Chapter 4: A Kit Every Man Should Have

“Luke, you must have worked some kind of magic, these hash browns are delicious!” Vivian exclaimed.

Hallie had to admit, whatever he had done to the ordinary store-bought patties had transformed them into something gourmet.

“Just a little turmeric and garlic powder,” he pronounced.

Hallie had to accept that her plan backfired, but at the moment she didn’t mind too much because the omelet was pretty amazing. Among the sounds of voices in cheerful conversation, there was a constant clinking of cutlery as everyone else seemed to be enjoying the food.

It had been a while since they had such a lively breakfast as a family. Usually, Terry and her husband Bill didn’t bother to join Hallie, mama, and daddy at the main house, but news of a guest made them curious.

There was no way this was same guy she met last night. Aliens must have abducted him and replaced him with an identical copy, which was much more suave and sophisticated and showed no signs of being hung over.

Everyone was asking him what football team he liked and did he enjoy living in Austin and how many siblings did he have.

“I’ve got one sister,” he said, “and we get along surprisingly well.”

Casting a dirty look at her sister Terry, Hallie wished the same could be said about them.

Terry and Bill had seemed out of sorts lately, but even they smiled more in Luke’s presence.

“Why would it be surprising?” Vivian asked. She didn’t even bother to talk about the rift between her two daughters anymore, but maybe this was a hint.

“I guess people always expected us to have our differences,” Luke said, “or that there would be jealousy and sibling rivalry over who got the run the… uh… family company. But, as Shakespeare said, ‘uneasy lies the head that wears the crown’, so I think my sister is actually happier with her dancing and her charity work.”

Sam nodded sagely. “I’ve had my differences with my brothers, that’s for sure. But we sorted it out in the end.”

Great. Now both her parents decided to become extremely subtle by dropping hints about how she and Terry should kiss and make up. If only it were that easy.

“As a married woman, I don’t have as much time now for little sis,” Terry drawled. “But I do wish we could do things together.”

“Like criticizing my outfits?” Hallie asked.

“I only said that dress made you look like a sl*t,” Terry replied casually, “I was trying to help you, you fool.”

“Terry, don’t use that kind of language at the table,” Vivian scolded.

“Yeah well, I don’t need that kind of help,” Hallie replied, “And if you actually spent any quality time with me, I wouldn’t get offended at your passing remarks.”

“It’s not my fault you’re so sensitive.”

“Girls, that’s enough,” Vivian commanded.

After breakfast, Vivian and Sam insisted on doing the dishes since Luke had done most of the cooking. They went into the kitchen, while Terry and Bill ambled outside to start the day’s ranch work.

Hallie was left alone with Luke, and she still hadn’t decided what to do with him.

She didn’t know much about him, only that he was a big fan of Texas, so he couldn’t be all bad. People usually spoke the truth when they were as plastered as he had been last night.

His smugness did not escape her attention. “I don’t want to brag, but it looks like I’ve impressed your parents.”

He certainly did, just not in the way she wanted. The poor sap! He couldn’t have known he was supposed to disgust and shock her parents.

“You’ve done pretty well for an alien replica,” Hallie replied.

“A what?” he asked, eyebrows coming together in a perplexed frown.

She walked past him to catch the fresh morning air on the porch. It smelled like horses, fresh manure, and grass with a hint of dew.

“I’m really sorry about last night,” Luke said. He followed her outside into the warm morning, standing annoyingly just behind her shoulder. “Did I say something wrong?”

Hallie smirked. “Well, no. You did sing.”

“I sang? Then you have my deepest apologies.”

Hallie chuckled as she leaned forward against the rounded wooden beam that served as a railing, and he joined her.

“But something tells me I did something wrong this morning too,” he suggested, trying to catch her eye.

Hallie stared straight ahead at the barns and pastures. “I just thought you would be more…”

“More what?”

“Never mind.”

“Oh, you mean more hung over? Actually, I was, but I can usually pass for a decent fellow thanks to my ‘quick sobering up’ kit.”

“What’s that?”

“A kit every man should have.”

Only Hallie wished he didn’t have it.

“It’s weird,” she mumbled, “even your breath is fresh. But you were so hammered.”

He laughed heartily. “My sister is freaked out by it too, only she calls it ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’. I like your alien theory, though.”

“Thanks,” Hallie said bitterly.

“Look, why don’t we start over?” he offered.

Wow, he was being polite, considerate, kind… exactly the kind of guy she didn’t need at the moment.

“Sorry, I don’t think it’s going to work,” Hallie said. “It was a stupid idea, bringing you here.”

“I think it was a great idea,” he said, stretching his arms up as he looked over the landscape.

“Don’t get too comfortable,” she warned.

“You haven’t even given me a chance,” Luke said, leaning into her field of vision. His smooth hair hung down attractively as his grinning face radiated almost palpable currents of charm. “Come on, what do you have to lose?”

“My time,” Hallie retorted.

She wasn’t sure why he wanted to pose as her boyfriend so badly. Was a free stay at the ranch that appealing to him? Maybe he didn’t have anywhere else to go. His boozy lifestyle could account for that situation.

“I could lend you a couple of hundred dollars,” she said, “until you sort yourself out.”

“Huh?” He looked perplexed again. It was strange, most people had a stupid expression when they were confused, but his handsome face held a hint of liveliness, which saved him from looking like a complete idiot.

“I mean, if you need a place to stay…” she mumbled, fearing she had made some kind of goof-up.

“Are you saying…”

“Just forget it!”

Suddenly, he laughed, his massive chest shaking in quick bursts. “You thought I was homeless?”

“I don’t know…”

“It’s all right. My finances are in order. But I see I’ve outstayed my welcome, so…”

“I’ll drive you back to town,” Hallie said, relieved.

She was about to go back into the house to get her truck keys, but Luke blocked her way, all cheerful good looks.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like to get to know me, Miss?” he asked. “You don’t know what you could be missing.”

He really was full of himself, wasn’t he?

“I think I’ve seen enough,” Hallie said. “Excuse me.”

She stepped around him and made her way back into the house.