Chapter 65: The Chase

Hallie looked back to find Luke about to collide with the great stallion running at him. The powerful beast reared up on its hind legs, ready to smash its opponent with its hooves.

With great skill, Luke guided his horse to swerve aside. He kept up the fast pace, leading the stallion away from the group of wild horses.

Hallie and the others followed the black mare with the saddle. The mares, alert to the riders, ran faster, and Hallie lost sight of Luke. She felt he was able to handle himself well enough, and she focused on the chase.

Bert sped up and galloped on the opposite side of the mare as Hallie closed in on her. Other horses ran past, and a whinnying mustang nearly knocked Hallie off course.

The wind whistled in her ears, and the pounding rhythm of the horse hooves grew faster as the chase heated up.

Hallie had practiced roping steers and domestic horses ever since she was a young child, but this was different.