Chapter 28: Not Ticklish?

Luke’s respect for his so-called girlfriend rose dramatically after that day at the rodeo.

Women had fought over him, coming to physical blows because they thought the other one was trying to steal him away, but never had a woman fought to save him from danger, and very fiercely at that!

His resolve to help her grew even stronger, even if the fake relationship scheme was a little ridiculous.

Luke was happy when she invited him to come on a horseback ride purely for fun, no work involved.

Riding a couple of sturdy mustangs, they galloped through the windswept fields. They slowed down to explore a small river valley flanked by dainty trees.

“Okay, I’m going to ask you an important question,” Luke said after they dismounted to let the horses rest. “Who’s your favorite horse?”


“Mine too! Even though he pretends he’s going to bite me and thinks it’s hilarious.”

“I know!”