Chapter 82: Lonesome Again

“Drop me a line sometime,” Terry mumbled as she left the room.

Hallie was pretty sure Terry actually meant it because of how bashful she seemed.

She pictured texting or emailing Terry and actually getting a response. It was too strange to comprehend.

Maybe it was all worth it if she and Terry could finally become real sisters and this rivalry would be over.

At least, it was a start.

Hallie snuck out of the house as soon as everyone retreated back to their rooms.

Once she got into her truck, it was easy to drive the usual route back to Austin.

The shadows of evening fell over the landscape. Not too many other cars were on the road, this being Thanksgiving weekend.

She decided to look for jobs first thing in the morning. It was probably going to be impossible to work for Luke after what happened, and the least he could do was give her a good reference.

The further she traveled away from the ranch, the sadder she got. Here she was again, starting over.