Chapter 9: A Good Ranch Hand

“You are loving this, aren’t you,” Luke stated rather than asked.

He had just been presented with his first task of the day: shoveling horse manure. Hallie couldn’t deny there was a certain enjoyment in watching the “sophisticated city guy” shoveling horse droppings.

“It’s a job just like any other,” Hallie said, making an indifferent expression. “We all do it, and today it’s your turn.”

“Aren’t you going to help?” he asked.

He had received some of his clothes and personal effects in the morning, hand-delivered from the city, and he was wearing a baby blue plaid shirt paired with dark-blue jeans.

Hallie wasn’t sure these fashionable clothes were going to stand up to a day of real ranch work, but they would have to do.

“I’m going to be supervising you,” Hallie said, giving him her most angelic smile. “Making sure you don’t get into any trouble.”

“I’ll help you,” Johnny said, coming over with a wheelbarrow and a shovel. “How much fun was mini golf last night?”