Chapter 34: Next of Kin

“Are you just going to stare at that form, or are you going to fill it out?” Terry asked.

“I’ll do it, just shut up.”

Hallie took a deep breath and tried to focus on the paper. She didn’t know much about Luke, so how was she expected to know his work phone number or health insurance number, or who his next of kin was?

From everything Luke had told her, none of his family members were living nearby. His parents and his sister were in Sarkadia. Hallie had no idea how to get in touch with them.

She felt guilty, thinking that she had dragged him into this situation, where he ended up alone in a foreign country, injured, and away from his family. But after all, he was the one who decided to get on that horse in the first place.

Maybe if he had just stayed in the city, he would have been less tempted to perform these feats of derring-do… Hallie suddenly remembered there was one person who knew Luke and who could probably get in touch with his family.