Relationship Update

(A/N: So I graduated University. Anyway, I'm back. Have fun.)

'Looks like mother and father are out,' When Noir got back home, the first thing he noticed when he was taking his shoes off was that his parent's shoes were no longer on the shoe shelf. Only Alices was there, meaning it was just the two of them.

'Let's use this chance to settle things or at least build up the foundations for it,' After putting his shoes away, Noir walked into the house to look for Alice. She was sitting on the sofa reading a book that was popular with girls her age. A romance novel.

Seeing as she didn't seem to have noticed him, or is ignoring him, Noir took the initiative to greet her.

"Hi, Alice."

"Oh hello, big brother," Contrary to how Noir was expecting Alice to act, she immediately jumped out of her seat to give Noir the usual hug greeting. Though when he looked at her better he could tell from her body language that there was something off about her.

'I guess she's forcing herself to act like how she usually does,' Seeing as she didn't seem to have hated the kiss, she might be planning on how to take things to the next level with Noir. it wasn't a bad thing for him, but for the sake of what he had plans for, he wanted to make some things obvious to her.

"Did you go out today?" But before that, he wanted to ease her into the conversation. He noticed that her shirt had some dirt and wet patches on it.

"Yup, I just got back from watering the plants," She seemed to be in a good mood in comparison to how she was earlier. Her smile was as bright as before as she seemed to have gained a sliver more confidence than usual.

"Hmm?" But that smile soon became a perplexed face as she noticed something odd about Noir. For a moment she stood there in thought before suddenly taking a big sniff off of Noir's arm.

'What the?' For a second Noir's head short-circuited from the sudden action before chills came down his spine. Yup, he knew he got caught by his sister's supernatural sense of smell that he didn't know she had.

'I wonder if it's because of Emma's perfume or if she could just tell that I'm not a virgin anymore?' It was an idiotic thought at first glance, but as he was dealing with a yandere-like sister, he couldn't be too certain. There were some things where logic was hard to apply and he felt like this was one of them.

But fortunately for him, Alice didn't have that ability.

"Why do you smell like perfume?" She tilted her head as she was confused. Only noble girls wear perfume but Noir doesn't hang out with any except for Emma. Even so, from what she remembers Emma doesn't wear perfume, at least not a lot. Well, that was the case until they had their first date.

"Oh, I went out with Emma today. It's probably her perfume," Noir said without much worry about the fire he might fuel from his words, but he didn't see the reason to hide it from her. She was going to find out sooner or later so he may as well say it now and have her get used to it.

"I see…" There was a minor shift in Alice's expression as a slight frown formed for an instant before reverting to normal. Seeing something like that bothered her, he tried easing it in to repair their bonds.

"Come on, why do you hate her? You used to enjoy her company when you were younger," He didn't really like how they'd been having this type of relationship for the past few years. There was a time when the two of them would play and sleep together like real sisters, but that all changed once they entered the preparatory school and puberty kicked in.

"It's not like I hate her or anything... I just don't like how she walks around as if she owns you," Alice pouted as she turned away from Noir. Every time they interact with each other he felt like the two of them were being thorns to each other, at least on Alice's side as she was the one being passive-aggressive with Emma.

Noir had to figure out how to sort that out before they find out they're in the harem with each other.

"By the way, about earlier…" But before he could get onto that issue, Alice suddenly turned back towards Noir as she tried switching the topic to something else.

"About earlier?"

"Yeah about the kiss…"

"Ah," Of course, he was aware of what happened in the morning, but he still had to act a little dense to fit the facade as he looked at Alice who didn't seem to carry on talking. There was a pause as if she was psyching herself up before stunning Noir with her next words.

"You said you had to do lewd things to people to activate your skill. Want to try it out again?"


An idiotic sound came out of his mouth and this time he was genuinely confused. He was ready to slowly ease her into the idea of being a lot more intimate with each other, but this was faster than he expected.

"You know, I'll help you out if you help me out. It's a simple equivalent exchange," Alice curled her hair pretending to make it sound reasonable as if she was just helping out a friend, but the two of them both knew what she meant was more than just that. Not to mention the slight blush on her face sorta ruined the image she wanted to portray.

But seeing that nearly made Noir smirk at her words, however, he knew that doing so would be bad so instead, he tried to maintain his original stance.

"You know that's crossing so many borders, right?" Although he wanted her, he was curious about her views on incest. It wasn't normal after all and he could barely get away with it by saying he doesn't have any emotional sisterly bonds with her.

He simply looked at her with a calm expression as Alice was slightly dazed. She was holding the helm of her skirt while looking down before responding.

"I know..." Her hands were shaking, almost as if she was frightened of the possibility of getting rejected and that her brother would see her as odd.

Although the latter part was already impossible.

"You know my skill? It requires me to make a harem basically…" Noir slowly spoke to help ease her into the topic. Watching her expression, her face almost twitched at the word 'Harem'.

"My skill requires me to do lewd stuff to girls. Sometimes it could be in groups, sometimes it could be without one of my partners or some of my partner's awareness," There was a reason he was trying to make this point clear. A harem, even in a harem-accepting society, requires awareness and acceptance by the other parties.

What he was saying was that he has a high chance of cheating on her using his cheat as a scapegoat. It left a bit of a sour taste to Noir, but he was willing to use that as an excuse even after getting Olivia's skills.

Once he got to that point however he didn't continue talking as he was waiting for Alice's reaction. It didn't take too long for her to make up her mind as she raised her head.

"I'm… I already know that!" And while she was at it she raised her voice. Her eyes were watery and her hands were trembling but she still carried on speaking and got closer to Noir.

"But I don't want to see you in pain! You're working hard behind our backs because you don't want to worry us, but I don't want to leave you by yourself like that. Please. Just rely on me," she got closer with each breath taken as their faces were only centimetres apart.

'She really cares for me and isn't afraid of going to the forbidden territory, huh,' Even though Noir has the knowledge of an anime watcher, he still had to confirm with his eyes whether she was still a hardcore brocon or not. He didn't want to take any further actions with her until then just to be safe.

It's not about the matter of it going in that direction. Just like how harems are acceptable, incestuous relationships are also allowed, but under the condition that they are of the age of consent. So he wasn't worried about society's views.

But even with that, he still wanted to 'test' her a little.

"You know I'm not gonna kiss or have sex with people just for the sake of getting a question asked, right?" Noir crossed his arm as she looked at her carefully to see what kind of answer she'd have. She was a yandere after all. He doesn't mind that side of her unless she starts swinging towards every female encounter he faces.

"I know that…"

"You know me and Emma are a thing now?" Before he could let Alice think about what to say, he brought up his relationship with Emma, someone who she dislikes, to see how she'd react. It was slightly risky but he had some confidence to be able to stop her from doing something stupid.

"Ahh…" but unlike what he was expecting, Alice didn't have any negative reactions from hearing his words, instead it felt like the light in her eyes had faded slightly as her mind wandered slightly.

'I guess I've done my best… Looks like Emma was right about that promise…' Alice recalled a time when the two of them would fight for who would marry Noir when they got older, where one thing would lead to another and they'd go from verbal cutesy arguing to physical fights.

'He did seem to care about her a lot, I guess I shouldn't blame her.' She always knew it was a losing battle. When she was around the age of puberty she could tell that there was something different about the two and instinctively knew her position in the dynamic.

Fortunately for her, it wasn't exactly the same Noir that she was talking to today.

"I've already told her about my skill and the conditions. Do you wanna know what she said?"

He paused for a moment to get Alice's attention back to reality before carrying on.

"She said she doesn't mind if I have relationships with others in a polygamous-like manner. Of course with a few conditions," For a moment, Alice's eyes showed a reaction as some life came back from hearing Noir's words.

'Does that mean he's not completely taken?' Although Alice was sad to hear that Emma and Noir are now a thing, which she was expecting considering how the conversation was going, she didn't expect the topic of a harem to be brought up, especially with Emma's approval.

'What made her change her mind?'

Normally, only high-ranking nobles perform such a thing, and in the situation where the first wife has a higher rank than the husband, then the husband would normally not be permitted a harem/concubines.

For Emma to allow Noir to have one shows that she's willing to share but under the circumstances of Noir's skill conditions. Such a thing nearly brought back Alice into a smile, but she refrained as she took a moment to think

'I… It's probably better if I give up…?' She knows that what she's doing is wrong on so many levels and that her brother isn't the type of person to act foolhardy without thinking. She would end up causing more problems for him if she kept on sticking to him like how she normally does.

"I-I…" It may have been from the sudden shock factor, but Alice's throat was parched as the words she tried conveying didn't come out properly. Saying what she wanted to say was going to hurt her. She knows it would, but she wanted to stop being his nosy little sister that doesn't understand personal space now that he seemed to have a goal for himself.

It was at the time of her almost breaking down to tears that Noir walked up to her wordlessly and gave her a gentle head pat…

"I'm not best at saying this, but I love you, Alice. Would you go out with me?"

…And along with it was a surprise confession.

"Wha-?" For a moment it felt like everything paused as Alice tried processing the words that came out of his mouth.

'Love?!' She couldn't help but look at Noir, blinking rapidly as she thought she had misheard what he said. No coherent words could come out of her mouth as confusion was written all over her face. This was the scene where he was going to reject her, wasn't it? Did Noir mess up the script? What was going on?

'Since when was Noir like this?!'

All sorts of thoughts came to her as her face turned bright red. She never expected Noir to go on the initiative like this. Hell, she was expecting him to reject her for good this time, not the exact opposite!

'Looks like she wasn't expecting it,' As for Noir, he was smiling gently at Alice's confusion while comforting her. He pulled her in for a hug as he waited it out, but he was doing it so he could calm down slightly.

'Doing a confession takes a lot more willpower than I thought. Goddamn, I feel both relieved and tired,' Although he had confessed to Emma before, that was while the two of them were having sex so it just felt natural at the time. Now however was completely different as he went in without being mentally prepared.

Others may view him as someone with mental issues if they see his actions, but to Noir, he felt it was unfair for him if they think without looking from his perspective.

'I mean, I don't see her as a sister in the slightest. Sure I got some of the original Noir's memories but that's not enough for me to suddenly see her as an actual sister. It probably would've been a different story if that was the case but right now I can only see her as a woman.'

He doesn't remember much of their previous interactions after all. Hell, he remembers more of her in the anime than from the memories gained from the previous Noir. That's how lacking they are, but he did understand the basic things of what she likes, which is the only saving grace of it.

Though he will say that every now and then he recalls random information, so maybe in the future his judgement may change, but he still won't regret it.

'Maybe I'm just weird,' he didn't deny that his reasoning may be flawed, but at this moment he didn't care to dwell on it any further. He already knew that he liked Alice and that was all he cared about right now.

But while Noir was thinking this far, Alice still hadn't responded as she stood still with a stunned expression, which made Noir chuckle a little before asking once more.

"I said, would you like to go out with me? In an actual relationship. I don't want to be in an ambiguous relationship caused by the convenience of my skill. Otherwise, I'd end up hurting the feelings of others and myself."

What Noir was seeking isn't an ambiguous or imaginary harem that most men want, but a proper and functional one that would help him and themselves in their times of need like a proper family would. A few discords here and there is fine and completely normal, but he didn't want any bad blood or problems to arise from inviting harem members all willy-nilly.

"You don't have to give me the answer just yet."

"I-I didn't think you'd ask me out. Yes! I will!" While Noir was having his inner turmoil about how to look after and manage a harem properly, Alice accepted Noir's confession and hugged him, nuzzling into his chest like a little animal with some tears coming from her face. Noir returned the hug as well as he broke into a peaceful smile.

Now the second member has entered!

'Though It was already known that the first two wouldn't be too much of a challenge to convince. They were already in love with the original before I took over. All they needed was a little push from his side,' Although Noir was feeling a boost in confidence for his progress and his dating journey, he quickly calmed down before he got too arrogant. He didn't want to end up becoming delusional by thinking every girl is the same after all.

'It's just my distaste for others when they think everyone in a certain group are the same, but oh well. Anyway, convincing the other girls is most likely going to be much harder. This isn't just an anime world after all.'

That was another thing Noir was worried about in this world. He didn't want to end up viewing this world as a game once he gained access to the status screens. If he does, he feels like he wouldn't take things seriously as he usually would. This is real life to him after all. Any mistakes he makes will have consequences, even if had good intentions, just like in his past life.

After making up his mind on that matter, he decided to voice it out.

"I might not be the best person to deserve this, but I'll strive to become a better version of myself. I hope everyone can get along with each other. I want to have a big family after all."

Even if he was brought into this world in the protagonists' shoes, he doesn't want to become heartless when dealing with his harem, nor does he want to create a toxic environment for them. He simply wants to enjoy the ups and downs of having a huge family.

Alice, upon hearing the man she loves making his stance, stood silent for a moment before making one similar to Noir.

"I'll do my best, even though I might be a bit clumsy. I'll try my best with everyone… And I want to make up with big sister Em," After having her feelings finally come across, Alice started reflecting on how she had been treating Emma for the past few years thanks to her pettiness.

She hasn't been the best to her after all. It was her fault for the sudden bridge between them. She felt It was only fair for her to make things right, but she had no clue how to even start the gap.

"Haha, I haven't heard you call her that in years. It feels nostalgic," Noir chuckled as he heard a familiar name he hadn't heard for years. Looks like that's something he'd have to get used to hearing from now on.

"Haha, yeah, it does."

The two of them laughed as they recalled their past, albeit it was difficult on Noir's limited memories, he still recalled "new" memories of the three of their interactions.

"Brother…" As their laughter died down, the two of them stared at each other. They both had a strong attraction to one another's eyes and as if there was some kind of telepathic connection and the two leaned in as they performed their first kiss with each other.


Unlike Emma who seemed to habitually lock tongues with Noir, Alice was different. Immediately after they locked lips, Noir tried prying into Alice's mouth, but in return, she immediately began sucking on his tongue. It was a new experience for Noir, but he enjoyed the feeling as after some time asked the Sage a few questions.

'Oh Great Sage, what are the proper procedures for gaining skills and are there any shortcuts in attaining them?'

[For many, skills are something someone is born with but it's possible, with enough hard work, for someone to gain the skill. Normally repeating an action multiple times would cause the person to eventually gain a eureka moment upon which they learn the skill.

Though that tends to be the long way to acquire them. In short, fulfilling certain requirements increases the chance of gaining the skill.]

'Still damn awesome. Now I have more reason to train even after gaining Olvia's skills,' While trying to get Alice's tongue to move around with his, Noir felt happy with the good news. Although he likes the idea of creating skills through having a playful lifestyle, he knows that he'd get bored after a while.

'I may not be the smartest, but I like the learning process. Skipping the steps and cheating is fun at first, but it's the fastest way to kill a gaming session,' It was how he thought of most things. If he focuses on only sex and romance, eventually it'd get dry and boring for him. Training would be his way of having fun while also doing something productive and feeling good about himself.

'That being said, if in the middle of the battle I have to upgrade my skills or something, I won't hesitate. There's no point in having all that Life points if I'm dead,' Even if it was a large amount, he'd still spend those life points.

Unfortunately Noir wasn't able to get out any more questions as Alice had to break out to breathe as both of them had slightly red faces.

"How does it feel to have your first kiss?" Seeing her look so innocent after her first kiss, Noir could help but tease her a little.

"It… Feels good," Alice, however, didn't respond as shyly as he thought. Instead, she reached out for another kiss once she regained her breath.

'I'm kissing him~!' There wasn't much going on in her mind as she was on cloud nine. Her only thoughts were Noir and only noir as she tried going on the attacking side this time.

Seeing her like this made Noir mentally make a wry smile before returning the kiss, sucking on her tongue as payback.

'She's just as thirsty as Emma. I guess that could be counted as my blessing,' Once again, he wasn't complaining. He was confident in his workout to build up a good foundation, but he was worried if he could survive the two's relentless habits until he got Olivia's skills.

Otherwise, he'd probably end up dried up from their relentlessness.

'Oh Great Sage, Does the hero have any descendants and how many are still alive?'

[Yes. Just before he passed away he had a lover. No one knows where she went but she lived in the sacred forest, in between the land of elves and dwarves. The only descendent, although unaware of their lineage, lives in that area.]

If there is a demon king in this world, the best thing to do is to find descendants to help with the potential threat. Even if there's the chance of a friendly demon king, you can never be too certain.

And there was another reason.

'What gender are they?'

[They are female]

'Perfect,' And now Noir has another reason to find the hero's descendant.


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