Chapter 54: Bad Company 2

Hallie was leaving the office when Luke caught up with her in the hall just outside of reception. He had changed into a fresh pair of jeans and a violet shirt that accented his eyes.

Looking like some exotic flower in his silky fabric, he took her breath away. Even though she saw him nearly every day, sometimes seeing him anew sent a thrill through her entire body.

“So, are you going to stay away from me ‘cause I’m no good,” he asked, “or would you like to go out for dinner tonight?”

“It’s true that you’re no good,” she replied, pretending to think it over, “but I am rather hungry.”

Her instinct urged her to turn around as she felt a chilling stare at her back. Hallie managed to catch just a glimpse of Miss Santer giving her the stink eye before the assistant looked away.

“Miss Santer has a thing for you, I’m sure of it,” Hallie said as they left the company offices behind them and emerged into the noisy streets.

“I know,” Luke said coolly.