Chapter 53: Bad Company

Customers walked by, staring at the giant brown stain on Luke’s shirt, but he didn’t seem to care.

Hallie thought about his question. Of course, she liked the fact that he was wild and unpredictable, but would it kill him to be a little more considerate?

“Do you think you’ll never be faithful to any woman, ever?” she asked in return.

He thought about this for a moment. “I intend to be perfectly faithful to my wife, once I get married. I suppose I owe it to my family not to embroil them in any more scandals. But for now, I’d like to have as much fun as I possibly can.”

Hallie looked down, trying not to show that she didn’t like to think of him getting married to some royal heiress. “Do they have a wife picked out for you already?”

“Sort of.” He rolled his eyes, tossing back a lock of his lustrous hair. “It might be Lady Raphaela. She descends from one of the noble families of Sarkadia.”

“So you have to marry somebody from the nobility?”