Chapter 27: Terry Falls into a Trap

Hallie had been receiving some frantic texts from her mama, and even though she replied to say everything was fine, Vivian still came out to meet them as soon as the truck pulled up to the family home.

“There you are! Are you all right, my baby?”

“I’m fine, mama.”

Her mother held her in a super tight hug.

“I am feeling kind of tired,” Hallie added, after being nearly suffocated, “Let’s go inside.”

Terry was helping set the table in the dining room, but she only had a spiteful glance for her sister.

“Dinner’s almost ready,” Sam said, emerging from the kitchen. “Heard you were in a bit of a scuffle. You two look fine, though. No broken bones? That’s my girl!”

“See, I told you news travels fast around here,” Hallie said to Luke.

“I was so worried when I heard about it from Travis’s mom,” Vivian said, “She was very apologetic. She says he probably started the fight. He’s always been a rowdy one.”

“He’s more than rowdy,” Luke remarked, “I’d say he’s a first-class jerk.”