Chapter 79: Retaliation

Everyone spoke at once, positing their opinions, and for a while it was total chaos as people compared different photos on their smartphone screens.

Gigi leaned over to Hallie and asked, “Is he really the prince?”

Hallie didn’t know what to say, too distracted by the action unfolding around her. Somehow she had a feeling they would figure out that it was Luke. Terry smiled maliciously from across the table.

“I think his nose is all wrong,” Bob Masone grumbled.

Terry’s husband was the only other person who didn’t seem excited, and Hallie guessed he already knew the truth.

Vivian tried to look back and forth between Luke and the media images.

Finally, she said, “It is him!”

“Yeah, I could have told you that,” Luke said, leaning back in his seat, looking resigned but self-satisfied as ever.