“Please, you have to help me.”
Tala looked up in surprise. “Ah, Vix, wasn’t it?” The little alcove where the old woman secreted herself looked little different in the daylight – just a slash of gray stone tucked between two spindly huts.
Tala sniffed loudly and shifted. “Help, did you say? I was under the impression that I helped you last...” She suddenly stopped and peered closer at Vix’s face. Her wrinkled face grew hard. “What happened, girl?”
“It’s... my friend,” Vix said. “He’s gone.”
Even to admit it out loud was like losing him all over again. It hit her like a blow straight to her guts, but deeper than that. Fear passed through her like a knife blade.
“He was only here last night. But now it’s like he’s disappeared. Vanished.” Vix knuckled her eyes suddenly, overwhelmed. She was not sure whether she wanted to howl with frustration or break down crying.