Chapter 58: He’s a What?

Hallie tried to soldier on and try to get some work done, despite fantasies of what she could be missing swirling before her eyes. It was possibly the biggest temptation of her life, and she knew it could lead to the biggest heartbreak as well.

It had been easier back when she didn’t know Luke that well… the sight of him taking off his shirt in the middle of the yard as he shoveled manure was certainly picturesque, but back then he was just some pretty boy who didn’t have much importance to her.

Now, she had been entangled in his cat and mouse games and even won a few rounds, she thought she knew who he was, but maybe she was completely wrong.

Could she control her own emotions enough not to fall for him?

As if to confuse her more, the phone rang, and it was Finn.

“Sorry I’ve been out of touch,” he said.

“That’s fine.” In truth, with everything else that was going on, she hadn’t really noticed, but she was glad to hear from him.