Chapter 16: Were They Serious?

Hallie danced with her friends from school while catching sight of Luke once in a while with the corner of her eye.

He was at the bar, drinking with Rob and a bunch of other guys. Although their talk seemed to have started out on a serious note, they were soon all laughing and slapping each other on the back in a friendly and relaxed way. It had to be Luke working his charm again.

What was it about him? He seemed to cast some kind of magic spell over everyone.

“Your new boyfriend is so cool,” Stacy said as the music stopped for a brief moment. “How did you two meet?”

“Oh…” Hallie was suddenly too embarrassed to tell that story. “We met, that’s the important thing.”

“Come on, where was it?” Amber asked, sensing her weakness.

“Actually, I picked him up at a café,” Hallie replied. As long as the story had some small seed of truth in it, she could probably get away with a slight fabrication.

“You didn’t!” Stacy exclaimed admiringly.
