Chapter 35: A Big Slip-up

It was quiet, though a nurse or assistant would stride by occasionally. Miss Santer’s no-nonsense tone sounded especially strident in the hospital passageway.

“You knew where he was all along, and you didn’t tell me,” she stated.

Hallie decided she didn’t have to explain anything. All she wanted to do was keep up the appearance of being Luke’s girlfriend. Since their worlds had so suddenly collided, there was no telling if word could get back to the people she knew, so she decided to keep her story consistent. She only hoped Luke would do the same.

“The truth is, Miss Santer,” Hallie said, “Luke needed some time off. He didn’t want anyone to know where he was.”

“And we can see where that has led us,” Santer scolded.

Hallie had to admit she had a point.

“Do you have any idea how busy I am?” Santer went on. “With Luke absent, I run the company practically by myself, I have to figure out whether to tell his family about what happened, and do damage control.”