Chapter 64: The Wild Mare

Luke couldn’t wait to finally make a romantic overture. Taking Hallie into a more natural environment was one of his trademark moves for activating a woman’s wilder instincts.

“Ah, the untamed wilderness!” he exclaimed as they rode across the plains. “Just trying pretend we’re in a cowboy film. We’re actually on private land, but don’t worry, I spoke with the owner, and he’s okay with us being here.”

Hallie smiled, and she seemed to trust that he was telling the truth, for once. “Of course, you must have worked your magic.”

“I did, plus an invitation of one of Austin’s finest private clubs.”

They soon arrived at the wranglers’ camp, which was set up near a copse of black cherry trees.

“What’s all this?” Hallie asked, taking in the cluster of tents, the truck, and the horse trailer attached.

“This is going to be our base camp,” Luke said, “From here we’ll make forays to catch the wild beast.”

“What wild beast?”