Chapter 55: Mistakes of the Past

Dinner was brought on delicate plates that looked like works of art. The smell of fried beef and sautéed vegetables filled the air.

Luke’s energy was contagious as they talked about nothing and everything. Hallie felt the usual excitement of being with him, and he even tried to keep his wandering eye to a minimum.

He did flirt with the waitress, but not as much as usual.

All of a sudden, he declared: “I have to tell you something. Maybe your friend is right about me. I’m dangerous to be around.”

“What are you talking about?”

Hallie felt an emptiness in the pit of her stomach as she realized Luke had now had a few drinks and was ready to tell her his sad tale. By this time, she didn’t want to hear it. Maybe she was in denial about how bad he was.

“I used to—” he began.

“No, that’s okay,” she said, “I don’t need to know.”