Chapter 66: Woozy

Whatever the kiss meant, it felt amazing. This was the kind of rush she had been looking for but had never found before. For a moment, she felt completely one with him, their inhales and exhales matching, their bodies aligned as if sculpted together.

Hallie raised a hand to her lips as she caught her breath.

“Wow,” she said. She had tried to think of something more interesting to say, but that about summed it up.

Luke had never looked so handsome. Maybe it was because he allowed his vulnerability to show, a tender look in his eyes and a flush on his face. He gazed at her in an astonished way, as if he hadn’t expected her reaction to be so positive.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he said.

“Of course you would,” Hallie teased. “How do you know I didn’t mean ‘wow, that was terrible?’”

“I just know,” he said.

“Looks like you’re overconfident as ever.” Hallie kept walking, inviting him to follow her with a glance.