Chapter 56: Reproached by a Teddy Bear

Hallie blushed when he looked at her like that. It was almost overwhelming, the idea that he was constantly seeking her attention, arranging to spend so much time with her, wanting her. Maybe it was not just that he was a royal prince but also that she had grown to like him.

Every time she was tempted to give in to his advances, she was equally afraid of ruining what they had. She feared one of them would be left wanting more, and most likely it would be her.

“Shall we talk about something else?” she offered. “A cold shower, for instance?”

“No amount of cold showers could ever erase my desire for you,” he replied, his pliant lips forming a mischievous smirk.

“Wow, you are drunk!”

“I’m only drunk on your beauty,” he said, devouring her with his eyes.

“All right, it’s probably time to go home,” Hallie said briskly.