Chapter 59: Terry's Ultimatum

Hallie probably would have told him not to meet with her, but Luke wanted to find out what was going on and try to disarm this bomb before it exploded.

He wanted to protect Hallie because her feelings got easily hurt when it came to Terry.

They met at a café farther away from the office than the one where he usually had lunch. He didn’t want to risk accidentally running into Hallie and having to explain why he was meeting with her sister.

“Terry, you’re looking fabulous, as always,” Luke began as she approached his table with resolute steps.

“Save your compliments for those naïve girls you seem to like,” Terry replied, keeping a cool façade.

“Like your sister, you’ve got a strong resistance to my charm,” he said, trying to weaken her defenses in any way he could. “I’m going to have to work on that.”

“The jig is up, Luke,” she began, “We know about you.”