Chapter 17: Snooping

“Terry, what the h*ll?!”

It was the day after the dance, and Hallie just walked into Luke’s room to return one of his shirts, which her mama had freshly washed and folded, when she found Terry rifling through Luke’s leather laptop bag.

“Okay, you caught me,” her sister said, not looking particularly guilty.

“What on earth are you trying to find in there?” Hallie asked, dropping the pile of clothes onto the bed.

“You probably think I’m way out of line,” Terry began, “but the truth is, I’m concerned about you. I really think Luke is hiding something.”

“Yeah, right. You’re probably just trying to dig up some dirt on Luke so mama and daddy won’t think he’s a great boyfriend anymore.”

She caught a hint of annoyance in Terry’s eyes, which probably meant she was right.