It was unlike anything Damon had ever seen before—a straight up massacre. The store fronts filling main street were lively not even two days prior, and now they consisted of broken doors and shattered windows. Apocalyptic. That was the only word he could think of to describe the scene.
Adelaide’s eyes widened and she gasped, tossing her hand immediately to mouth. “Adora!”
She rushed off down the road to Adora’s house. Each building still looked the same as they passed by, only this time, it was for a different reason. Adelaide burst through the front door and started calling her name; however, there was never a response. The house was torn to pieces—the images along the walls were smashed on the ground and the floors were covered in scratches.
With each shout, Adelaide’s voice broke more as she frantically searched the entire house for any sign of Adora. Then, it was as if a light clicked on inside of her head. “The basement,” she whispered more to herself than Damon.