Chapter 13: Devoted Sisters

“What’s so important that you have to tear me away from my beloved boyfriend now, Terry?” Hallie asked, taking advantage of the situation to be as cheeky as possible.

“Beloved boyfriend, yeah, whatever,” Terry said, her round chin sticking out aggressively. “It’s a little bit obvious he’s been flirting with every woman here.”

Hallie didn’t want to look just then, but she couldn’t help searching out Luke in the crowd. Of course, he was surrounded by a group of women, chattering away with them.

“That’s just how he is,” Hallie said lightly. “I’m not one to be jealous.”

“Anyway, I don’t care about your stupid relationship, except when it affects me,” Terry said abruptly. She had always been too blunt, and Hallie remembered many times in her childhood when her sister’s words made her cry.

She had grown wise by now and not let Terry’s words affect her so strongly, but sometimes she just wished her sister could get a drastic personality makeover.