Chapter 36: Doubts

Vix hurried along the bottom of the canal, away from Belkin’s hut and back toward the Dry Works shantytown. Her eyes were burning with weariness and she could barely see where she was putting her feet. It was well past midnight, now.

But she did not slow down. She had to get back to Caine, to tell him everything she had heard.

‘Even if he didn’t tell you everything?’ a small part of her mind whispered.

Vix caught her foot on a hidden length of broken wood and staggered heavily into the wall. Without pausing, she pushed herself upright and hurried onward again.

She could not let herself think that way. Vix wished Belkin had not said anything. There was nothing worse than doubting Caine, after all they had been through together.

But she could not help it. It did not make any sense. Of course Caine would have to know if he had used the Al’Vidar’s ritual to attain immortality.