Chapter 71: The Surprise Guest

Even as she rushed into the house, Hallie still tried to deny that he could be here.

Maybe someone their family had invited for Thanksgiving had purchased that same exact car. Though it was not a very common brand for Texas ranchers…

When she blasted through the entrance hall and into the dining room, she saw the unthinkable: Luke was seated at the table with her family, enjoying a late afternoon fancy tea.

He had the same seat, next to Hallie’s usual place. Terry and Bill looked up in surprise, along with mama and daddy, but Luke himself was too busy saying something to Gigi and her boyfriend while twirling a biscuit in his hand.

“I don’t believe this,” Hallie exclaimed.

“Good afternoon to you too,” her daddy replied.

“What is he doing here?” she pointed at Luke, forgetting about all rules of politeness.