Chapter 78: Hostilities

Luke was angry enough to tell everyone what Terry had told him about Hallie’s shoplifting. He realized now it was probably true.

She was an angry young woman, resentful of her family, and he could easily picture her doing some petty crime to blow off some steam.

He had had just about enough, and he wanted to let Terry proceed with her plan uninterrupted.

It was just as well that he ran into Terry in the hallway when he was on his way outside.

“Have you talked to her?” Her smile of anticipation seemed to say that she only expected good news.

Luke was not in the mood to indulge her. “I don’t want to be in the middle of this anymore,” he said, “You two sort it out between yourselves.”

“I take it your talk didn’t go well,” Terry called as he walked past her. “That’s okay, I didn’t really expect her to cooperate.”