Chapter 23: Blackmail

“Terry, slow down!” Hallie called as her sister led her past all the food vendor stalls and kept on walking without looking back. “Did you want to talk to me or not?”

Terry kept power-walking away. There was something angry about the way she moved and a proud tilt to her head. This couldn’t be good.

Finally, she spun around as they reached a less peopled area of the grounds. She was wearing a jaunty yellow top with two tassels hanging down from the collar on long strings. This didn’t go at all with her tense expression.

“Let’s get right down to business,” Terry said, “You probably didn’t know one of the bartenders at the Cactus is a friend of mine. She called me to say you were there, and acting really bizarre.”

“I’m glad you had the satisfaction of hearing about it,” Hallie said.

“And there was more. Luke was acting kind of strange too, and the two of you weren’t sitting together. So, I came by to have a look.”