Chapter 70: Never Trust Him Again

Hallie carefully stowed her burning resentment and anger to one side, deciding that she needed a job now more than ever.

It gave her something to do so she didn’t have to think about the disaster that was her love life. Even if that job involved helping Luke promote his company, she didn’t ever have to see Luke. She just hoped he would stay true to his word.

Considering his previous actions, it was not very likely…

Still, when Hallie showed up at the office, there was no sign of him. He was probably playing with his toys and throwing darts in his office. She quickly stepped into her own sanctuary and shut the door, anxious to begin the day’s work.

She started by checking her emails, and was not very surprised to find one from her old friend Perry. He was asking her yet again to be in his music video. Perry seemed convinced that she could do backup vocals.

“No thanks,” she mumbled, “My singing is worse than… worse than Luke’s! Or at least as bad.”