Chapter 5: Unbelievable Flirting

Hallie’s mother popped out from the kitchen with a certain kind of glow in her eyes. It seemed Luke’s presence was having the exact opposite effect of what Hallie had planned. “Where are you off to, sweetheart?”

“I’m going to take Luke back to town,” Hallie said, “and I’ll be back before you know it to finish the paperwork on those repairs.”

“Forget the paperwork!” her mother cried. “Why is Luke leaving so soon? I thought he was having a good time here.”

“He’s got his own life, mom.”

“Oh, nonsense. I think he should stick around for a while, and maybe he could help you with your work?”

“You want him filling out paperwork and shoveling manure?”

“No! Of course not. I was actually thinking you two could go down to that Thompson ranch and have a look at some cattle for me.”

Hallie thought she must be in a dream. “You’re asking me to buy cattle?”

“Yeah, I don’t know why you’re acting so strange about it,” Vivian said casually.

“I thought I was too young and immature to make such an important decision as buying cattle.”

Her mother patted her arm. “With your boyfriend by your side, I’m sure you’ll have no problem making a good choice.”

Wanting to roll her eyes at how patronizing that sounded, Hallie resisted. It was too good an offer to pass up. Her mother had never given her such an important task before!

“It’s just you usually ask Terry or Bill to do it…” she began.

“Terry is quite busy, being a married woman,” her mother said with a sly smile. “And I’m sure you’re more than up to the challenge.”

“Thanks, mama!”

Hallie was overjoyed, not least because mama actually made a slight dig at Terry.

She smiled brightly and went outside to tell Luke.

Of course the wannabe cowboy was only too happy when he heard the news.

“Thank you,” Luke said as they drove away from the house. “I’m so glad you changed your mind.”

“Yeah, I know how much you love cowboy stuff,” Hallie said, “So I couldn’t deny you the opportunity.”

She took the familiar road that led from the ranch and merged with the main highway as Luke sat back, evidently enjoying the scenery. Sometimes she could feel his eyes on her too.

“Do you know much about cattle?” she asked.

“Of course,” he said, “What kind of cowboy would I be if I didn’t?”

Hallie had a feeling he was just blustering, or maybe he was joking. She glanced over to see a mysterious smile on his lips.

“My parents always told me to look for cows that come towards you when you enter the pasture. It means they’re not likely to run away and hurt themselves or break the fences.”

“Good advice,” said Luke, nodding, “But don’t you enjoy the thrill of the chase?”

“Okay, you’ve been watching too many cowboy movies,” Hallie said. “All that time spent chasing cows and fixing fences is not as fun as it looks.” Unless he was making some kind of double entendre joke.

“So, are we looking a big, strong bull?” he asked.

Okay, he was definitely flirting. Hallie darted a glance at him again, trying to see if he was smiling. There it was, the subtlest smile.

If he was talking about himself, his build was more like a thoroughbred race horse than a bull, all lean and graceful muscle. But Hallie did not want to get drawn into playing that game.

“Unless you want to get yourself killed, we’re not getting a bull,” she said.

“That’s no fun,” he replied.

“Seriously, it’s dangerous to have a bull around.”

“What about bull riders?” he asked.

“They’re crazy adrenaline junkies, and it’s better to stay away from them.”

“Maybe they just know how to have fun.”

“Oh yeah, it’s plenty fun until a bull stomps on you and breaks every bone in your body.”

“I guess they think it’s worth the risk,” Luke said, totally unfazed by her warnings. “And you seemed like a risk-taker.”

“Well, I’m not.”

“You picked up a strange man and took him home.”

“I don’t think you’re all that dangerous,” she retorted.

“Or am I?” he asked, giving her a smoldering look that sent a shiver up her spine and made her heart race. It was like he suddenly flipped his sexuality switch to full volume.

Hallie quickly fixed her eyes back on the road and didn’t reply. Luke started playing with his phone, seeing as how she was ignoring him.

It was easy enough to avoid looking at him, and by the time they arrived at the Thompson ranch, she had her pulse under control. She could sense Luke’s self-satisfied vibe the whole way even without having to look at him.

“I just arranged to have some of my stuff delivered to your ranch,” he said just as Hallie turned off the engine. “There’s an app, where you can get things moved.”

“Great, so you’ll be staying a while,” Hallie said, smiling politely. She wasn’t ready to decide how to deal with him yet, and she wanted to focus on the purchase.

It was nice to be able to leave the truck and take in a new setting: this ranch was extensive with several barns and silos.

Mr. Thompson came out to greet her, not showing any surprise that it was the younger daughter this time. He was probably used to dealing with Terry.

“Nice to see you, Hallie,” he said, greeting her with a hug, “Your mama told me you were coming today.”

“Nice to see you too, Mr. Thompson,” she replied.

He turned to Luke next. “Hi, Jake Thompson.”

“Lucas Lorenzen. You can call me Luke.” He gave Mr. Thompson a firm handshake.

“Luke’s a guest at the ranch,” Hallie hurried to explain.

“Any friend of the Mathews family is a friend of mine,” said Jake. “Come on, I’ll show you our prime beef cows.”

The cows were already gathered into an enclosure, where Hallie could easily see that they had a nice sturdy build. They came towards her as she approached.

“Those are some fine-looking cows,” she said.

“Take your time,” Jake suggested, “I’ll be around if you have any questions.”

Without thinking, she turned to Luke and mouthed, “I’m taking them!”

Luckily, Luke was back to normal and not trying to use bedroom eyes on her again. He smiled with genuine warmth. “It seems you like them.”

“And what do you think, being an expert yourself?”

“Oh, yes, definitely a herd of prime cows,” Luke said, nodding, but he was obviously being goofy.

Hallie took a closer look, but there was nothing wrong with the cows that she could find. They all looked beautiful and healthy. She arranged to have twenty of them delivered to the ranch next week.

On the drive back, she didn’t even mind Luke flirting again because she was so proud of herself making her first independent purchase. Maybe having Luke stick around was a good idea. Her mama already had more faith in her.

But there was one thing that was bothering her. Luke apparently didn’t remember agreeing to be a pretend boyfriend, or maybe it was a case of selective memory.

Either way, she had to set him straight.

“We need to talk about something,” Hallie said when the truck stopped in front of the ranch house.

“Already ‘we need to talk’?” he asked, grinning to show his apprehension.

“Yes, but it’s not what you think.”

“How do you know what I think?” he teased.

Clearly, this was not going to be easy. He was completely out of control.

“Let’s go for a walk,” Hallie suggested.

“A walk, that’s not ominous at all.”

But he got out of the truck, walking stiffly at first after the long drive.

They passed the barn and started down the long path through the pasture where a few cows roamed. It was the middle of the afternoon, but not quite as cooking as it had been recently. Hallie could smell fall in the air.

“The thing is, Luke,” she began, “you’ve been very flirty and…”

“I think I know what’s happening here,” Luke said, pointing a finger at her nose. “You’re intimidated by me. You’re pretty young, and you probably haven’t had a chance to date a sophisticated city guy. Let me assure you, I can be down-to-earth and approachable.”

Hallie stifled a laugh at his presumptuousness. “You’re very full of yourself, but I think you may have the wrong idea here.”

Luke stared at her for a moment. “I’m confused. You picked me up off the street because you thought I was homeless… or attractive? Or homeless and attractive? But now you don’t want me!”

Three years ago, maybe she would have been charmed by a guy like him. He was good-looking and sophisticated, and he was at least pretending to be interested in her. But her heart had been toyed with once, and it wouldn’t happen again.

She wasn’t going to let anyone lead her on, but she wasn’t going to lead him on either. Hallie didn’t want to do this, but she decided to rip off the band aid, so to speak.

She had all of his attention as he gazed down at her, his arms folded in front of his imposing body, although he didn’t seem to take anything she said seriously.

“Okay, I’m going to tell you the truth.” Hallie took a deep breath…