Chapter 14: He's Gone into Hiding

Hallie hurried to catch up with her date, hoping that he wasn’t trying to leave the party with some girl he just met.

“Luke, wait!” she called as soon as she made it out the barn doors. He was walking slowly along the side of the building, all alone. He turned around in an unhurried way.

“Relax, I’m not bailing on your party,” he said, “Just thought I’d be alone for a moment and get some air.”

Hallie tried to catch her breath, inhaling the warm scent of trees and scrub grass.

“You seem emotional tonight,” Luke remarked. “I guess talking with Terry didn’t help.”

“Talking with Terry is never good.”

“It’s probably none of my business,” Luke said, “but you’re sisters. Surely you must have something in common.”

Hallie let out a forceful sigh. “Believe me, I’ve tried.”

“What does she have against you anyway?”