Chapter 18: Wake up and Smell the Jealousy

A couple of days later, Hallie was in her room taking a siesta which turned into a rather long nap. It was the beginning of fall, but the days were as hot as ever.

She could tell by her grogginess that she had slept a long time when Terry pounded on the door, screaming, “Get up!”

With a groan, Hallie peeled herself off the bed and went to answer the door, dressed only in her pajama shorts and a sleeveless shirt. “What is going on?”

Terry, on the other hand, looked fresh and full of energy. “While you’re sleeping, your boyfriend is running off with that church-going Goody Two Shoes. Just thought you should know.”



“I figured you meant Eloise, but what do you mean ‘running off’?”

“They just drove away together,” Terry said with a light shrug. She was wearing a particularly garish shade of red lipstick that day.

“Why are you telling me?” Hallie asked, rubbing her forehead as if that could clear her thoughts.