Chapter 72: Too Much Publicity

“The news! Oh, no!” Vivian exclaimed, “I can’t go on camera. I don’t have my hair done!”

Hallie just rolled her eyes at this because her mama’s curly hair was perfectly fine. What Vivian usually termed ‘having her hair done’ was to smooth it out at the salon so that she looked like she had been drenched in a heavy downpour.

“I’m not camera-ready either,” Sam mumbled.

He didn’t care that much about his appearance, but he was shy when it came to publicity.

Gigi looked amused, and Bob Masone pronounced, “I wonder if they heard about my prize chicken.”

“Yeah, why are they here?” Gigi wondered.

Luke seemed terrified, like that night at the dance when he ran to hide from Miss Santer. The only thing that probably kept him rooted to his seat was not wanting to lose his reputation as the perfectly-in-control guy who was on the level.

“I’m going to go see what they want,” Hallie said, springing out of her seat.