Chapter 73: The Negotiation

“Maybe there is a prince…” Hallie began, not knowing exactly how to complete the sentence. She had to improvise, and felt she was on the verge of being in “the zone”.

“Really?!” Perry perked up at once.

“But here’s the thing. I don’t think he’s ready to meet you, and it wouldn’t be a good idea to go barging in there.”

“But why not?”

“Trust me. This is all Terry’s doing. She’s hoping to embarrass me, and you’d be playing right into her hand by going in there.”

“You expect me to not go in there after you’ve told me I could get an interview with a real royal?” Perry exclaimed.

Hallie felt like shaking him. “Have you forgotten what Terry is like? Remember when she told everyone I had rabies in the third grade?”

Perry shook his head, his eyes filled with painful memories. “Yeah, that was something. I was terrified.”

“It didn’t do anyone any good, except Terry, right?”


At this moment, Terry herself came out the front door, hurtling straight for them.