Chapter 80: The Rights to the Ranch

“It started out as fake because I just wanted you to notice me,” Hallie went on, everyone’s eyes on her. “I wanted you to give me a chance to do something useful around the ranch. I did good work, didn’t I?”

She felt like she was saying the wrong thing, but it seemed like anything she said at this point would only work against her.

“Terry, I can’t believe you ratted her out,” their daddy pronounced.

“You’re mad at me?” Terry exclaimed.

“I’m disappointed in both of you, but especially you, Hallie,” he replied, “You came up with this scheme just to make us think you’ve matured? Well, it shows exactly the opposite.”

There was so much Hallie wanted to say, but what would be the point? They would never see it from her perspective.

Her mama shook her head sadly. “I agree with your daddy: it shows a real lack of maturity. I just can’t believe you would do that, Hallie.”

“And you! You’re a menace to society,” Bob said pointing at Luke, “Did you know he unleashed a bear from the zoo?”