Chapter 24: Brainwashed!

Luke decided to follow Hallie and make sure nothing crazy happened between the two sisters. Out of everyone he had met so far, Terry was the one who seemed to cause the most emotional reactions from Hallie, and he felt strangely concerned.

He wandered lazily through the crowd, trying not to make it appear like he was following the blond beauty as she walked briskly through the food stalls.

He was dropping his guard with her. He hadn’t meant to reveal that he played polo. It was too close to his real self. He was only supposed to be a wealthy businessman here, nothing more.

But then again, he had never been a very cautious fellow, and he was even more inclined to throw caution to the wind when he was with a beautiful woman.

“Hello,” a female voice interrupted his thoughts as he stood there leaning against some kind of paddock and trying to listen in on Hallie’s conversation. “Are you liking the rodeo?”