Chapter 77: Cinnamon Rolls 2

Hallie shook her head. She was determined not to fall into flirty mode with him. “You seem to have a handle on it.”

“I’ll let you sprinkle the cinnamon as freely as you like.” He smiled at her sincerely, like someone who could be sweet and caring.

For a moment, she wondered if it was possible. If she could just forgive him, and they would pick up where they left off, with more fun conversations and heart-stopping kisses to come…

But she would have to be a fool to trust him again after what happened.

She shook the cinnamon container over the flattened dough, giving it a very precise, measured spread without going overboard.

“Okay, I see how you want to play this,” Luke said, his mouth curving into a crooked smile. Those same lips that had kissed her worst enemy were as cruelly tempting as ever.

“Don’t forget the sugar,” Hallie said, keeping her tone as unemotional as possible, “I know you like to spread it very freely indeed.”