreciate her and her antics.

'Haha, mild tsunderes' are cute like this... I don't think this relationship will crumble, right?' After experiencing his fair share of failed friendships that were caused by his unintentionally hurtful words, he had some hope for them as the two walked back to Emma's mansion.

The panty topic seemed to have ended as they started talking about plans for a second date and about things to do with the Hero Academy.


"Stay well. Let's have some training in a few days." Noir said as they were near Emma's mansion

"I'm alright with that. Bye-bye, Noir!"

Emma turned before they shared one last hug that lasted longer than usual then they finally parted. Noir watched her enter the mansion and waved goodbye until he couldn't see her before sighing silently.

'Today's been busy,' Although there was still some light outside so he decided to take the long way home and collect his thoughts a little. The information he gained from the Great Sage was a lot this time so he had to think things over properly.

'So there's a demon king in this world, huh? Just another reminder that this is an alternative world. Which means I need to be extra careful now because I don't know how effective my knowledge of Canon is. Especially since the novel's course of events covered only a couple of months,' The new setting seemed a bit out of place.

The original series was a slice-of-life fantasy that took place in a relatively peaceful world that had minor problems that could be solved with the protagonist's skills. Now it felt like it was slowly merging into a more action-oriented world with more clichés around the corner.

The more he kept asking about the world, the more he felt confused by it and its changes. It was kind of annoying, but nonetheless, he smiled at the discovery.

'I just want to make a harem and enjoy this life in peace but looks like that'll spice things up, huh,' Contrary to how people would react to such news, Noir accepted it quite quickly. There was no reason to cry about it since he was aware that the butterfly effect could change anything. If anything, it made things a bit more interesting.

'It's not like I had a complete memory of the events of Canon nor did the writer explain in detail anything,' He only recalled certain events at the beginning and even those were blurry so he didn't think much about it and focused back on the Great Sage's words again.

'I wonder if the ex-mercenary teacher took the job because of the demon king's revival? That would make sense, if she's still working at the same place,' He'd have to go to the Hero Academy first to find out. He doesn't really have much desire to become a hero, but he is interested in making contacts in a place like that.

'Being a hero sounds good and all, but that would mean becoming the kingdom's puppet. Unless I can get myself a reliable backing, I'd rather avoid something like that,' Having restrictions like that would make travelling annoying. There was still a lot he wanted to see in this world and places to explore. There was no way he was willing to give that up because of a job requirement.

'Haha, there are a lot of things to think about now. The difficulty keeps increasing.' The questions he wanted were also increasing, but his smirk got broader. Seems like the hero academy won't bore him.


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