Chapter 10: Why Don't You Want to Play?

Luke didn’t care about either of these women. Of course, both Hallie and Eloise were pretty, and he was interested in Hallie, probably because she seemed like more of a challenge, but he wasn’t interested in either of them in a serious way.

His ploy to flirt with Eloise was working. It was clearly driving Hallie mad with jealousy, even if she didn’t admit it.

“You seem like a complicated young lady,” he added for better effect. Women love to be thought of as complicated and mysterious. Although this one seemed like she really was. He didn’t quite understand why she went to all the trouble of keeping him around since he wasn’t exactly the obedient chump she needed.

“I’m sure you don’t want to get your heart broken by someone you think is just a passing tourist,” he continued, warming up to his role as a ‘sensitive guy’, “but I assure you I’m going to stay in Texas for quite a while. My work is here, and who knows, maybe we’ll start something long-lasting?”