Chapter 19: Fried Chicken Tactics

Of course, the do-gooder quickly plastered on her usual perky smile, greeting Hallie with warmth and enthusiasm. “So good to see you, Hallie!”

“Hello, darling,” Luke added, “I thought you were taking a siesta. Nice shirt.” She didn’t catch his initial reaction, but now his eyes were crinkling and misting over at the same time as he seemed to be ogling her figure, or maybe just examining the cartoon squirrel on her tank top.

“So, you two have been working on the charity project?” Hallie began.

“Luke has so many good ideas!” Eloise gushed.

“Maybe I can put in my two cents’ worth,” Hallie offered.

“Of course, you’re welcome to,” Eloise said, though her ability to sound enthused seemed to fail. “I thought you said you didn’t have time for meetings anymore.”

“A woman’s allowed to change her mind. I thought maybe I could help with marketing since that’s my area,” Hallie suggested, as she pulled up a small stool to sit between them. “What colors are you using for your branding?”